I'm feeling pretty helpful atm so was planning on doing a sort of teaching tool for newer players (and to some extent older players too). I was thinking of having for each topic (eg. Attacking, Magic, Theivery etc.) having a basic, intermediate and advanced section which is like a mini-guide to help teach people in a way that's available to everyone.

What I'm after atm is a list of sub-topics to go into each section for attacking only now. I'll aim to expand later, but would like to just focus on attacking for now.

What I've got so far:


- Explain Soldiers, OSpecs, DSpecs and Elites and their values
- How to read a targets Def
- How to calc your Off (only raw numbers, generals and OME)

- The effects of different buildings (TG's, Forts, Stables, GS etc.)
- Target finding for land hits
- Basic overview of the different attack types
- Stances and Wages and how to use them

- Utilising the gains formula
- Building optimisation (TGs/Stables, Forts vs. GS etc.)
- Target finding (learns, plunders etc.)
- War strategies (chains/semi-chains and how/why they work)

I'm sure there are plenty of other things to include, so please suggest things, I don't want to leave anything out that's important.

I was thinking of setting it up in a describe the situation (eg. sols are 1/1, offspecs are 5/0, so give 5x the off each), then giving examples (eg. if I have 100 sols and 20 offspecs, I have 200 off points [insert calc here] ), then finally explaining why that is the case and/or why it is important (eg. chaining works cause of overpop blah blah blah).

What else should I include?

How do you think I should set it up?

P.S. I'll keep you updated as I try this out and see how my plans are working.