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Thread: Training Guide

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV

    Training Guide

    Anyone want to take on the challenge of moving/updating the newB guide to here?
    I would, I just don't have the time for it.


    I added all the "post your manuals" here. I really didn't want to see it get lost. There's a lot dead links there, but some of it is still active and quite useful.

    If nothing else it will give you a baseline to determine your own strategies/tactics off of.

    OMAC, these next 2 I'm posting you may wish to take a look at personally and use them in an update of the guide

    If no one else will take up the challenge, I will at a later date go through this to keep the knowledge from being lost

    I went through all the old links, and these are the only ones that are still active & relevant:
    Last edited by insane; 14-08-2008 at 20:19.

  2. #2
    Veteran Someone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    There is a newB giude?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    lol....there have been a few throughout the ages...
    Glorats, Borq, doobydoobydooo, and several others.

    Shame to have lost Glorats and Borqs' though. Cause they had stuff to deal with advance tactics and such. It is the REAL reason why the top kingdoms are the top, not because of trading and such.

    Though I find trading to be a very serious crime, that should be dealt with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    Moderator Feb 8th 12:15 PM
    In an effort to come to some sort of newbie guide in these forums I would like to propose that people who have a decent manual post it here, so we can combine them.

    I'm not asking for advanced warring strategies here, but rather the basics of how utopia works.

    Although Angel is not supported by swirve I will be posting up a short manual about it anyway, because most players use it.

    kel ravien
    Patron Feb 8th 12:31 PM
    short manual:

    1) have fun. it is a game.
    2) read the buildings and sciences portions of the guide.
    3) participate. see (1). if you aren't active talking to others in your kingdom, go play a one-player game.
    4) look at the kingdom page after you log in. look at your kingdom number. don't attack people in that one. they are your friends. try other numbers in there to find people to hit.
    5) a good target to hit often (but not always) has acres similar to yours, but lower networth.
    6) look at your spell list. see Crystal Ball? use it on others to see what their province looks like. don't attack someone because you have always hated sailor moon and you found a kingdom full of sailor moon lovers.
    7) if you're failing ALL your spells, i bet you forgot to build guilds... or if people are starving, you forgot to build some farms. go to (2).
    8) farms. undeads 0, dwarfs 14%, every other race 10%. you'll find you have extra food, but no dead pezzies littering the courtyard.
    9) if you're on windows then download angel from and install it. look at that cute blue crystal ball dwon beside the time. that is angel. ask your kingdom how to use it, this is a SHORT explanation. but as a hint: ctrl-a ctrl-c is a handful.
    10) get addicted, log on slavishly every hour, spam the utopia forums between logins, lose weight, hang up posters of mehul patel (no, you don't recognize that name yet, you heathen... but you will), then get committed when the servers go down. (and they will.)

    the raver.
    Member Feb 8th 12:41 PM
    my guide can't be posted...

    1. it's way to long (18 pages)
    2. it contains some unknown invalid charachters and can't be posted here.
    Member Feb 8th 1:06 PM
    Ten ways to improve your province and learn Utopia faster(in decending importance).

    10. Have a strategy. Its not as important as you think to have a strategy as a newbie. As a newbie you should be more concerend with the basics of Utopia

    9. Don't get discouraged. What I mean by this is that you shouldn't want to quit Utopia because you don't understand it at first. Everyone has a tough time when they are playing Utopia for the first time. Its a tough game to pick up but you can do it! Don't give up on it!

    8. Chose a playing style. It is important as a newbie that you chose to play a strict style instead of trying to play a combination of two. Playing two diffrent playing styles is tough, especially for a newbie.

    7. Don't build a bit of everything. This goes back to #10 and #8. Chose a strategy and a playing style that you would like to play, then ask someone to help you with what buildings you should build.

    6. Learn the math of Utopia. Utopia is a game of numbers and to be successful in Utopia you need to know what is going on. And for that you need to know the math. Don't use formatters for everything, try and do the math yourself. It may seem like a waste of time but you'll be a better player in the long run!

    5. Be active in your forums. Visit your forums often and be active in them when you do visit them. Ask questions about anything and everything. Don't spam the forums though, try to keep all your questions in one thread. That way you won't annoy people, :)

    4. Read the guide! Before you start asking 5 million questions you should read the guide a few times(! It will answer a lot of your questions. All the questions that the guide doesn't answer should be asked in your kingdom forums, or in these forums.

