Quote Originally Posted by Sheister View Post
You did not add a relevant fact other than perhaps it was motive for you to participate in the activity which is consider abhorrent and for which Emerit already apologized because it is abhorrent.

Please tell me how leaving out the motive for your crime prejudices you.

Please please PLEASE try to be logical or else take this to the other forum and start a thread there about what a bad person I am.

In addition, be aware that this article is not an attempt to go down every rabbit hole there is. The gross facts are:

An act was performed by party A. Based on that act, party B did a counter act. A and B debate that there is or is not justification for either act.

The specific elements of the debate are given in brief because no one wants to read walls of text. The denials are noted. There are no counterclaims other than the one which is noted.

The observable facts are the relative acres/nw's of the participants which is noted.

So seriously. You all are trying to make this article something it is not. Stop it.
The way your "facts" are written make it looks like I razed to help emeriti while I razed to secure my province and my kingdom. That is why it is important to post the size of the kingdom involved at that time and the explore push by BB.

Also, there is no mention that I sent a lot of messages that received no answers before I sent the razes. This is also a known fact.

And there is nothing about the deal made between me and BB to resolve this situation.