To be fair there is nothing wrong as far as I can tell to tell a kingdom, war us or we will raze kill you. I have declared war myself to avoid raze kills. Mind you I started the raze killing in that scenario... but it was still worth losing a war at the time to avoid dying in return:P

Mind you I lost that war, and the penalty for losing was not as bad as it currently is so it didn't really matter :)

Anyway dude who is still smashing the KD why not just ask for 1 free wave in exchange you give a CF or start raze killing. No point arguing with a dude, or worrying about ethics. Your not a top kingdom no one cares about your ethics your reputation is non existent. Have fun its a game.

Seems both kingdoms are unhappy with the current scenario of exchanging hits ops into fortified. So yea, if a king gave me his word he was going to war me then decided not to, simply raze kill him and move on, or ask for a free wave and move on. No point sitting around forever.