Hi there.
I'm opening this tread since I'd like to know if the Expose Thief spell effect receive bunus from:
Dark Elf +25% Combat Instant Spell Damage
Heretic +15% Spell and Operation Damage
Mystic +25% Combat Instant Spell Damage
I'm having doubts since in the spell descrition there is:
"Reduces target province's stealth to between 93% to 66% of original stealth."
And this don't really sound as damage to me (English it's my second language).
Since this is a Strategy Talk thread (and I'm not sure what I'm asking is startegy related either) I'll add:
If the bonus add, don't you think it's worthy to have a DE Heretic or Mystic in a kingdom since he can disable a couple of Thief by himself?
Please let me know what you think, thanks.