ok first i wanna emphasize what im about to say is completely off topic and not related to abortion at all and dont quote anything i say

raki i can see where u r coming from, but its still very hard for someone to draw a clear line and say "this is when life begin". i know technically when sperm meets egg that thing will grow to become human, but u see, after the sperm enters the egg, it just start duplicating itself like any other cell. u do not have a mini version of a human and slowly grow big, u have a big ball of identical cells. and i mean IDENTICAL, from DNA to organs. these we can understand, because its the same as how any other cell grows. but then suddenly at some point, it receives a signal, and instead of duplicating to something thats identical to itself, they duplicate into DIFFERENT cells to form body parts/organs. we do not understand HOW the cells know what they should duplicate into and when they should begin. i dunno how much biology background u have to fully appreciate this but this is definitely something that will take decades or maybe even hundreds of years before we can understand. and i think if we should define where life begins, that moment should be, because its when the cells go from mindlessly duplicating into forming an actual human. its like suddenly injecting "life" into the ball of cells and they "come alive" to form all these body parts

and yes i purposely wrote a wall of text so only the cool ppl will take the time to read!