    3. Ask questions. I have talked about this a little before but asking question is VERY important. You need to ask questions about anything you don't understand(after you read the guide). The tougest part about being a newbie is trying to understand it. To help understand it better ask questions left right and center. Most people will be glad to answer them for you!

    2. Be active! To learn Utopia more quickly, and enjoy it more you need to be active! Log into your province often and visit your KD forums often. Make sure you understand what you are doing, if you don't ask someone. I'll say it again, stay active!

    1. Have fun! Utopia is a game of numbers, but it is also a game of interaction and fun! Make sure you have fun while playing Utopia. If you don't then whats the sense of playing?

    Member Feb 8th 1:07 PM
    however this is the first bit

    Part 1 - Basic Building Strats

    Rainbow strats -
    we all love them and we all hate them, what is a rainbow strat you ask?
    A rainbow strat is when a province has built lots of different buildings giving a small percentage in each of them.
    While this does look cool and you can say I'm bit of a mage, a thief and an attacker in reality it will only allow you to progress so far in the game.

    In order to obtain full use out of your buildings you should build large percentages of them, in reality no more than 9-10 buildings type should be used max.
    Personally I tried to use the max percentage as it gets full building efficiency potential from them.

    There is a strategy that is called overbuilding. This is where you build a small percentage over the max so lets say you make a grab when your land gets in you will still have the max building potential for use instead of having to wait some hours before you have the potential max efficiency.
    Moderator Feb 8th 1:35 PM


    At you can download two tools. One of them is called Angel, the other one is called Prophet.

    Angel is basically a glorified calculator. It helps you calculate the effects of your building strategy, how much you need to send on attacks etc.

    To be able to calculate these things for you Angel of course needs input. To get this input you go to the relevant screen and press CTRL +A to select all the text and CTRL + C to copy it to the clipboard. If angel is running and "turned on" (the crystal ball icon in your tray should be blue) then it will automatically format the information on the clipboard and load it into the program.

    Below is a list of possible information and how to get it:
    Format:Report/how to get it/preconditions

    Self-CB/copy Throne screen/none
    Self-SoM/copy Council->military advisor/Self-CB
    Self survey/copy Council->intern aff advisor/none
    Self SoS/copy sciences screen/Self-CB
    KD-Analysis/Copy The kingdom screen/none

    Kingdom Analysis/copy enemy The kingdom screen/none
    CB/cast Crystal Ball + copy/Enemy Kingdom Analysis
    (including the KD-analysis will include the t/m estimates of the target)
    SoM/thief op Spy on Military + copy/Enemy CB
    (including the CB will correct the SoM, which means you only have to send 8 thieves to get the SoM, hence no chance of losses and a 100% accurate SoM)
    Survey/thief op survey + copy/Enemy CB
    SoS/thief op Spy on Sciences/none


    Prophet is a province planner. While not perfect it allows you to check what your province will look like in a few hours if you get attacked. You can input your province and advance a few hours to see what your province will look like. It's also good to try out what the estimated effects will be if you change your building strategy.

    Online formatter
    Utopia temple also has an online formatter. You can use this to summarize the paper so you can see how the KD is doing in a WAR. (are we losing acres or gaining them, how many acres have we razed since the start of the war, etc.)


    This site has some nice tools. It allows you to search for provinces by name, see kingdom growth logs throughout the age and more extras

    Punar's formulas

    although no longer up to date this site still give good insight into the inner workings of utopian math. By looking at how things arecalculated it isn't hard to apply the logic to Utopia as it is now. If you want to learn more about things as modified DPA, then this is a good place to start learning.


    This site keeps track of the growth of provinces who appear on the top100 lists of islands in any category.

    Glorat also has War-forums for those who feel that the in game forums are not suited for storing Crystal Ball information and other material because of the danger of threads disappearing during war.

    It also offers an online attack calculator for those people who own a Mac and cannot use utopiatemples angel formatter because of that.
    Member Feb 8th 4:51 PM
    An introductory guide to strategic playing...

    ** TIP 1: Utopia Angel **
    You'll notice that the format you see your Throne screen and the format we post it in the forums is entirely different. This is done through an external program called Utopia Angel, which you can download at It's not a virus, or a Trojan, or spyware. And it's not made or supported by Swirve in any way. What it is is a program that takes all the formulas that a bunch of dedicated people have ascertained, and does all the calcs for you. Simply copy your throne page, and the program will calculate your DPA, OPA, TPA, and all those other fun ratios.

