Responsible diplomacy attempts so far:
Game Date June 23 of YR9
Real Date Mon, 31 Jul at 16:29 GMT+00:00
Sender The Conniving King My Name of My Province (1:19)
Recipient Lord Thanios the Hero of Deja Vu (6:6)
Subject Re:Death wish?
I'll take that as a yes. > Lord Thanios the Hero of Deja Vu (6:6) said: > >

Nah, just teaching you how to whore properly. Recommend you steer clear of provs that can triple you back when you're the only one in range. Only way you can break even here is if you have your guys raze down, which leaves them wide open to waves from other kds in the top-10, hardly an ideal situation.

> >

> The Conniving King My Name of My Province (1:19) said: > > > > Hey

What's your take on this situation? Who will come out ahead in this conflict, a semi-active Spartan safe to say ghetto or this unknown KD? Should Matija learn how to whore or should the unknown monarch frequent the forum/educate himself on Spartan culture more? Maybe both? Perhaps we are just stuck in a never ending loop of death and despair? Is there any hope in stopping this violence?
Leave your comments below.