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Thread: The Faery Circle vs Fighting Faeries

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    The Faery Circle vs Fighting Faeries

    I'm sure there's a good amount of the utopia community that couldn't care less about the "AWar" and would rather have other things linked to their throne rooms. So I thought I'd share this interesting and ongoing war...


    Unfortunately we completely messed up the start of the war and I was too flustered to remember to grab the starting nw/land/honor. IIRC, all 3 were every close to each other. I do know that TFC was 0/0 and FF were 1/2 in wars.

    Going on 120+ hours of war now. TFC and FF had a bit of a squabble earlier in the age but it didn't lead to war. About 3 weeks later, with TFC figuratively starving to death for a war, FF gave the button. We had wanted to stay in Fort for another day or so because we had some inactivity problems, but we figured that this was the first real button we had gotten (in 4 weeks) so it wasn't an opportunity to pass up. We scouted them out, ran some ops to test things and prepared to declare on the 21st, which we did.

    June 21 of YR4 We have declared WAR on Hello (FF)!

    We had originally planned on running a NM wave their monarch, who was a large Elf/Rogue. When scouting with our ops, I managed to get a MV off first try without MF, and with MF cast I got 2/2 NM. I also had a pretty mediocre wpa, so this was a good thing to see. Since we didn't want to tip our hand too much, that's all we did. Now if anyone knows me, they know that Utopia hates me and if something involving luck can really screw me over, it's going to happen.

    The 3 spells we got off in hostile were apparently a fluke. We couldn't get any kind of a good success NM'ing. So we had to scrap that plan. So I quickly changed the orders. I wanted to get someone with army home chained so I set the target to LoneWolf, only as I was getting the orders switched, he made his hits. So our orders were a comical 0/2 to start the war and despite us declaring, they got 4 hits off before we managed to really do anything lol

    After that things stopped going so horribly for us. War has gone in a fairly predictable manner. They've been chaining down the provinces they feel are the most threatening and we've been countering their obvious attacking advantage with TM play. We had our Rogues AW their mystics to maintain MS advantage and have done our best to try and keep their econ under control. We spent our attacks trying to keep their offense under control and moving big threats out of range.

    War could still go either way and it appears it will drag into/through the weekend. I think both kingdoms are happy with their spot their in so it could be a long one. Current SN for the war:

    ** Kingdom news report **
    For the time from June 21 of YR4 till April 20 of YR5 - 120 hours
    [ - Seraphim online formatter ]

    ** Summary **
    Total attacks made: 350 (15,795 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 270 (13,992 acres)
    -- Ambush: 41 (1,803 acres)
    -- Raze: 2 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 10 (21,157 population)
    -- Learn: 19
    -- Failed: 8 (2.3% failure)
    -- Uniques: 149
    Total attacks suffered: 493 (19,931 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 408 (19,472 acres)
    -- Ambush: 9 (459 acres)
    -- Raze: 20 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 14 (7,105 population)
    -- Plunder: 2
    -- Learn: 27
    -- Failed: 13 (2.6% failure)
    -- Uniques: 165

    ** The kingdom of TFC **
    Total land exchanged: -4,136 (350/493)
    +622 Mercury Dream (14/4)
    +213 An unknown province (7/0)
    +101 Blind Guy McSqueezy (6/2)
    +70 psYchOTicHicKEn (16/9)
    +59 Vortex Math (21/18)
    +58 Super Monkey Roo (17/11)
    +56 sakura (11/0)
    +50 Beefylicious Purin (4/0)
    +35 I Thought I Was an Elf (33/19)
    +33 Faery High (8/0)
    - aMonkcalledLion TRM (6/0)
    -58 Deaths Killing Fields (25/25)
    -119 colorful cretaceous creature (0/1)
    -124 Tsuki no Fayette (15/24)
    -171 That Crazy Uncle Vinny (3/5)
    -293 Cuddling with orcs (28/43)
    -492 Squirting on orcs (4/11)
    -556 Indestructible Fairy (29/30)
    -670 Dark Science (31/42)
    -785 Red Hare (2/12)
    -1,068 TFC - Taylor Freakin Ceewift (42/152)
    -1,097 This is not Palem (28/85)

    ** The kingdom of Fight Faeries **
    Total land exchanged: +4,136 (493/350)
    +2,146 An unknown province (33/0)
    +827 SkyFallen (25/1)
    +806 Neglekted (19/7)
    +782 Dred (40/2)
    +724 bad and break u for breakfast (21/2)
    +649 True Blade of Malkier (17/6)
    +618 Gloomy Evil Forest (27/9)
    +363 So du bist expert (21/10)
    +273 Aztarothe (36/12)
    +262 LoneWolf (18/13)
    +261 Borel (20/5)
    +221 Walhalla (39/9)
    +86 Torrid (22/0)
    +34 Deadly Touch (20/1)
    - Amfipoli (0/2)
    - AXXK (0/1)
    -233 Not here (25/21)
    -402 Lot6 (0/4)
    -411 Eagles Nest (26/49)
    -567 Binh (23/38)
    -1,048 Taylor Swift (28/52)
    -1,255 Gwarbash (33/106)

    ** Uniques for TFC **
    I Thought I Was an Elf - 12
    Mercury Dream - 12
    Dark Science - 12
    TFC - Taylor Freakin Ceewift - 11
    This is not Palem - 11
    Vortex Math - 11
    Indestructible Fairy - 10
    Deaths Killing Fields - 10
    Tsuki no Fayette - 9
    psYchOTicHicKEn - 8
    Super Monkey Roo - 8
    Cuddling with orcs - 7
    aMonkcalledLion TRM - 6
    sakura - 6
    Beefylicious Purin - 4
    Faery High - 3
    That Crazy Uncle Vinny - 3
    Blind Guy McSqueezy - 3
    Squirting on orcs - 2
    Red Hare - 1

    ** Uniques for Fighting Faeries **
    Torrid - 13
    Aztarothe - 12
    Deadly Touch - 10
    Gloomy Evil Forest - 10
    Borel - 10
    Neglekted - 10
    Dred - 10
    Taylor Swift - 9
    Gwarbash - 9
    Eagles Nest - 9
    LoneWolf - 9
    Walhalla - 9
    bad and break u for breakfast - 9
    SkyFallen - 9
    True Blade of Malkier - 7
    So du bist expert - 7
    Not here - 7
    Binh - 6

    Dragons sent to Fighting Faeries
    On July 6 of YR4, January 8 of YR5, February 24 of YR5

    Dragons received by Fighting Faeries
    Sapphire on June 21 of YR4, January 5 of YR5, March 12 of YR5, April 9 of YR5
    Last edited by Palem; 19-06-2015 at 14:50.

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