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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    - Who are we ? -

    Ok guys, seen alot of posts about bart the last few ages, and i see alot posts from what i would consider new people
    i do not know, and they see alot og posting from old people they dont know.
    So maby its time we we a lil inside into who the diffrent posters are.

    Here is a small story about me i hope others will follow up.

    Name: Michael im 36 and from Denmark my first age of utopia was in 1998.

    The first 1-10 ages i was playing small ghetto kingdoms and also 1 decent one (Naked AR)
    At this point i had not begun my evil ways (see later), yes i had ofc like others been deleted for having more then 1 province
    or beeing traded into my ghetto again after getting deleted, but considred what to follow i was pretty clean.

    Some time after the age of hodf(10) i picked up a hate towards asf and abs, back then
    i was pretty active on the forums (we had a string for only dk people)
    back then it was allowed, there i meet alot of interesting people
    like Cato the Elder (my idol back then) and Catwalk, Mordor and the likes of Warkrazz
    I have to say was pretty green when it came to playing a province but was very active
    in age 5 i manage and province crown (pretty good for an nub).

    Anyways the real story for be begins after ASF(evil abs leader) setup a GB on Cato The Elder
    (wont go into details as asf and i do not agree at all on events)
    For me this was the worst thing i ever seen in UT the big man (asf) tryinbg to keep the smaller man down
    with the use of others and unjustice i could not let go, this would come to haunt me and my game play for more then 40 ages
    This deep hate towards the big man and his powerplay and domination of the little guy.

    After doing my own small rebelion i decided i had to move it to kingdom scale at some point, but i had no real idea how to do this
    in School (i was study to become and IT tech) i meet a guy called Jinks who was a programmer and very soon
    he showed me this tool he was working on to creat "script" provinces in utopia, it was a very simple tool (no not at all)
    that could take files with names, countrys and all info you need to make a province, random them together and script
    many automatic, back then the demands was only you had e-mails to do it, so what we did was we found and free provider of e-mails
    and just mass created them, but since utopia had no service that would send and vertification email to the server,
    we never need to creat the emails for real (only when a province would land
    in the kingdom we wanted it in, so what we did was sit all day while it was making account. updating kingdom page
    see if one would pop up, if it did we would stop script, read the last 10 provinces back, find the name in the file
    and creat email and login to account, we now had a 100% new province in the kingdom i wanted to build
    the kingdom was Freedom, while i was doing this build i was playing in an all danish kingdom (almost) called Legoland
    (first kingdom ever to be all deleted) this kingdom was heavy traded like every account.

    As the hate and powerless feeling grew towards ABS alot of new kingdoms was emerging and alot of conteacts was made
    at this point in time a tool called ICQ was used, i personly had more then 600 people on my 2 lists (as they had a max)
    the belive was(and again asf and i disagree) was that abs was cheating in anyway they could, i give em they did it well
    i then decided it was time to learn how much so i faked my self into mor ethen one abs kingdom, and soon found them to be using a long
    list of tools (later on it would be the likes of trading, intel sites, scripting, xlog sites, bots and more)
    but at this stage of the game it was still not so commen, while bulding Freedom i meet a fellow dane called Munk i invited him into my kingdom
    and he came to play in this kingdom we soon after begain to use a site Munk was bulding, this site would allow intel store and for the
    purpos of "safe" trading setting up so your accounts would use a proxy from the same country as the account was from, at this point in time
    mehul had gotten smarter and he had build in some things and he did more manual deletions, so scipting would also be total redone.
    anyways as the kingdom was bulding the scripting was getting hard so i decided to take in a little trick i had learned from
    "abs" i would simply msg Mehul/Blake a story that i had been away and lost my province or some **** and he would move an account
    into this kingdom, but since he had no recording of where he moved people i manage to move 12-15 people or maby more into the same kingdom
    and another i was bulding called Tivoli (danish kingdom)

    Anyways as the time progress so the did the use of tools to combat the greater Evil(abs) i meet a real nice guy called Alpha who had a even
    nicer freind called ratty, they halped me build a tool for mirc that could play a province, or in my case many provinces
    it would simply have to be controled from a new tool we began to use (mirc) it could do everything but attack on its own
    it would login, build, train, cast as you told it to do, explore, when it came to attacks you went to mirc said "province" target "location" send:
    Offence Specs - Elits: Number

    Anyways i update my story as i get some more time.

    Builder and leader of the kingdoms: Freedom, Tivoli, Monolith(not the first), Ooz(not the first), Lust, KnockOut Nox, X, Beware
    Leader of: Fratzia(2),
    Player in: Naked, AR ,Legoland, Slash an Burn KLA, Monkeys, Playboys, BB, Sleepy(2), Ro0, Themango + more

    (alot more to come)

    Part 2.

    Cheating/deep love:
    So yes i scripted, and traded in my early ages, trying to build the very best kingdom i could here im first talking Freedom, to understand who we where i need to name drop a few players, like aviad, anne, ethrell , raynor, wictor, setho s, walle, adrie, cosmo, jink arjen, retard and lotsa other people, freedom was more then just a kingdom we where friends, ready to fight for everything we belive in and together, the kingdom was heavy cheated "traded" "scipted" moved in together bye mehul him self and blake:

    Infact the kingdom it self had people meet up and even 2 people found happyness together Aviad & Anne both from israel, this was the highlight did we care we had to use the methods to play together no we did not, at this point in time the munk site was yet to become and xlog site and was only a tool to safe play together, the day we broke up i sat down and cried for real, it was a huge emotonial day becouse we been so close for a periode of time.

    Over time many of my old players would come and join me in new kingdom like Tivoli, KnockOut, Lust X and so on and many many 100 if not 1000 of new freinds was made playing this game 10 houers from school everyday together with amokchen (amok) another great player and all the people on icq, mirc, msn, this game was a HUGE part of my life.

    At this time i was also living with a gf for 4 years, the love of my life (ye young and all) she infact left me in the end due to this game and the addiction to play every time i had a chance and get up a night for just lil things, i could wake up 2 times a night just to read msg and do some micromanage for my kingdom or should i say kingdoms ?

    The xlog and multi kingdoms.
    After some time it was no longer enoug to just play, lead and micro managet i moved onto making more kingdoms and manage more then 1 a time, began spending 10 houers a day scripting bulding, trading with others creating kingdoms and i never cared who it was as long as i got my fix(even gave provinces to abs), i created shell kingdoms (kingdoms with few players but all xlog on munk site) where i would put 5-8 people i trusted and help me run the kingdoms, at some point i could be running 4-5 kingdoms the same time, and even then it had to be more, i began to do heavy alog my self in the kingdom i was in just to be a lil more perfect get that lil advangses over others, this was the high light of my utopia but also the worse, the heavy xlog lead to none involved players got lazy dident want to login or simply dident care no more.

    The very first age of KnockOut Nox we at some point had 46 players, in basic every account had 2 players so one would be on at day the other night so we always could do full 25 people waves, hell if that faild we could always xlog (that is what killed that kingdom).

    The most seriouse kiingdom i created was Lust, i created it together with Tiaz(SE), and sylver (RO) and Toadi (French) + Ethrell my trusted nr1., this kingdom was so perfect and active that we never had to xlog infact Sylver was so hard against it i got bored and created another kingdom (shell) with Ethrell we used to target ABS banks while our main kingdom grew.

    Efter some ages this was found out and Sylver + a guy called brenton manage to convince 12 of the guys to leave and move to an later abs kingdom, anyways !!!

    More to come later.
    Last edited by Mike^; 10-08-2017 at 22:17.

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