Jolt's decision not to do anything with Utopia is indeed saddening

its akin to saying

"if we can't have Utopia, No one else can, lets burn it to the ground so no one can do anything with it"

is this the reason why Jolt's been so selfish as to not sell the game to someone who cares about it?
someone with the experience to fix such bugs,lags, scripts?

I've been reading the forums intensely for while now..
i didn't register even when the new code was introduced..
but i finally have to break my silence..

yes i do admit i was one of those opportunist who farmed those scripters
but hey... if it was removed from the start.. we wont farm it..
it was laid out bare wide and open for everybody to see...

I've been playing Utopia for about a year now..
I really regret not being able to play it during Mehul's time
Its exciting to hear that the game once boast players up to 100k
I can only think of such numbers..
How easy it would be to find wars, to find plunders, learns and what not..

I came into the game early last year..
got hooked.. and now barely one year later..
i see the game falling apart due to the dev's arrogant attitude

if they have a shred of conscience left in them
they will immediately sell it to someone who WILL do the game a favor
and turn it back to its glory days...

idk what else to say already
something inside my head is telling me to get ready for the worse
one day.. we will all try to login
and find out that the game has been taken apart...

this has been reinforced with the lack of dev's, mods (save for Patience) and helpers
not to mention the removal of Utopia from the main forums (which is pretty much dead w/o utopia anyway)
with Bishop (on behalf of Jolt) giving us a half hearted reply for that action

not to mention lydias who used to frequent this forum has been turning deaf ears towards topic started in the main forums, locking threads up, moving them back here

its as if Dylan C had told everybody to not give a **** about Utopia and let it die a slow painful death..
Dylan C if you're reading this (which i doubt you would) you're a selfish arrogant businessman..
with that attitude of yours.. you wont get far...

i wish everybody a nice night.. and all the best..
lets hope the little voice inside my head is wrong