Okey Proteus you are free to give an example of which top you successfully built? Why do I have to pm others to ask for something you can easily tell me? Cause it doesnt exist if you could have dropped one name you wouldn't need to bull**** so much but here you are bull****ting.

I never recall losing to Mercy nor their predecessors Edge and Angels (which we all know where trash tier kds that due to only long standing was in abs).

Well I was in the kd that beat your precious Rage .. But see how you dodge the question and throw it back at me instead of answering. Typical "I don't have anything to brag for for reals" arguement.

Ladies first, show me what you have personally achieved on your own in Utopia. Through your whole post you avoid answering it. What are you afraid of? Realize that you are nothing without the proper backup?

But you see the difference between you and me is that I am not so insecure in my utopian career that I have to brag and boast about how good I am to validate myself. Any idiot could have traded themselves into fame and fortune in utopia. I value other things instead.

But i am sure you sleep better at night knowing you failed to be an and own up to your bets and that you rode on ASF to fame. :)

Count on Proteus to deliver some drama.