I know you can force CF on a KD outside warring range, but this proposal is to bring back full-range forced CF.

Taking it out this age, for the most part, has led to one of two outcomes.

The first one is that people enter crappy, two-day squashes where a larger, better prepared KD faced an inferior, less disciplined KD and destroys them. This is mildly fun for the aggressor KD (but lacks a real challenge) and sucks terribly for the lesser KD, which – in the lower ranks – leads to people quitting the game in frustration, something that Utopia can’t afford to have.

Now, if the inferior KD is disciplined, they can reach for the second outcome: playing possum. This leads to some losses, but wars are so destructive and last so long that it’s the best strategy if you know you're gonna lose a war against an aggressor KD – the enemy is reduced to merely attacking you (very few ops), and even then they face larger casualties, longer attack times and you enjoy gangbang protection. Not to mention that you can recoup your losses by attacking elsewhere, so with some skill you can coast the successive waves more or less calmly.

Meanwhile, the aggressor KD is stuck in an endless loop of sub-optimal attacking, trying to goad the other KD into a war, in a process that can last for days (usually doesn’t, though). This paradoxically results in less wars long-term, as people get stuck in a single target whereas forced CF made them look for a new target pretty quickly. It’s also not good for the attacking KD, for while attacking without retribution sounds like a good deal, you can often achieve that simply by being in a larger KD, and by limiting yourself to a single KD you necessarily attack targets that yield diminishing gains. Also, since there’s always a larger fish, you risk being waved by someone else.

My own KD had three wars in quick succession in the first four weeks this age, winning one, and then managed to have no wars all age long, despite looking for them. Sometimes we couldn’t find a target, but often enough our plans got disrupted by a wave by a larger, better prepared KD that we knew from the start we weren’t gonna war.

In short: forced CF is a definite approach that allows for faster, more efficient target finding for war, and as long as it isn’t enforced, and as people realize playing possum is the best strategy, there’ll be less wars and they’ll be less fun for everybody involved.