Quote Originally Posted by Sulimo View Post
Heh, misunderstood your comment then. Besides, I never said I don't steal....

Please stop assuming I lie or cry or basically anything else you really don't know anything about. I even wrote before that taking acres in exchange for my taking gold is fair game and makes sense to me...if you're hitting once or twice into a hostile or war in response to me stealing a couple of millions I really won't come crying. Of course, it won't stop me from doing the same thing again the next time the kd needs an influx of cash. I think Cello can confirm, if you like.

In regards to the "growth kds don't plunder", this may hold true for those in the top 5 because they're still too occupied getting #1. But if true, you'll just be hitting our top provinces down whenever the opportunity arises. I don't mind.....so stop minding me stealing a penny here and there (yes, it is a penny compared to the amount you have). Also, the rest of the kds does sometimes plunder. And being >2x our size really won't stop them.
I'm not saying this to be politically correct, and my comment will be in some ways short sighted, but if they let kingdoms take a "penny" whenever they want, they will eventually find over 100 kingdoms doing it, and find themselves broke.