I can't for the life of me figure out why the media insists on acting like Ukraine is an American problem.

What basically happened is this:

Ukraine has been, in some capacity or another, part of the Russian Empire for several hundred years. The Russian Empire (DBA The Soviet Union) fell apart in 1990. Recently a new Franco-German Empire (DBA The European Union) has emerged with the post-modern methodology of conquest by bureaucracy.

Now this new Franco-German Empire attempted to incorporate Ukraine in its usual way. However, Russia is still playing by the old rules where things like tanks and planes matter. They want their old Empire back, and at any rate they sure as hell aren't going to let the Franco-Germans have it. The Franco-Germans are now absolutely shocked and appalled that another power will defend its interests with military power.

But how is this the US's problem? If the Franco-German Empire wants Ukraine, they can go in there and fight for it. I don't think it makes any difference to the US whether the Franco-German Empire or the Russians control Ukraine.