I am looking for a kingdom to move into, as I have just come back from a year break from the game. I have 3 years experience, all of which was in a top 50 (usually) networth/honor kingdom. I have extensive experience in wars and know the game inside and out. Though, I am a bit rusty on the recent changes, but shouldn't take me long to get back on my feet. Im would prefer that the kingdom not be "super" active, as I am not planning on putting the same ammount of effort into the game as I did last time.

I'm usually only online for 6-8 hours a day on weekdays, as I am still in school and do not have internet access during that time. I have absoulty no intention of waking up to get on in the middle of the night on a weekday for any reason, but I am available 24 hours a day on weekends. As I said, this time around; the game is just a pass-time, not my life.

I use IRC and MSN extensively, and I am extremly active during the time periods that I am not constricted from internet access (school). I love to discuss strategies or talk about the game in general and have no problem at all following orders.

If you believe that I would fit well in your kingdom, please either:

1) Send me a message on msn (firestorm_640@hotmail.com)
2) PM me here

Thanks, Ares.