OOC: So pissed off... I wrote the PERFECT post last night and the forum ate it. I hit the submit button and the page timed out while I got something to drink. GRRR!!!!

I will attempt to reformulate.

I wouldn't categorize his clothing as expensive or Arlen as particularly well-dressed or fashionable. It's well worn clothing that is a hodgepodge of various lands he's been to. Everyone needs clothes when they wear out. ;)


It hadn't been long that Arlen lie beside the gangplank before be heard light purposeful steps coming up. With an eye peering through the palm leaves of his brim, he saw a woman step aboard with a strong will and soft features. Knowing he was there, she walked past and went on to take care of more important matters. He wasn't going anywhere and she knew it. Ah, he thought, so this is where the ship's organization comes from. The corner of his mouth raised slightly, the woman knew her priorities and wouldn't be distracted. He could tell as she spoke that she was a determined woman, firm but considerate.

The beauty turned toward Arlen, but stopped in her tracks to add one more item to the doctor's chores. "Now then," Again turning to Arlen, she stopped a distance from his head and addressed him. People had a way of automatically showing what sort of person they were made of. Arlen knew immediately she had manners, whether or not she realized that's why she wasn't right on his head wasn't important.

“I’m Sephara Na, First Mate of this ship. How can I help you?” Pleasant, business-like, and proper.

“Interested in signing up,” Arlen replied calmly, “I’m looking for some work.” He continued to lie down, but not out of disrespect. Why bother if he didn't know whether she was interested or not?

“Well, why don’t we start with your name, and what you’ll bring to our little team here,” She smiled pleasantly, but one of those smiles that told that she really didn't want to be here doing this. His hat came off and sat beside him on deck. Rising to his feet, he stuck the edge of his boot on the hat so it wouldn't blow away. He liked this one. His hair was tied back, but blowing in the soft breeze, a few grey strands starting to show in the light brown.

"My name is Arlen Vegough and I am a professional wanderer and adventurer forty years of age," he said simply. "During and before my time of extensive travel, I have amassed a great many skills. Working on a sky vessel is not one of them," he answered honestly and humbly. "I do, though, wish to change that," He smiled more with his eyes than his lips, "It suits my lifestyle."

"I survive to lust after my love, which is to learn about myself and others." Arlen's eyes narrowed slightly and his head turned a little as he looked directly into her eyes. In the window to one's soul, he saw beyond the frigidly cold iron gate of her will into an eternally tortured heart of fiery passion. It suffered in silence day by day and but would endure forever if it had to to gain it's prize, whatever or whoever that might be. He could tell Sephara too had gazed upon the scion of obsession. "I have a feeling that you know what I mean," he said lowly.

Her brow slightly furrowed in an expression Arlen wasn't sure was confusion or unexpected understanding on her part. Funny for how little was actually spoken.

His demeanor seemed to change suddenly from a serious attitude back to his usual relaxed self, "I ask only for a full belly and a place to stay. In return you'll have forty years of stories and experience to draw upon. If ever my opinion is asked, rest assured my answer will have a strong foundation of experience, knowledge, and curiosity along an unusually broad spectrum of subjects." His eyes narrowed again, but looking into the nothingness on the ground beside her, "I guess that was a long way of saying 'Jack of All Trades'," he said and smiled wide, looking her again in the eyes with a bright sparkle in his own.

Not quite suddenly, he remembered he didn't really know much about the Skysail Treasure Co.

"So what exactly is it that you all do?" Arlen asked. "Hunt treasure and rob mausoleums? Or are you the more sophisticated bunch I hope for?"

OOC: much longer than last night's and says half as much... As I said... PERFECT post last night. GRRR!!! >_<