    Why should you bother? Two reasons. First, it's a lot easier to read than your raw CB information, and it's in a form that most players will recognize. Second, Export Lines. At the end of a CB (or any other kind of intel), it prints out a string of characters. If you copy those, the formatter will immediately reconstruct the original entry and import it into the other tools it contains.

    A few tips on Angel. First, as a T/M I can tell you that before you get CBs, copy the enemy kingdom page first. Although the thief and wizard estimates that it calculates are usually way off, it will give you a general idea of their relative T/M strength. Second, know how to use the Attack Calculator before you go messing with it. If you're not certain they don't have MP or TW cast, check the boxes to be safe. And although there technically is no random factor, SoMs and Surveys are pretty unreliable. Take their numbers with a grain of salt.

    ** TIP 2: Networth/Acre **
    In some ways, NW/A (networth per acre, just divide your networth by the number of acres you have) is overrated. People will go onto Utopia Temple Target Finder and search for the lowest NW/A in their size range, who usually has either just gotten out of a war, or has been hit 5 or 6 times in the last 30 minutes by others using the same target finder.

    Think about this. Today the target I hit had 120 NW/A, pretty low for my size. So I looked at the CB. It turns out he was an undead semi-suicider, but he could just as well have been an explorer with low draft (but still pretty good defense), or someone who just got all their peasants kidnapped and buildings razed and has yet to recover.

    But it is a good indicator if you're growing at a good pace. What I'm about to write are some guidelines for a good NW/A value at various acreages. Keep in mind that the further into the age you are, the more you should try to exceed this. Also, notice these are points, not ranges. Your NW/A should be constantly increasing as your province gets more and more efficient.
    500 acres: 100 NW/A (late age, you should be near here out of protection)
    750 acres: 125 NW/A
    1250 acres: 160 NW/A
    2000 acres: 200 NW/A

    ** TIP 3: Strategies **
    Utopia is a war game, especially with the recent (meaning, the last 2-3 ages) changes favoring war. As such, you should base your buildings and military setup around either attacker, thief, mage, or some combination of the three.
    - Attacker: gain land by attacking other provinces. There are many varieties of attacker, from suiciding (leaving virtually no defense, so that you're certain to get hit repeatedly if you're discovered) to bottomfeeding (hitting provinces smaller than you, so that they can't hit back). In war, concentrate on taking land from the opposition and keeping it.
    - Thief/Mage: Thief and mage are more or less a continuum. You can't really do one without some of the other: someone with all thieves and no wizards will get exposed non-stop and won't be able to do anything, while someone with the reverse will probably get all of their wizards assassinated by enemy rogues. You can, however, concentrate on one or the other, mostly depending on your personality choice. They normally gain land by exploring or dicing (the Paradise spell), and in war they concentrate on working together to disable enemy provinces.
    - Attacker/Thief: I don't really like this combination, simply because it requires you to split your draft. While a pure attacker might have 70% draft all in military, an A/T would have something like 60% military and 10% thieves. As you might expect, this doesn't work very well for either attacking or thief ops.
    - Attacker/Mage: This has gotten popular with the rise of the Mystic personality. The idea is to attack for land, but do some damage with spells beforehand, and have the ability to get most of your own intel.
    - Attacker/Thief/Mage: This is sort of like the farmer living on the remote frontier farm: he does everything and bites at all of it. If you try this, you either won't be able to steal from anyone but other attackers, or you won't be able to attack anyone but the occasional retal.

    ** TIP 4: Buildings **
    Most of the buildings in Utopia are percentage based, meaning that the more you have of it, the more effect it will have. And, conversely, if you build some of everything (the rainbow strat), you won't see much of an effect from any of them. Most strats utilize no more than 5-10 building types, ranging from a simple mage/dicer strat like the one I normally use to a heavy attacker strat with hospitals and dungeons. Most strats will include some of the following:
    - Farms: unlike Earth 2025 (other Swirve game), you have to make your own food here. Depending on how much you can steal and how good your food science is, you can get by with 5-10% (more for Dwarves), or even none if you're REALLY active with food stealing.
    - Homes/Mines/Banks/Schools: you may wonder why these are all grouped. These are your pop and income buildings. Homes aren't much use unless you can put 30% or more into them; there are better ways of using that much land. Mines are good for dwarves, people with low populations, and not much else. Banks are the way to go early age to increase income... the more the merrier. Schools are for after you put a significant investment into science: build 40% of them to make your science 60% more effective, which improves all aspects of your province.
    - Guilds/Towers: at some point, you will need to cast spells. If you're an attacker, you won't have too many of these, while a mage might have gobs of them. 5%/5% is probably the lowest you want to go.
    - Thieves Dens/Barracks: these are specialized strat buildings for thieves and attackers respectively. Most won't run more than 16% TD or 25% barracks, although their true maxes are higher than that.
    - Libraries: these make free science points. However, you still have to go to the Science screen and put them into a category. These are more useful early-age and for people who don't have the income or time to science pump (see below).

