Quote Originally Posted by johnnydoe View Post
That's not a lot at all. 100 homes give you 800 additional peasants. That's such a sad addition to the population. Not a lot of ppl from high end KDs are going to reply to this thread 'cause they don't use homes since they run KD specific strats, which might make up for weaknesses here and there. But, if you are just talking about Utopian mechanics then those provinces are not well run. Just SOT any of the top provinces and see what kinda' BE they run. Most of the utopia can't be run like them. How many of us can run a 4k acre Orc w/ 89K def points and get away w/ it?
I wont bother with BE math, if you wont take my word on it calculate it yourself. There are formulas tucked away somewhere on wiki.
Pop bonus from homes is significant, using whole numbers like you do is misleading. 0.8 ppa from homes with say 10% pop science and lord title nets 0,9 elites/acre if you can aford to train them. Even for mid lvl elite like zerk/elord w/o horse with mediocre 130 ome thats over 8 opa, not exactly what I'd call sad addition. If you wanna get into orc with 140 ome it rises to well over 11 opa.
Reason top kd's stay away from homes is because they are useless for constantly growing province, w/o time and money they would never utilize them even if they choose to run them as means of increasing opa.

On the sidenote claiming top kd's provinces are not well run cause they have low numbers is silly. They run what they can get away with ... simple as that. Their goal is not to have best possible opa/dpa but to grow as much as possible. Pace at which they are growing makes it impossible for them to run overdrafted provinces.