Casper was silent in the lift, preferring instead to listen, as he often does. The group seemed volitle. Any attempts at a subtle side of the mission may very well be impossible, especially with the large, aggressive GELF among them, and the considerable firepower packed in the cyborg girl. He assumed the Pure Ones could exercise some self control, and Longview was literally born for covert ops. Definately, this would be an interesting mission.

The life stopped and parted the doors. The group made its way to the small armory of weapons attached to the sim room. Casper noticed Azreal had already loaded a sim before they had arrived; the scenario known only to him. Casper donned a suit of light armor, mostly useful for lessening the damage from direct fire and possibly mitigating glancing hits. He took a tactical helmet, though the computer inside would not be needed for the mission once he synced his internal processes with thier tac-coms. For now, though, it served as viable protection to his most valuable target.

For weapons, Casper took a medium range semi-automatic carbine with a scope. It was more powerful than the average assault rifle and could be loaded with a variety of ammo types (explosive, AP, incendiary, stc), though it was limited to encased plasma slugs. He also took a pair of laser sidearms and a combat knife. His particular weapons were made with andriod interfaces, using the same universal plug in his wrist. Standard weapons didn't have these modifications, for they only served the purpose of better allowing the andriod (or cyborg) to make use of thier targeting capabilities.

Casper approached the door to enter the sim chamber, and activated combat mode. His sensors and audio/visual recordings ceased and his tactical components came online. He turned to face the group, capturing each of thier faces and appearances as they were fully geared. He entered them as temporary hostiles in his mission database. The paramaters for thier hostility were simulated environments. He turned back to the door and patiently waited the sim to be started.