    You may also have some of the following:
    - Forts: the usefulness of forts is up for debate. Some say they're just a way of conceding that you'll get hit; others view them as a vital defensive modifier. 10% is the max for defense, and 20% is the max for the resource loss bonus.
    - Watchtowers: this depends on how much you think you'll be bothered by enemy thieves. Long decried as overpowered, WT are most helpful for heavy attackers and pure mages. 20% is the max again.
    - Hospitals: notice that big number next to Birth Rate in the guide. % * 10 is a lot, which is why many people speed build 10% of these at the beginning of the age. After that, they become more useful for decreasing losses, especially in combination with Forts or for use with a heavy attacker and a race like Orc, where how often you can attack is determined by how fast you can rebuild your attack force.
    - Dungeons/Stables: attacker specialty buildings. Most won't have more than about 5% stables and 2-3% dungeons; these make your attack force larger without forcing you to increase draft or spend money on mercs.
    - Universities: mostly used for science pump, which entails converting your buildings to almost all banks and unis and spending 2-3 days doing nothing but investing in large quantities of science. Sci pumps used to be more helpful before decay was put in 3-4 ages ago.
    - Armouries: mostly used for elite pumps, which are kinda like sci pumps except you're training elites. The problem with elite pumping is that the maintenance on elites is pretty high, so your income will suffer later on.

    Ah well, I've rambled on enough now. You may now return to your regularly scheduled province.
    Member Feb 9th 7:57 AM
    three rules for the elves in the high
    seven for the dwarves deep down
    nine for the humans, who seek fame and fortune
    one rule to rule them all
    one rule to find them
    one rule to seek them all, and in Nevyn's province
    bind them

    the One Rule is: NEVER EVER BOUNCE

    Member Feb 9th 11:06 AM
    Some Basic Help For The New Attacker

    Disclaimer: Remember that advice usually contains some type of personal preference or bias. Furthermore, as you gain experience you may wish to modify strategy to fit your individual playing style. That being said...

    Drafting Soldiers/Military Ratios

    Setting Your Draft

    As an attacker, it is currently reasonable to set your draft anywhere between 50-70%. Setting a draft below 50% will inhibit your province's ability to gain a reasonable offensive force. Whereas, drafting more then 70% can be dangerous, for a number of reasons. Keep in mind that your individual draft rate will vary and can/should be adjusted depending on: your race, buildings used/science levels, happiness level, peasant population base, your playing style (as you develop one), your current Kingdom relations and the relative strength of your Kingdom.

    As a general rule, lower drafts yield a better and far more stable economy, but lack the offensive power of those that that are higher. Higher drafts afford you the ability of a larger target base (depending on your draft ratio Def/Off) and *may* deter others from attacking you for fear of retaliation. A good draft rate to start out at would be 55-60%. This offers you the opportunity to grow a decent military force and will prevent you from getting into many problems associated with both under/over drafting as an attacker.

    *The numbers below represent percentages. The first number listed reflects offence, the latter defence.

    *Initial Draft Ratios, from the basic soldier.

    In regards to a respectable continuum, draft ratios should range from 40/60 to 50/50. Note, you may wish to modify this, but beware that increasing offence past 50% of your drafted military will hinder your ability to defend your province considerably (especially during War situations). Similarly, increasing defence past 60% of your drafted military will result in a weak offence.

    This will allow you to maintain a decent military ratio and should provide you with enough offensive force to locate targets on a regular basis.

    Elites: (RACE DEPENDENT)

    *As you gain elites adjust your draft ratio to reflect this and maintain the continuum listed above.

    *Since Elites and their effects are race dependent, strategies in regards to modifying draft ratios due to elite gains must account for variation in the specific race.

    Buildings and Sciences

    *Certain buildings and sciences enhance the ability of your army to defend and attack.

    Important buildings for Attackers (Primary): Barracks, Forts, Stables, Dungeons.

