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Thread: Game Changes

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  1. #1
    Former Community Manager Thundergore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Game Changes

    To ease the transition to the new code, which is based on age 42, changes will edge back toward the game as it was then. Only minor changes this round -


    * Income : +25% (was +30%)
    * Science Effectiveness : +30% (was +20%)
    * Defensive Specialist Strength : +1
    * Magic Effectiveness : -25%
    * Specific Spellbook – Greater Protection, Aggression, Pitfalls
    * Elite Unit – Knight (6/3, $750, 5.25 nw)

    * Building Efficiency : +30% (was +25%)
    * Free Building Construction
    * Immunity to Fog
    * Thievery Effectiveness : -20%
    * Can't use Accelerated Construction
    * Specific Spellbook – Fog, Animate Dead
    * Elite Unit – Berserker (7/4, $900, 6.75 nw)

    * removed food penalty (new)
    * Thievery Effectiveness : +40%
    * Cost of Thieves : -50%
    * Population Limit : +15%
    * Homes increase population by 10 instead of 8
    * Birth Rates : -25%
    * No Access to Hospitals
    * Specific Spellbook – Quick Feet, Town Watch, Vermin
    * Elite Unit – Golem (5/4, $250, 4.5 nw)

    * No changes

    Dark Elves
    * Magic Effectiveness : +30%
    * No runes needed (was 50% needed)
    * Offensive Specialist Strength : +1
    * Wages : +30% (was +25%)
    * Exploration costs +30%
    * Dark Elves can use forts again (new)
    * Specific Spellbook – Invisibility, Fool’s Gold, Nightmares, Tree of Gold
    * Elite Unit – Drow is now 5/6, $900, 6.0 nw

    * No changes

    * Some offensive specialists are converted to elites on successful Traditional Marches (not on intra hits, diminishing returns on oversending) - slightly boosted
    * Offence specs and Elites can not die on attacks you make (but can be killed on defence/ambush)
    * No food needed
    * Spreads & is Immune to the Plague
    * Access only to basic thievery ops
    * Science Effectiveness : -30% (was -50%)
    * Specific Spellbook – War Spoils, Animate Dead, Reflect Magic
    * Elite Unit - Ghoul (9/3, cannot be trained, 8.0 nw)


    The Shepherd
    * Immune to Drought, Plague, and Storms (new)
    * 30% faster military training, building construction, exploring, and scientific research

    The Warrior
    * No change

    The War Hero
    * Access to enhanced Conquest Attack at all times
    * Gain 50% more Specialist and Building Credits
    * +25% Enemy Casualties on Attacks (new)
    * Can no longer send 25% more mercenaries/prisoners, and mercenary cost is back to normal

    The Mystic
    * No change

    The Merchant
    * No change

    The Cleric
    * Spell effect Animate Dead is always active
    * -30% troop losses on all attacks (was -20%)

    The Sage
    * No longer immune to plague
    * Every 2 Acres of land produces 1 Science Book per Hour
    * 75% Protection from Learn Attacks (was 50%)

    The Rogue
    * No change

    * Raze destroys all acres in war

    Magic (clarification)
    * If Explore Pool has 0 acres, you will only receive 50% acres from Paradise
    Last edited by Thundergore; 06-08-2009 at 11:36. Reason: Bringing up to date with final changes/wording

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