"Calling all Jedi. This is Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The war is over. I repeat, the war is over. All Jedi are ordered to return to the Jedi Temple immediately. You will receive further instructions when you arrive." The voice of the ever sure Supreme Chancellor bleared from the radio of a dead clone. Some orders were just not meant to be followed, especially when the cold bitter truth was laid out before you like a play you were being invited to watch unfold.

On the clone-cam the scene they watched did not match the normally blissful illusory effect the foilage and vegetation of Felucia had. Huddled beneath the top of a giant purple mushroom Sephara and the Padawans watched in horror as Aayla Secura was riddled with blaster fire by her once loyal friend Lieutenant Bly. Order 66. Erika, one of the padawans, had intercepted the message being relayed by Palpatine, and with great confusion and distress they had watched as the Jedi Master and General was murdered.

Her jedi senses felt the loss of one so proficient in the force, and one of her close friends. Fear was rising in the hearts and minds of the young Jedi around her, Sephara knew they were not safe, but had to console them, "Come everyone, we must take one of the transports from the forward base camp and rejoin our brothers and sisters elsewhere."

As she put her hand the two closest backs and gave a gentle nudge to get their feet moving, Erika hastily cried out again, "Sephara look!" The veteran Jedi Knight turned back to the clone-cam. It was Barriss Offee this time who was centered on the screen. The Mirilian Jedi Healer was running from the Droid Army towards what appeared to be clone allies. Before the Jedi could even say a word an AT-TE opened fire and vapourized her.

"Master!" Zonder, Barriss' padawan screamed out in desperation and lunged at the camera. All at once, being witness to such tragedy became too much to bear for Sephara. Like a dam bursting a flood of emotions cascaded through her body casuing two parallel tears to trickle slowly from each eye.

"Come," she said again, her voice harder this time, but her emotion evident from the quavering, "To the transports, now." She wiped the tears from her face and calmed herself using a quick meditative technique and then she followed close behind the group of padawans as they bounded through the jungle. As they ran Sephara reached out with the Force and eased tried her best to also calm the apprentices around her. Some had managed to remember their training even in this dire hour, but many were become inflicted by very powerful emotions of grief, despair, terror, rage, and vengeance.

Squad patrols on speeders were careening out of the camp as they arrived, their mission would be to find and eliminate the remaining Jedi on the planet, which meant them. It was a fortuitous enough turn for them, as the camp was left largely underguarded.

"Dex, Leila, Norlo," she called the three who had managed to maintain their balance, "Take the others to that transport on the farthest edge of the camp and prepare for take off. Use stealth, I'll join you shortly."

She left them with a reassuring smile, then headed along the edges of the camp towards the blaster turrets. Escaping the notice of the remaining clones was an easy enough task. Once at her targets she quickly disabled them, then proceeded towards the vessel. Quickly boarding Sephara found that all the padawans had arrived safely and the ship was ready to go.

"Lift off. Take us past orbit and engage the hyperdive on a course back to Coruscant." Without so much as a blaster being fired their way, the Jedi sped out of Felucia's atmosphere and soon were galloping through hyperspace.

---Days Later---

A low, sinking hum announced the arrival of the ship in the Coruscant system as the hyperdrive was disengaged. Sephara was preparing the lay in a course for the planet itself when a space transmission blinked to life on the com screen.

Senator Bail Organa's face appeared and spoke. It was a warning that the Clones had turned on their Jedi masters and that Palpatine had risen as the new Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Sephara's thoughts turned immediately to Master Windu who had been her Master and something like a father to her. He had been on Coruscant and would never have... the Jedi accept the truth, and the only conclusion was one she did not want to believe.

The Jedi Knight altered courses to intercept Bail Organa's ship, a dark gloom hanging over her head.