    These buildings DIRECTLY effect the ability of your army to attack and defend your province. As such, a new player is advised to use some combination of the above to aid them in creating a strong military. There are attacking strategies that do not utilize them. However, you would be well advised to keep in mind that they are race dependent and more complicated.

    Important buildings for Attackers (Secondary): Armouries, Homes, Hospitals.

    These buildings are also useful to the new attacker. Increasing elite gain %, reducing military costs, directly increasing population and decreasing defensive combat losses all serve to help the new attacker from quickly falling into obscurity.

    *NOTE: Other buildings can be extremely useful in providing indirect benefits, but you will have to research these benefits and decide which combination is best suited to your playing style and current planned building composition.


    All players should use it, regardless of race. How to do so is much more debateable and complicated. As an attacker, your most important sciences will be Alchemy, Housing and War sciences. These all serve in aiding you to develop a STRONGER military, which is your goal. This is where the use of those "other" buildings comes into play. Concentrate on developing these sciences first in the order listed above.


    As an attacker, it is a good *general* rule to train 1 thief for every acre of land you have. This ratio is often expressed as TPA, or thieves per acre. Even so, you will be vulnerable to thieves, specifically if you do not utilize Watchtowers in your build strategy. Not training thieves/building watchtowers is a quick way to get your province killed during a War.

    Personalities (Warning, EXTREME Bias present in these recommendations)

    War Hero: Currently has the potential to be the best attacker. This is highly dependent on the relative strength of your Kingdom.

    Mystic/General: There is versatility in both of these personalities. One provides direct added military strength (and other fringe benefits related to attacking). The other offers extra protection against mages and increased magic capabilities, which is hard to come by otherwise. Both are good for new players in medium strength or low strength Kingdoms for various reasons.

    One Starter Strategy

    Listed below is one *starter* build that you may find useful. This strategy is to be used after the protection stage. It does not take into consideration any advanced techniques such as *Elite Pumping* *Science Pumping* or modifications you may wish to make after passing certain acreage thresholds. However, it is theoretically playable throughout the whole age, though by no means optimal.

    Very Safe and relatively effective: For use with the "Undead" Race. *For general use*, modify buildings like Watchtowers and banks slightly to fit in 7-10% farms.

    Barracks: 20% Provides a direct increase to your offence. Troops are home much faster.

    Guilds: 10% Helps you build a decent base of mages. You may wish to lower this % 1 or 2 points later.

    Towers: 5% On the low side, but will provide basic Rune requirements.

    Forts: 10% Provides the current maximum defensive bonus.

    Watch Towers: 20% Maximum protection against enemy thieves.

    Libraries: 15% Provides some science, which you will need.

    Banks: 15% Money to train troops and build land.

    Stables: 5% Added offensive power.

    Strengths: This is a VERY safe strategy for the starting attacker. With a TPA of 1 (or greater) it provides maximum defence against enemy thieves and attackers. Under normal circumstances, it will keep you ALIVE both in and out of War. If you want a safe strategy from which to begin your experimentation, this is one will work.

    Weaknesses: It has a slower growth rate then more offensively oriented strategies. It is also top heavy on defence and the lack of Armouries/Dungeons reduces your elite gain % and pure offensive strength per attack. Low tower % will mean you are usually looking in the stables for extra runes.

    General Advice

    *Realize that most strategies assume that you have read and understand the informational guide.

    *Most strategies whether they offer advice on training your military, building your barren land or being a good mage are fluid. This means that you SHOULD modify them as your province grows and changes and you learn more about the game.

    *Do not attempt any 'extreme' strategies before first:

    -Experimenting with the basic ones readily available via the advice of your Kingdom mates, these boards and your personal discovery.

    -UNDERSTANDING exactly how they work.

    -Are ready and willing to accept the risks associated with each.

    Above all else,

    *Ask as many questions as possible during your first few ages.

    Hopefully this will provide a helpful hint or two on how to get started as an attacker.

    Member Feb 10th 8:30 AM
    I have a 200+ page guide, but it is not finished. If anyone wants to contribute, contact me:
    ICQ: 53843338
    AOL/AIM: trevdak

    Member Feb 12th 2:42 PM
    Don't take it too seriously. It's a game.

    Be active.

    Ask for help straight away. This to prevent rainbow strats new players end up having.


    Listen if a more experienced player is giving you advice. You don't need to do everything the hard way.

    Talk in the forums. People that do, often are seen better (liked more?) than the ones that play loner.

