North Korea is reportedly outraged over a new viral video that mocks the country's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un by showing him dancing to the beat of a Chinese pop song.

The dance video superimposes different photos of Kim's face over the heads of dancers and kung fu fighters in a variety of video clips.

According to National Public Radio quoting South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper, "the North feels the clip, which shows Kim dancing and Kung-Fu fighting, 'seriously compromises Kim's dignity and authority.'"

North Korea reportedly asked China to stop the video from spreading, but "Beijng was unable to oblige."

In the video, Kim's face appears on the bodies of dancers breaking it down in the street, on the hamsters from the Kia Soul commercials, and on a pirouetting dancer in a studio, among others.

The Supreme Leader sometimes appears in the video with a smiling Barack Obama, who kicks and pummels him in a few scenes. The heads of other world leaders, including Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, also guest star.

The video is titled "Fat Guy Number 3," according to the Irish Independent. The accompanying song is a Chinese pop hit called "Little Apple" by the Chopsticks Brothers.

YouTube is blocked in China, but the original video appeared on the video-sharing site Tencent, where it has more than 55 million views, according to the Independent.

It is actually a series of GIF images created by a man named Zhang who has over 190,000 followers on Weibo, China's version of Facebook.