The devs have screwed up and made it such that smaller kingdoms can toy with kingdoms trying to crown with absolutely nothing that the larger kingdom can do to retaliate. Why there's a need to protect smaller kingdoms vs larger kingdoms in a game where everyone starts at the same place, 400 acres, I have no idea. But I fundamentally have a problem with kingdoms that feel they can rob and annoy larger kingdoms than them for 4 months straight without any reprecussions.

I'm perfectly happy with an agreement with cats to just "fight people your own size" for as long as we both exist, but despite multiple attempts to ceasefire that went ignored, we were forced to go with a setup (elf rogue) to combat such annoyances.

We weren't trying to crown this age after crowning last age, and merely meant to repay those with our op power that were being unreasonable to us in ages past. We somehow went unhit for 6 weeks so ended up large so people may have though crowning was one of our goals but this age was meant to be a FSU age.

I respect warring kingdoms but when you simutaneously interefere yourself in hostiles of top kingdoms by robbing repeatedly as notices are being given I have a problem with this.

So the choices are clear, either learn to be somewhat reasonable after robbing someone for 2 months straight when they ask for a ceasefire and not ignore them, or we have no choice but to create a setup (which we did) to completely screw you over to combat your annoyance.

This is my olive branch