I've talked with you a bit about this already GI, but I'll say it again (as I know I'm one of those GMs that lets the threads they create die). The simple fact is most of us are here because writing and stories interest us, it's not a profession, it's a hobby and an escape. Part of the reason I give up on threads is for the exact reason you are frustrated - you feel an obligation to keep posting for the people that joined and soon it feels more like a job than something you enjoy doing.

I'm not assigning blame, just pointing out from my own experience. I think we're seeing a trend with trying to get the players more involved with the story when they join, but I don't know how frequently that happens. I think too much reliance is placed on the GM to keep the story going, and the players, frankly, don't adequately contribute to plot development.

I just started posting in Furious, but after reading the entire thing I can safely say (no offense intened SoHee, Ren and Kain) that the plot in that thread was going nowhere once Ark stopped posting for awhile. Did they keep it afloat, yes which is a feat in itself, but no plots were added that they, as players, could play out themselves rather than rely on Ark to come up with something for them. It could be the case where they simply got stuck on a scene and did have things coming up, but I've just joined and in 3 posts created an entirely new story arc that we can play through.

I guess this is me ranting back at my frustrations of rpers who can expect so much from a GM all the while contributing very little in return.

GI, I'm not sure if you have GM'd, I hadn't for the longest time, but I would say if you want threads to be run a certain way, then why not do it yourself. You might fail, as I have on several occasions, but you ultimately learn and hopefully try to improve the next time.

In other news, depending on the activity level in Furious I might post another thread soon over the weekend - I've gotten back in touch with the writer within ^_^ Nothing elaborate, just a good old fashion fantasy thread, something the whole family can enjoy.