Hi guys, just registered to see what the community opinion is...

My kingdom was approached by another kingdom, who requested a war with us. We agreed to terms (push the war button as soon as available, nearly no-holds-barred but no PKs), and both kingdoms started dragons and exchanged hits over the course of about 24 hours. Afterwards, their KD had the war button active (we were hostile, they were unfriendly), and I asked them to push it. No response.

24 hours after the war button had been active for their KD, they declared war on another KD. My kingdom's dragon is nearly complete (we were waiting to send it until they pushed the war button), and they had a few provinces who had made hits on our KD that we had not retalled yet (we were holding hits until after the button was pushed). I'm wondering if my KD would be in the wrong to complete the dragon that we spent our money on, and retal our couple hits into their war during the first couple hours of said war.

What do you folks think? What would you do? I asked the king who had agreed to war, and he exploded on me, claiming that the wrath of all of his allies (certainly a bluff) would be brought down upon us, but to be honest, I feel like he deserves it for his lies.