Troops attack dragon with +35% increased power <-------- A nice bonus, only really effective if you have a group of Paladins.
-25% Defensive Losses <--------------------------------- Not really an attractive bonus. It's nice.. but highly situational. Combat Losses would make the entire personality more attractive
Immune to the Plague
Starting Soldiers +400
Starting Specialist Credits +400
Starting Wizards +400
All Paladin Only Spells & Fool's Gold <---------------------- Can take or leave Fools Gold.

In looking at this personality at the start of the age, I felt it looked like a tankier choice for an attacker, and a support focused mage. In practice, though, i think the bonuses sort of worked against each other, or at least didn't provide enough of a bonus on the Attacker or Mage side to allow them to effectively operate. No mage bonus means that the Paladin spells go underused, because the prov cant afford enough build space for towers/guilds (Attacker) or dedicate enough mana for self spells (Mage). -25% defensive losses is a bonus i don't really know how to use. I can see that perhaps a DE Paladin because of their building defense, but its probable War Hero would be a better choice for this. Perhaps for a TM, to slow down a chain on them, but it doesnt make sense to start from a position of thinking that your TMs will get chained. For an Attacker, despite there being better personality choices, more deaths while your offense is out is mostly better if you're getting chained. But on the point of better attacker and mage personality choices, Troops vs Dragons only really becomes a powerful bonus if a kingdom is running 3+ paladins, but -25% Def Losses and immune to plague are not quite enough sustainability for an attacker. For TMs, for every slot that doesn't go to a Rogue or Mystic thats 1 less that can do the war standard ops, MS and AW. But also, marginally easier dragon killing doesn't really seem worth it to sprinkle a few Paladins in with Attackers and TMs.

I like this personality, i liked Cleric, and it kind of looks like this is Cleric + some magery, which sounds great. However, i do think that its not quite where it needs to be to compete. My Changes:

Troops attack dragon with +35% increased power
*-30% Combat Losses*
Starting Soldiers +400
Starting Specialist Credits +400
Starting Wizards +400
*All Paladin Only Spells*
*+75% base success chance when casting self spells on own province*

Making it Combat Losses instead of Defensive Losses, its immediately more attractive for both an Attacker and a TM. I removed Fools Gold and Immunity to Plague for instead a flat success rate for self spells, this does push the personality further from Mage.. sort of. I think it allows self spells to be part of the way you run the province, not just for a slight bonus. It frees up a small amount of space that an Attacker or a Rogue might have had to dedicate to guilds, but it also preserves their ability to cast on themselves, i see this more as exchanging guilds for towers, for spell spam, rather than any other building. Immunity to Plague made the personality very much like Cleric, but i think it would be too much on top of other bonuses.