hey, I'm nick, Im a student from near toronto Ontario Candada, so eastern time zone, I think -5 from standard. I jsut typed all this out once, and then it disapeared, so im doing this as fast as I can this time lol. I just started playing utopia again and got put into a terribly unorganized kingdom, who is practically at civil war lol. So im looknig for something at least a step up from that :P

my classes are kinda dull, so im availbe basically any day, any time 9am til 1am (my time). I might be willing to wake up at night (outside of those times) to make a hit or something, though to be honest im not 100% sure about my commitment to that.

Iv played around 5 ages several years ago in high school, though recalling the kingdoms Ive played for it feels like more ages. I played for I think 2 different kingdoms each for about 2 ages that were a bit organized, jstu enough for everyone to kinda be ont he same page, thoguh not all hitting the same person or waving at the same time all the time. I also played for an OA kingdom, I believe the nightriders, for 2-3 ages. we were organized, used pimp, usually coordinated waves and chains. I want to say we made it to top 50 for something, maybe honor, though I dont really rememberlol. I have played just about everything I think, attacker, t/m, a/m, a/t/m one time even lol. I can/will fill whatever role is needed.

I think I'm looking for a kingdom who will at least coordinate waves, and probably uses pimp. i may even be willing to log on at crazy times to hit in war. Probably with a kingdom goal of getting to charts, or at least as high as possible, for honor or land, or jsut winning wars. I really jsut want to part of a kingdom with a goal lol, whatever the goal is.

I'm not gonna say Im the best, cause im definately not, but I like to think im at least decent, and can contribute with, at the very least, my high availability to be playnig utopia. i can use whatever contact methods the kingdom wants, I currently use email and MSN. contact me here, since it tells me I dont ahve enough posts to include my email lol.