Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
Will be an interesting conflict. Spartans have big banks that should be more or less UB at least at the initial stages. Pandas controls the 4-6K region wtih 13-14 provs compared to Sparta having 0. Sparta has most of their KD between 2.5K and 3.5K acres, with Pandas having a smaller segment between 1.5-2.5K. Sparta should have slightl more pump and wpa (but looking at the numbers now it's not that significant) whereas Pandas have more size and will commence conflict in fort vs Spartans non-fort.

What makes this conflict so interesting is that as described above the NW-zones barely overlap, both for TM-range and attacking options. This means that each side has to carefully manage these ranges.

Pandas could try to drop Sparta's banks into their top core range, Spartans could opt to drop Panda's top core into Spartan's core range. And then we have the relationship between Sparta's lower core and Panda's top-lower core. So many interesting battles, which means this battle might be fought on various fronts.

The battle could very much be compared to Carthage vs Rome. Sparta has massed infantry complemented by war elephants. Pandas a large contingent of elite legionaries superior to Sparta's infantry, complemented by lighter infantry (skirmishers). The question is whether Pandas can fix the core battle while enveloping Sparta's rear with their light infantry, or whether Sparta can make use of their weight in the middle compounded by elephants to break Panda's line, then turning around to pick off the skirmishers.
Let's continue from here and leave the nonsense outside. Any comments from Pandas?