you even send an ingame msg to anri said you vultured us after hostil with 8:32 trollfag
our provs was in the bad shape i told you when there sot?s where updated by them self we then ofc aid them soldiers so when you took intel they hade a lot more peasants , how you turn it is your call its still a vulture wave and only reson 8:32 trollfag cf us was so you cude vulture and you know this 2 , and you shuld be happy we took there cf else it be you dubbel hostile us and you know this whuld leade to other stronger kd wave you into your hostile with us.

Ofc a cf sent ingame with no deal can be brooken at any time i do agree but you dont take a free wave just to a few days later come back for more thats bad manners and i hope you can see that , and i hope other kd?s wave you for it becuse you deserve to get vultured your self by a bigger kd more prept then you then cf and then they break and come back for more a few days later.

I took your new?s after you break cf and there where no hostile with tlg or any one else if there where ops it was bad randome by you as it was for us to give fs ops on us.

in the end you the one that was greedy and came back for 2th wave insteed of come to me talk a deal after first wave. you saw a chanse to vulture and you took it and then you feel like doing it agin so you did i whuld not be surpriced if you come a 3th time is that not a charm ?

but wait simians just war smal kd?s even do 3 of 5 wars been aginst bigger kd?s.