So, both a strat and etiquette question: What do you do when a T50 kingdom razes one of your kingdom-mates 42 times? (And your kingdom is only in the 2 mill range) Not spontaneously, obviously - it seems our prov had the terrible flaw of actually being better that their smallest prov, and being ahead in acre count on the retals. Though they made the first hit... and had two small guys against our one (I at least didn't see this starting up, and wouldn't have stuck my neck into it before now even if I did...), they were still down on land until they started razing with the big guys.

Clearly, our guy was dumb to keep pressing the issue when we couldn't back him up. But you also have to sympathize with people tired of being told "you can't hit them, their kingdom is bigger than us". Your skill should matter as well as your kingdoms - kingdom size shouldn't be a total shield. I am not aware of any messages, though I can't rule them out. (I'd have thought he'd have mentioned them when he posted...)

Also, once they start throwing razes, it's a matter of principle. Either you wimp out, or you fight, all guns blazing. I, and clearly my kingdom-mate too, are the latter. But how do your fight when you are outgunned almost 4-1?

I am not a member of any alliance, nor are most of the kingdom, however we had previous association with one. (Actually, a slightly disreputable one at that, but I don't follow that carefully so I could be mistaken on their rep.) We've had 3 wars, and I think had a sufficiently clean fight to earn our opponents respect... but their the same size we are, and I can't imagine they'd want to be involved.

So who sticks up for the little guy? Or can we just stick up for ourselves? Can someone our size actually kill their king? (We'd target the king, obviously, since this is clearly a full kingdom behavior on their part... and we can't hope to kill them all.) Do we war, and ask for outside help? Do we avoid war, and ask for help? Or is so hopeless our only choice is to just take it, no matter how rotten? Should I be posting their identity here? (I can beat the filter/mods just fine, for anyone that knows how to look.) And do I need the kingdom behind me, or should I just start the war without our leadership having responded yet?

All views and advice welcome - excluding only posts containing *only* comments about how dumb it is to be here to start with, without anything constructive.