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Thread: Age 51 Potential changes

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  1. #1
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Age 51 Potential changes

    Hi all - With the age end fast approaching here are the potential changes for age 51. We are going to continue to try and define the races and personalities so their roles are more easily recognisable.

    We feel the races are generally in a good place except elf, which isnt fitting the a/m role properly so we will be looking at changing that. As you can see we have reduced rogues and merchants bonus somewhat and tried to make Warrior and Tactician more identifiable.

    We'd like you guys to let us know what you think about these race/pers changes and about the individual races spellbooks.

    In addition to this we will be looking at changing the war/hostility meter somewhat and the end of war ceasefire period as well, as tweaking Chastity.

    Honor, as you may already be aware, is currently being scoped out with an aim of creating a more efficient and transparent system. We do not expect to have a new system in place for this age.


    * + 25% income
    * + 20% Thievery Effectiveness

    * - 20% magic effectiveness
    * Offensive Specialist Strength -1

    Elite Unit - Knight (8/3, $800, 6.5 nw)
    Spell book: Greater Protection, Aggression

    *+ 40% thievery effectiveness
    * 50% thief cost
    * + 5% population
    * Espionage operations are 100% accurate in war

    * cannot use hospitals

    Elite Unit - Brutes (6/5, $500, 5.0 nw)
    Spell book: Vermin, Town Watch, Quick Feet, War Spoils

    * +2 mana per tick in war
    * 20% lower troop costs
    * Defensive Specialist Strength +1
    * +30% spell strength and duration (taken from Mystic)

    * cannot use Dungeons

    Elite Unit - Elf Lord (7/3, $750, 6 nw)
    Spell book: Mystic Aura, Clear Sight, Fountain of Knowledge, Pitfalls, Amnesia, Quick Feet, Reflect Magic

    * + 20% BE
    * Free Building Construction (accelerated not available)

    * -20% thievery effectiveness
    * food consumption doubled

    Elite Unit - Berserker (7/4, $800, 6.0 nw)
    Spell book: Fog, Animate Dead

    * + 30% gains
    * 30% faster troop training
    * -30% Draft Cost

    * - 50% effects from honor
    * -20% thievery and magic effectiveness

    Elite Unit - Ogre (9/2, $850, 6.75 nw)
    Spell book: Fanaticism, Aggression, Bloodlust

    * - 25% attack times
    * Immune to Fog

    * cant use stables
    - 20% birthrate

    Elite Unit - Drake (8/3, $650, 6.5 nw)
    Spell book: Clearsight, Town Watch

    * Offense doesn't die on attacks you make
    * Successful land attacks convert specialists to elites *
    * Spreads and is immune to The Plague
    * No Food required

    * -25% science effectiveness
    * Access to basic thievery only

    Elite Unit - Ghoul (9/3, cannot be trained, 7.0 nw)
    Spell book: War Spoils, Nightmares, Chastity, Mages Fury

    * + 50% magic effectivness
    * + 1 stealth per tick

    * - 10% population

    Elite Unit - Beastmasters (4/7, $900, 7.0 nw)
    Spell book: All


    The Merchant
    * +30% Income
    * -25% Money Losses on Plunder Attacks
    * Immunity to all Income Penalties (Riots, Plagues, etc.)
    * Banks are twice as effective, subject to DBE

    The Shepherd
    * Land generates 4 bushels of food per acre daily
    * Immune to Droughts, Storms and the Plague
    * -30% Explore time and costs
    * -30% Building Construction Time and costs

    The Sage
    * + 25% science effectiveness
    * - 30% Book Costs
    * -30% Learn Time
    * -50% Losses on Learn Attacks
    * Every 4 Acres of land produces 1 Science Book per Hour

    The Rogue
    * +1 Stealth recovery per tick
    * Access to all thievery operations, including 3 unique to rogues:
    Greater Arson * Assassinate Wizards * Propaganda
    * Thieves Dens are twice as effective, subject to DBE

    The Mystic
    * Meteor Showers spell
    * All Guilds and Towers are twice as effective

    The Warrior
    * -50% Land Losses when Ambushed
    * +15% Enemy Casualties (on attack or defense)
    * -15% Your Military Casualties (on attack or defense)
    * +10% OME in war

    The Tactician
    * Access to enhanced Conquest Attack at all times
    * Gain 30% more Specialist and Building Credits
    * -30% Military Training Time
    * -15% Attack Time

    The Cleric
    * - 50% Your Military Casualties (on attack or defense)
    * Troops losses on attacks or defense converted to soldiers
    * 1 extra General

    Other changes:

    Increasing chastities rune cost, and reducing its duration slightly.

    Extending the end of war ceasefire period to 72 hours, and reducing the minimum time to 12 hours.

    Capping the meter and making the button appear to both kingdoms when this cap is reached.

    There are also some other plans and changes in the works, but we aren't quite ready to speak about them. If this changes we will, of course, keep you guys informed.

    Thanks for reading, please make your opinions known in this thread.
    Last edited by Bishop; 04-07-2011 at 16:09.
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