So, given that this chart rule is rather new with the new ownership, I'm wondering in what instances of dev action it applies. Fake war is obviously one of many ways you can get actioned. I have just a few examples:

1) I get actioned for swearing at someone in game because they piss me off. I am suspended for 24-48 hours or whatever it is.

2a) Someone in my kingdom has multis unbenounced to me. Not like this has ever happened to me before because everyone I associate with us 100% honest and clean, but there's a chance that a scumbag can get through.

2b) Does it depend on how they use the multis? IE as their own personal intel/resource farm vs. baiting someone into warring.

3) A couple in my kingdom is actioned for multi'ing because they used each other's phones/computers at some point. I want to say this happened to Jesters or some other ghetto a few ages back and caused a mini-****storm.

4) Someone xlogs their friend for a hit/aid as they've maxed all their sitting for the month.

I'm sure there's other scenarios, but we have some gray area with what level of dev action could constitute removal from the charts unless the answer to all of these scenarios is yes. In the future will the chart removal be announced at the time of punishment or will ppl have to wait until EOA again? I don't condone cheating at all, but things happen with 25 ppl that isn't endorsed by a kingdom's ls. Or is there going to be a case by case thing of whether or not the person who committed these acts is ls? If so then what constitutes ls? Just steward and monarch?

And will fake wars be continued on a case by case basis? Because there were a couple gray wars according to the community last age that weren't actioned. There's also famous past instances where 2 kingdoms are warring but one of the warring parties is hitting out at 3rd kingdom while the other kingdom in war farms. Will devs have a different stance on that war than previous administrations?