Quote Originally Posted by lampost View Post
Oh really??? You may not like the guy, but Cruz was clearly the one who could have beaten Trump in a 1v1.
Could have, but he forgot that the big money wing of the GOP doesn't exactly love him, and there was a lot of #NeverCruz in the GOP; helping to unleash the dogs against Jeb? solidified the GOPe's hate of the man, leading to that utterly moronic 4-way voting strategy ****. Really the whole GOPe is to blame for their years of stupidity and hamfisted attempts to control the primary process through the most convoluted method possible, but Cruz is the X-Factor that really allowed Trumpism to gain traction. He really had to be ready to knife Trump in the back hard and come out with hit after hit to attack at his base. The attack ads he did run were some pretty weak sauce that played well to groups he already locked up, but failed to slice mini-Hitler's throat like they could have.

I don't know if that would have changed anything though - the GOP is a dying elephant and Trump is just the festering symptom of it.
Really the GOP needs to Learn2Rig primaries. Hillary showed you all how it's done in the DNC.