ooc: I can understand the desire to move on to the briefing, but this is the meet and mingle portion, and as GM I do not particularly enjoy being rushed (aka the announcements of time which many of you have been guilty) Just to re-set my expectations as GM since its been a long time since anyone has played in one of my threads these are my expectations:

1) Feel free to create aspects, histories, factions and subplots as you see fit so long as they do not: Interfere directly with something I've said, or something I've set up in the world, if you aren't sure, run it by me first. Don't worry, if you think something will work and it doesn't I'll let you know, I won't mind either, so long as it doesn't KEEP happening.

2) Try your best to leave the pacing and MAIN storyline in my hands. I'll do my best to keep things moving if you just start getting unbearably bored post about it in the OOC, but don't rush my pacing IC. This will most assuredly bring down GM'ly wrath upon you should I think you actually did it on purpose. (DOn't worry Matt, I know you weren't trying to do that)

3)When we get into combat, feel free to handle the baddies generate for you, and within reason to generate your own, as long as I don't specify that a baddies is under my control, consider it an NPC and completely at your mercy.

4) remember we aren't Gods, take damage.

5) remember we're having fun, don't cripple yourself five seconds into combat.

ALright I think that's the basics. Course the last one is more of a suggestion, for your own sake.

Oh, and Matt, GELFS even older ones do not need to be frozen, for Story reasons one for the reasons GELFS were created differently than Pure Ones is so that they do not need to be put into deep freeze. The reason Pure ones (except the occasional experiment like MArsaik) are not created anymore is that they represent too big an invesiture of resources for a soldier that will inevitably break. More of this will come out IC, but figured I'd let you know. IF you have a reason other than age why you get frozen let me know.

Azrael thanked the makers when the other GELF left. Finally. He sniffed around some for a seond, his nostrils flaring, as he searched for the scent of anyone else that might have the intent to join them. Then he spotted the wall across from them where the clock showed just ten minutes till briefing. "Ah well, ma chère", He paused puzzling over the phrase, he knew he had used it to address her before, but he could not for the life of him recall where it came from, or even what it meant, "It appears we are out of time for now. How is that beings immortal such as we seem to never have enough time for anything? We shall ponder the mystery of the last huge mission we partook of as we traverse the base to the briefing room."

He extended his arm to her, if the Protocls were going to wake them up for a mission he might as well enjoy what little peacetime he had. His mind drifted back breifly to the time when his mind was still whole, when he was not just a weapon, but also a scientist. Each of the Pure ones had had secondary jobs, aiding the research of the Protocols with the advanced minds and genetic knowledge they had been created with. They had helped to create much of the tech which now fueled the Protocols efforts, they had even helped design the initial GELF's, when the immenent mental degredation of their minds became evident.

As they walked (ooc: whether or not she takes his arm is up to her of course) His musings kept coming back to their last big mission. "I can't remember the details at all, all I know is that it represented the biggest threat the Protocols had ever faced and... ah, forget it. It doesn't matter." He said in frustration. "They'll give us our files and dossiers and whatever information we need, then we will go and kill whatever it is needs killing. Right?"

Mir Feel free to take us into the briefing room, everyone else may congregate there as they see fit, but feel free to take your time getting here if you have some interaction going on. WE'll have another meet and mingle time after the breifing and then on to the main story arc.