Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin'Birds View Post
Lol... A coward? Liar? You mean like Trump the draft dodger? The man who can't handle **** being tossed his way but loves to dish it out? Trump who makes up false stories? Trump is the king of fake news. Trump is the biggest coward we have ever had in office. Period.
Trump is losing his own supporters yet somehow you think liberals are gonna vote for this chump? Lol... Just lol.
Trump had you morons pegged when he stated could shoot someone and his supporters would still support him.
Trump hasn't lied once when it comes to anything important. Like policy or goals of his administration. The media and elite just doesn't like his goals, so they rail against him. Liberal media is just one big lie and I don't believe anything they say. I mean behind close doors they say they push fake news to idiots who believe anything negative about Trump. Which is all there CEO cares about. Which is their words, not mine. ;)