Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ed View Post
bluorr I have to ask since some idiot wants to compare what happened to you to what happened to us earlier in the age.

If vlahul accepted your CF and went away, then he did the same thing I would have done.

If vlahul declined your CF proposal, and kept waving you, then demanded you give up 10k acres before they accepted the CF, then they did something that only a jerk would do.
Free accepted the Cf and moved on. No complaints in that department. But if you say you do the same as vlahul, explain me something :)

The situation : you are desperate to war. So you sniff a target. That target understands that you`re onto them, so messages asking you to war them a bit later than their eowcf... Why do you ignore the messages and wave the said Kd? How is that going to bring you closer to your priority target : to war. I mean you get a free wave, some honor and acres but that`s it ... most cases, you won`t get a war. In most cases you`ll have the said Kd waiting dormant for you. So where`s the logic ...