Quote Originally Posted by DDodge View Post
Im not bashing HaJ here but need something clarified.

When you are waved you have options:
Give up free wave in exchange for cf.
Declare war
Retal war

Am I correct in these options? Boko you said this to me the other day I believe. Ive also been asking lots of questions from monarchs that have mucho experience and wisdom, and gotten the same feedback.

So vengeance waving perversion then immediately getting double hostiled by HaJ seems like its way outside the "moral grounds" of the utopian community. Or am I looking at it wrong mad scotty? (being sincere)

If this action is ok I don't see how HaJ can call themselves a "defensive" alliance, and it would appear everyone needs to have friends and allies of their own before waving a HaJ kd since you are risking getting doubled by doing so.

Maybe im missing something, but I feel like these are valid questions.
Double Hostile... A curious thing.

I think perhaps a lot of people in this thread need clarification on this. If you cause a double hostile YOURSELF, dont go crying about it after. Its not like two HaJ KD's picked on PH and vengence. He caused one of the hostiles himself. Its not like 2 KD's just started beating on him for the fun of it.

If I was to get waved by someone then myself wave 3 other KD's causing a 4x Hostile, could I then cry about it in the forums after? When you go ahead and go hostile with someone, you better make damn sure they are going to war you and no-one else is gonna come after your ass, or it is your OWN fault. When PH waved Perversion he knew they would not war him straight from and EOW CF, he was looking for free acres. Your not always going to get what you want in Utopia, thats not how it works.

You dont just get to point and say "I want his land", then go ahead and take it. Tough titties, sometimes you cant get exactly what you want. And if you need to cry about it after you need to grow up. Go away and learn some diplomacy, go and learn how to play nicely with others.