Quote Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
I knew you were going to reply to this and try to talk down to me. Why are you bragging about elit's war win. AFAIK your kingdom lost its past 6 wars and has not been a contender for the past 2 ages...I'd be more focused on that than trying to talk poorly about those doing better than you are. FYI no one bailed out, I said the deal is on as long as ASF holds the money, since that never happened there was *no bet*. That is very different from making a bet and not paying. Please go back to school your education is clearly lacking. Making a bet is like making a deal ingame. If we were supposed to cf and a condition to cf was you had to do X and you did not do it, there is no cf. This is money over the internet you obviously do it through a trusted mediator rather than neglect to send your $ and then demand to be paid when you win. Give it a rest. You always try to hard to talk down to me but at the end of the day I am the one running a successful top kingdom thats been beating the kd you play in for quite some time. If anything you are the mouth (like godly) that talks a lot but loses much more than he wins. I'm going to stop replying to you, until you actually get a positive winning streak vs. me sit down.

And FYI the one who actually plays but always makes an excuse for losing is baka. When Rage farmed bio to 52% NW range before they WD all of the sudden baka was in an "accident" then he was "taking time off." This age when you guys lost all your wars baka was "not playing" meanwhile 24h after he said this he messaged us asking for an extension on your cf. Its so funny how you cling on to that time you won once especially when you had loads of help from likes of dirty, trollfags, etc. Newsflash you won once and lost 4 times after that. If you want me to quote what you said "you are only as good as you are now" and right now you lost your past 6 fights and have not been a contender...so you aren't good and until you are again (if ever) please be silent. Just because elit beat someone does not mean you did, you had nothing to do with it and if you were running mother's advice im sure they'd have lost in spite of their advantages.
Uh what? I'm not bragging about Elit's war. If anyone was bragging, it was you pre-war how Sanc was going to be victorious :)

I fail to see what my opinion has to do with BB? I don't have a province there anymore and I haven't played actively for the last 1,5 ages because I have a wonderful daughter who I give priority over playing Utopia actively ;p

As far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty sure you'd have rather won a crown last age than win 3 instead of 1 war against us. Right now all you have is a charity crown. I'm pretty sure baka's crown with BiO has more prestige attached to it as your crown with Rage; he at least got it by fighting.

As for your bet; there was no condition that said money has to be at ASF, it was just suggested. You're just a sore loser who now looks for excuses to not pay your loss.