    Member Feb 14th 7:25 PM
    Guide to Advanced Tactics and Strategy:

    1) Delete your account at the end of the age
    2) Spend one age in intensive college-level courses on analytic calculus, cost-optimization, statistics, computer programming, spreadsheet and database managemement, economics, and most importantly multivariate analysis. Psychology wouldnt hurt too to try to psych out your opponents =)
    3) Win the lottery, kill a rich uncle, marry a millionaire, or discover sunken pirate treasure
    4) Spend the rest of your days in your room, staring zombielike at your screen until the turn of every hour, when you log in and maximize every last scrap of your province, spending your offtime in Excel and C++ trying to analyze every last aspect, and cursing God for not creating us in a universe with more than 3 dimensions so you could plot a graph to see what the best Uni-Lib-Bank ratio is to maximize your science income for any given daily income and acreage is.

    And yes, I spend 3 hours in Excel trying to do just that, it was hell =) Unis are useless by the way, unless you're under 400 acres. You'd have to have an income of over 300,000 gc per day at 1000-1500ish acres before you'd get any rational returns on your unis.
    Moderator Feb 14th 8:36 PM
    The motivation for this is to prevent new players from picking a few percent of every building, instead of focusing on a few buildings that will most benefit their province. The descriptions of the buildings would remain the same, but they would be organized differently.

    Before figuring out what to build, figure out if you're an attacker, thief/mage or want to try both.

    common buildings

    attacker buildings

    thief/mage buildings
    thieves dens

    cost reducing buildings

    other buildings

    The idea here is to have new players make one choice, and pick groups of buildings based on that choice. Currently, there are dozens of buildings, and new players have to make a decision about each one. New players should know they can pick any arrangement of buildings they like, but be guided towards the arrangements that have been time-tested and found most effective.

    This could help avoid the common occurance of new players having 1-5% of every building, and not knowing what to do about it.
    Member Feb 16th 7:17 PM
    First off, get icq, find someone who seems to have a clue in the kd, and talk to him... if you cant find one, pick someone in a big kd and message him... there are nice ppl out there.

    Have about as much offence as defence, or a little less.
    CB people around your own size.
    If you have way less defence than all of them, you need to train more ( unless they explore, and you dont).
    If you explore, make sure to keep a higher defence than anyone else you can find ( almost ).
    The game isnt static, check what other people have, get it yourself if it seems to work.
    This goes for everything btw.

    Generally you go for moneymakers/savers early on, and go for populationgivers/savers later on.
    Get 10% farms, guilds,libraries and towers in the start...
    See if you need more or less of them as time goes by.
    Make the rest into moneymakers.
    Arms and banks are good money buildings.
    Schools and forts are good pop buildings.
    Some barracks is nice if you are an attacker.
    Make sure to have enough stables so all your offensive troops get a horse.
    Horses are cheap and spaceefficient offence.
    Other than that, dont bother about buildings really... most stuff is good... but make sure to have some combo of the ones above.

    Sciences... get them... early and a lot.
    Science is the big difference between a good province and a bad one. Population is the greatest thing there is. War, food, runes and income aint half bad either.
    Get a lot, and get it soon.

    Read the guide so you know what modifiers stuff gives. Read somewhere else to find out what other stuff has... ( Bloodlust 10% offence, Minor prot 10% defence, fanatism 15% offence, fertile lands 25% increased food production... would be the useful spells to learn... only thing not in guide).

    Take cbs of people... try to guess if they are an attacker or explorer judging from their nw.
    This is the sort of skill that will help you get big.
    Learning to read nws and finding good targets is what makes your province big ( that, logging on a lot, and being in a good kd ). Buildings and other stuff people spend a lot of time on isnt important... being able to find a good target is.
    Dont just look at the guy you want to hit, look at his kd, will they be able to hit you back? will the guy you hit be able to? If so, hit someone else.

    Oh and always remember that population is king.

    Member Feb 20th 5:30 AM
    And some people have no Windows on their comp, so I tried to make an online formatter for all those Mac and Linux Users:
    New Member Feb 24th 3:07 AM

    You're currently at "Strategy Talk" section, go to "Moderator Comments" section & look for "Commonly Used Acronyms/Abbreviations" thread and it contents will helps you to understand those terms mentioned.

    Science pump is like having 25% universities along with lots of banks and spending few days doing nothing but investing in large quantities of science. Sciences give you the competitive edge.

    New Member Mar 4th 2:54 PM
    Here is the URL where I've kept my newbie tips and other Utopia related stuff for several rounds.

