Zauper it takes skill to get to the numbers you got, unless you think you could do that in a ghetto :) no offense, but i don't think you could.

I agree the caps seem a little low..last age I had 200% magic after our second war win and 20% BE towards EOA....couple that with low spawn rates, the poor abduct rate, poor labs and revelation, it really devalues something that has been a huge part of the game since I can remember, it just seems "meh" but I still agree that its a step in the right direction.

"try staying out of fort" is a frustrating answer for alot of people. It benefits the whore tier cause they naturally spend more time out of fort.....and what are t/ms supposed to do suicide for 0 scientists? With defensive values already less than offensive values to require t/ms to attack to max out scientist or "stay out of fort" isn't a practical function of science for the future of utopia

Ethan I encourage you to stay, i don't know what kd your in but I believe mine has an open spot, maybe you might enjoy your lackluster science over here more :)