I won't critic on the current science system, although it does not look good. It is an attempt to try something. They tried it and it does not work as expected. Things like that should be encouraged. The team should continue to try more stuffs that is on their mind.

However, the quality of what you are trying, should be improved. The direction should be clear.

I mean, is there a goal you are trying to reach? Is there a stage you are trying build? So all the experiments are to confirmed the feedback, game play or so on?

You should not try something that do not has a purpose. Or out of random. You must know what you are doing so all the time you put into those codings, modification will worth it at the end.

The science system, implemented in this age, is something that is too powerful. You do not want to give more power to a prov because it serve no meaning at all.

For example, there is this point and example I have been kept telling Utopia teams, long long time ago.

The value of specialist, from 4 increase to now 6. The elites from 7-8 increase to 9-10. There is no point in keep increasing the value. Because they comes in parallel.

When the time you raise the elites to 12 one day, your specialist will go to 7 or 8. It makes no difference. It is a waste of time.

Proposed Idea:

Science, should be something that is gained through experience. When a province attacked a lot, so will his OME increased. When a province took a lot of acres, so will his acre gaining increase. A TM ops more, so will his mage and thievery operation effect increase. When a prov been hit a lot, so will his DME increase. So on.

There are some that might not fit into this case, such as how population, income or building time/cost works? I have no idea as well, but why don't we work on those which is logically implemented and separated them into two categories? One is gained through experience and another is invested in points. This will make it interesting. Those gained by experience should not be able to be learnable.