This is a rough draft of something I'm writing for english class. I thought maybe I would share for some fun. Theres reasons its double spaced and stuff so please don't flame.

The fires on the horizon light up the midnight sky. Smoldering timber and ruble from years of

senseless destruction. The cold wind howls across the valleys with war cries from dead generals.

Bloody battles scream through the twilight between the divine and the devious. An endless effort for

absolute world domination; honor and justice will prevail. King Spliff takes this world by storm with

every last troop left on the field.

Born in a kingdom named Divinity, with a monarch of great wisdom. A true man of honor fights for

justice. My loyalty was sworn as sword soon tapped this fierce warrior of knighthood. I can still

remember the buckle in my knees as I stood proud and tall before his majesty. A very exhilarating and

keen moment in Utopia.

A steel sword was slowly crafted in the hot coals. My plated armor was hammered to a glisten like a

mirror as it embraced my sore muscles of might. Several years I trained the strongest horse in the field

to straddle with pride. A pure white horse with magical and evil talent; a soldiers tank.

I was raised to serve my kingdom. The people who surround me is my reason to survive. They

depend on me. First to vote and the best friend I met was Charm. A truly gifted and magical man who

showed compassion to embrace his fellow kingdom mates and teach them the ways of the land.

I felt an immediate connection with this fellow. Through the ages, this person has become a true

gem in my treasure chest and one of my most loyal friends in the world. A question I asked Charm one

day put me back a few paces in life and made me take more time to cherish the world in it's entirety.

“What does it feel like to be forced to join the military in your country”? A determined full spirit with

pride in his remarks simply stated, “You see, I must defend my country because we are so small

compared to your country”. True heart and love with honor for his country of Singapore! In my eyes,

Charm is a hero in ways at times few understand.

I spend times dwelling on world related issues and politics with respect for the cultures of society at

play. I think the world could be a true utopia if it had more mature leaders that respect one another and

embrace the planet as a whole. I often gloat about the fact that my country has nukes, I'm not

afraid, then to slowly realize, “Yes!, I am afraid”. With most of my kingdom in several countries

across the globe, all of us took pride in our home land. Our absolute destination, with a flag that rages

through the night. I lay awake wishing everyone is alright.

The kingdom of karma with some kamikaze generals that inspire to demoralize the nations, the

kingdom names at times a little over edge. The beast to defeat the enemies at task. The trenches of the

battlefield cast our shadows. Twenty five locations of pure drama and character. As ages pass, wars we

fight, time we spend hunting bullies; we've always seemed to hold strong to morals and friendship. I

would say that most our talent is from the roots of the divine. Some would say we're ruthless. I must

agree with all of the above; strong and determined is the way I like to classify it.

A group of talented individuals with real life stories, relationship problems, money issues, and pretty

much any other type of human distractions in life. The most important aspect is that we all met in the

same, on-line game with the same basic interest and that is, to join a community. A well respected

community of mature people with dreams and experiences from across the globe. Some, from hard

worked countries with harsh laws to the most peaceful humanity of all kind.

I think the worlds biggest mistake is the lack of communication with the younger generation; young

fresh ideals and thoughts; opinions that would make so much sense at times when the elder fail. Stuff

I see in the news, it's never the same as when I hear it from the words of people who experience it first


Some true friends, in some friendly countries, do things a different way; sometimes a better way

then what was taught of me. Times when I see a kingdom mate cry about his girlfriend, days when

somebody from Australia asks me how the Detroit Pistons are doing. I reach out with no boundaries to

learn from cultures most would never dream of. I crave knowledge of true heart and emotion from far

off lands. I feel the world is a gift, a precious crystal ball with lot's of future if man would embrace it.

As the ages prosper, I see a way of change in the future. A dark contrast of hope, maybe a

little shed of light on the issues as we develop. The most simple pleasures can be derived from the

most superstitious beliefs. Sometimes a kind word can travel a long way. Times when people feel they

relate; a shared common interest, a smile that honestly means that someone is content. A glory of all

that most we share, a hidden glory, the kind that needs no words or motion.

As the pirate ship sails, we still thrive on the lost cold days of Divine. The name holds true in all

we do. Several ages of monarchy, I feel it is my duty to bring forth the tradition. Most can feel my

aspiration as we drive tooth in nail with no consideration. Ask most the troops, we do good and few go

in vacation. Brothers in arms as one speaks, close friends with loyal we keep.

Enough of the gushy talk about best pals, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. You see, I'm a king in

my real world. I'm responsible for twenty five cultures, religions, and people of every space of this

earth. I might be greedy to say this yet, these are my people, my friends! I keep my close friends

tight. A firm grip on what's right, the rubber stamp, with witch I approve.

My life of a king makes me wise yet, poised at the fact that I have so much to learn. They could

yank this olive branch of thorns from my crown. The gems of my youth, the first state. Best of times

we admire they say. A kingdom full of fresh thoughts. The steam mist escapes from my breath, you

see during cold misery. No regrets of my past, no mistakes as this King Spliff awaits unspeakable fate.