    Whining Wind Wood
    New Member Mar 8th 7:11 PM
    I made a website for the newbies in my kingdom. It's an Utopia screen by screen guideline. URL:

    New Member Mar 12th 11:42 AM
    I havent that much experiance in this game. I played Earth 2025 and from that I have a couple of points of wisdom to pass on.

    Its okay to ape another strat till you figure things out. ;)
    You want to maximize your strengths or other words a strat. You wont get very far if you dabble in a little of everything. If your gonna be an attacker, you pump all your stuff into what an attacker needs, if your gonna be a thief then you beef up the buildings and train your warriors to augment that. The guys on the top of the lists got there by specialization. Learn what each thing does and why. That way as you gain knowledge you will be able to tweak things as you go.

    Have fun it is a game. And even if you didnt make the top 100 in the lists, its okay. One day you will. It will take a few ages. Praise your self for each bit of progress you make.

    Dont beafraid to defect if your kingdom isnt very supportive or has decent leadership. You become a winner by hanging out with winners. Stick with each kingdome for an age. Alot can change over an age and sometimes what looks bad at first pans out in the end.

    Ask lots of questions, youll get better faster. Experimenting takes along time. People love to help.

    Dont be afraid of failure. Its valuble. It tells you what works and what doesnt, and most of all it tells you you are trying. All the wussies on the sidelines can heckle you for your mistakes, but they are too chicken to get out there and actually do something.

    Cheers. =)
    New Member Mar 24th 10:51 AM
    1. Have fun
    2. Find friends
    3. Read before you write
    4. Smile and the world smiles with you! :D

    It can't rain all the time.
    Last edited by insane; 15-08-2008 at 19:58.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    New Member Mar 29th 4:59 AM

    It is a partner site for the utopian tempel, and I think that it is a great guide.

    I haven't made it.
    Crimson Blade
    New Member Mar 30th 1:04 AM

    Essentially some documents on Utopia. Used to be hosted on my kingdom's forums. Until I discovered it is too messy.

    Work in progress, some info is not accurate.
    Phake Phaery
    Member May 19th 1:58 PM
    To learn common basics: Please visit the Guide. BUT the guide does not tell you how to "play."

    -You must log in at least once every day.

    -Is one of the first things you see when creating a new account. Each race has it's own characteristics (as seen in guide).
    -Each personality is unique as well. The "safest" ones to play which are good universally are "Mystic" and "Shepherd"
    -The reason they are useful is because they save building space. Buildings do alot to defining a province
    -Shepherd also provides honor defenses.

    -Honor isn't important. However, it is always nice to have extra honor because you get bonuses.

    -There are two important and common playing styles you should know about.
    -ATTACKER AND TM (theif/mage)
    -As said before, your race usually tends to define your style. An Orc will almost always play as an attacker rather than a TM. Although sometimes you may find Elves and such playing as an attacker.
    -Each race has it's own role. You cannot effectively do both! So you must choose one or the other. This sounds dull, but remember every new age you can choose a new personalit/race so you can alternate to experience both.
    -To be honest, being an attacker is harder than being a TM because being a TM means you have less to worry about and are generally more safer. I reccomend being a TM for you noobs.

    -Your building strategy should reflect your playing style.
    -Many noobs have the rainbow strat where they build a little bit of everything, DO NOT DO THAT.
    -Do not have to many buildings, only have high %'s of some of your essential buildings.
    -Some buildings that do not go by the "Essential Building Rule" are dungeons, farms, and stables. You only build how many you need. No one should have more than 1% Dungeons.
    -EVERYONE in most cases should have 10% Towers and 10% Guilds (for magic spells), 10% Libraries (for science), and 10% or more WT (Halfling Rogues are killer). The rest of the 60% Can go towards your playing style. Attackers and TM's will use different buildings. Attackers never use Thief Dens and TM's never use barracks. Pretty self explanatory isn't it?

    -Science is very necessary. In the end, everyone will have science bonuses, and these bonuses go a long way.
    -So that is why at all times you should have 10% Libraries and even better if you devote a portion of your time to "Science Pumping."

    -Everything in Utopia is about military. TM's have less to worry about because they usually have more defense than an attacker does (attacker's sacrifice some defense for offense)
    -But then again it balances out, because TM's have to sacrifice defense for more thieves and wizards.
    -Utopia is a game about PPA (people per acre). More people means more everything.
    -More people means more DPA (defense per acre), OPA (offense per acre, TPA (Theif per acre), and WPA (wizards per acre).
    -A good draft rate for noobs is 60%. Try to have at least 1 TPA and 1 WPA.

