Quote Originally Posted by NighT View Post
@Raikon, I guess you have a point there. Oh well, two not caring kingdoms going at it then. Although one of the two sides is quite obviously taking the not caring to a whole new level .. Made our age though xD

Alas, the once proud province of Its seize the throne has collapsed and lies in ruins.
Thats the second time that province dies this age, both time wile it was beeing sat lol ... i had a good laugh at it :)))

On a bussines side of it ... yeah from what i recall ppl complaining about on hipchat it was at least 80m on 2 provs over a period of week or so, one guy suffered 2 major runs leaving him with 5M gold on 5k acres after 10 days of stocking money. There was more scattered robs i think, but those rly caught our eye.
Pretty much rendered his province useless since u cant aid enough to compensate cause of tb issues.

But yeah ... eoa so who cares ... lets just ride it out