Quote Originally Posted by Uncle
wow cool. i don't know if u guys are americans, but if u are- congrats :) good to see some straight thinking guys on the other side of the atlantic :)
i'm not completely sure how things are with the car industry here in europe, but from the looks of oil reserves and polution i'd guess u should take japan's or our way if u want to be world wide competative. actually i think that ford for example produce cars specialized for the european market, observing our regulations. i guess that's a step in the right direction
as for the bailout, these companies are not banks and governments shouldn't bail them. if they want to survive, they should addapt. snugle's idea is good though :) oil and car industries go hand in hand
From what I understand, American cars in the European market have higher MPGs but they wouldn't pass American emmissions inspections. Retuning the engines so that they would meet American emmissions inspections is why we have lower MPGs. But American auto companies have always been about power and flash rather than economy and value. I'm pretty sure that they have the highest depreciation values of any automobile maker (not fact, not researched, going with observation). Couple that with the fact that there is a strong urge in some parts of the country to "buy American". While I have never subscribed to that philosophy, it is simply because I have always valued economy and value over flash and power. But if an American auto maker made a car that came close to what Japan or Europe can produce for MPG, life expectancy, etc. I would buy it in a heartbeat. The Big 3 deserve to go down if they can't meet the demands of their consumer.

Government regulations are important. Anyone who disagrees, look at what has happened to our "unregulated" market now. Minimum wage provides consumers with a minimum base income; why be upset about giving more money to the people who spend it (making the economy go round) when you should be upset about the people at the top who are hoarding it or blowing the money?

I am opposed to a government bailout for ANY industry.