Hardest I've laughed in a while now :D For those who missed it:

[12:17:02] * Mansoor has joined #tactics
[12:17:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mansoor
[12:17:13] <Mansoor> I HACKED HAVOC!
[12:17:30] <Bishop> whats your support id?
[12:17:34] <Bishop> and i'll process that
[12:17:44] <Mansoor> no i was joking ffs
[12:17:51] <Bishop> its ok, i already have it
[12:20:07] <Bishop> Province details updated successfully
[12:20:10] <Bishop> thanks for confessing Mansoor
[12:21:40] <CelloGone> woah
[12:21:42] <Mansoor> Bishop!!! I didn't confess!
[12:21:53] <Bishop> oh man
[12:21:53] <Mansoor> i got hacked
[12:21:58] <Bishop> i cant reverse it now :/
[12:22:00] <Mansoor> it was realest!
[12:22:10] <Bishop> July 17 of YR7 The Lords of Utopia have swept down upon the province
[12:22:22] <Mansoor> don't make me go watch
[12:22:24] <Mansoor> damn
[12:22:29] <Mansoor> i have to login and watch now =(
[12:22:35] <Bishop> gl with that
[12:22:36] <CelloGone> holy ****
[12:22:46] <CelloGone> Total Networth 21,898,624gc (-2,415,974gc)
[12:22:50] <CelloGone> Total Land 142,369 acres (-14,650 acres)
[12:22:50] <CelloGone> (NW/A : 154.85gc)
[12:22:53] <Mansoor> Lord King, the Lords of Utopia believe you have been cheating. In their vengence, your province of Goddag yxskaft (SW:EA) has been utterly crushed.
[12:22:57] <CelloGone> Total Provinces 24
[12:23:00] <Mansoor> are you ****ing kidding me Bishop....
[12:23:06] <Bishop> **** you infidel
[12:23:16] <Sjet> oh snap
[12:23:41] <Angels> :O
[12:23:57] <Mansoor> that was the worst joke ever
[12:24:00] <CelloGone> 14.6k acres and 2.4m networth...POOF
[12:24:07] <Mansoor> my kd ****ing got scared
[12:24:11] <Bishop> it brightened up my morning
[12:24:11] <Mansoor> never do it again bishop
[12:24:15] <Bishop> \:D/
[12:24:18] <CelloGone> lol
[12:24:20] <Mansoor> i already made up plans on killing you
[12:24:57] <Mansoor> ok now i need to explain to the kd...
[12:24:58] <Mansoor> jeez
[12:25:02] <Mansoor> **** you put me in..
[12:25:08] <Bishop> its ok
[12:25:11] <Bishop> i will explain
[12:25:17] <Bishop> via your kdchat
[12:25:20] <Mansoor> thanks
[12:25:38] <Mansoor> Goddag yxskaft 12:24 halp halp i am under attack
[12:25:42] <Mansoor> that is not helping...
[12:25:46] <Mansoor> FFS bishop
[12:25:46] <CelloGone> LOL
[12:25:48] <Bishop> shush now