    -When you devote some of your time to either pump sciences or elites.
    -Basically you sacrifice some of your power to be able to pump effectively.
    -As an attacker I keep about 25% Barracks but when I am science pumping, I use no barracks and 25% more libraries.

    ...EACH AGE
    -Each Age comes with varying changes. Mehul (the game creator) makes changes every age.
    -With each age and changes comes new styles of playing and such. One age, people will be suiciding (means you leave low defense home to attack people bigger than you) and another age suiciding could be a bad thing.

    -Download the program called Utopia Angel. Then ask your kingdom mates how to use it.

    -The most important thing is your very own kingdom. You should visit the forums every day and get to know your fellow kingdommates and to know what's going on.

    ***Having read this guide, you should be able to get a foothold into Utopia but it really is experience that will propel you through the ages of fun to come.

    Copyright - Rancid One - 2003

    = = =

    I got fed up with a majority of these "Bad" manuals that really don't do much to help noobs so I made my own. If you use my guide, please give credit where credit is due. I spent at least a good hour on this while waiting for Matrix Relaoded to get downloaded. :-)
    Member May 25th 10:05 PM
    Just some comments about Phake Phaery's guide:

    "-You must log in at least once every day. "

    If you're waiting for the 20 hour bonus. Less than at least 2 times a day (3-4 is better) and you probably should play another game.

    "-Honor isn't important. However, it is always nice to have extra honor because you get bonuses. "

    Depends on your aim and strategy. If you're just whoring, then that's true. If your goal is honor, it's completely false. If you're gaining honor to use as a springboard to grow later, it's somewhat true - it's a nice bonus, but you're spending enough of your age to get it that it becomes a crucial and nice bonus.

    "-As said before, your race usually tends to define your style. An Orc will almost always play as an attacker rather than a TM. Although sometimes you may find Elves and such playing as an attacker. "

    Don't bother attacking with an elf unless you are for some reason stuck with that race and have no choice.

    "-Some buildings that do not go by the "Essential Building Rule" are dungeons, farms, and stables. You only build how many you need. No one should have more than 1% Dungeons. "

    Minor issue here, but it's important to point out that stables and dungeons are essential for attackers only.

    "-EVERYONE in most cases should have 10% Towers and 10% Guilds (for magic spells), 10% Libraries (for science), and 10% or more WT (Halfling Rogues are killer). The rest of the 60% Can go towards your playing style. Attackers and TM's will use different buildings. Attackers never use Thief Dens and TM's never use barracks. Pretty self explanatory isn't it? "

    Libraries are usually not worth it except early on as most science will come from pumps, and only build WT's if you are going to war.

    "-So that is why at all times you should have 10% Libraries and even better if you devote a portion of your time to "Science Pumping.""

    Again, you usually do not need libraries if you are science pumping.

    "-As an attacker I keep about 25% Barracks but when I am science pumping, I use no barracks and 25% more libraries. "

    Science is pumped with universities, not libraries.
    V A P E R I A L
    New Member May 25th 11:03 PM
    Yes, let me just step in to agree with para618 and state that Libraries are NOT needed. The only time you should be running 10% libraries is under protection, or shortly after you come off protection.

    Sciences are really rediculously cheap, if you're going to do a science pump, you simply save money and then pump it into your sciences.

    You don't need libraries to do a sciences pump so don't get confused with that.

    As for only having 1% dungeons, that's just one style of play. You could try a different strat and have more then 1% dungeons, but again, as para618 stated - only attackers should ever even be concerned with this matter.


    I have never posted a strat here, honestly, because I don't like to tell people exactly what I do lol.

    But I'll give this advice...

    Everything is based around money. You need money to train units, to do sci pumps, to do elite pumps... you need cash to build and raze buildings - you need cash to explore - you need cash to be powerful.

    I love Banks. I use tons and tons of banks and keep my income extremely high. You'll often see people posting on the forums that they have plenty of gold to spare, and want to just give it away - that's never me. If I have gold, I find a way to spend it. Because of that, I always have large numbers or elites, and very good sciences.

    Money is NOT the only aspect of the game - don't get me wrong, but it is a huge part of it.

    Another aspect of the game that I find to be very important, is high tpa and wpa. Not only for TMs. Obviously, TMs need very high tpa and wpa if they want to accomplish anything, but you'll also notice that usually very strong attackers have a good defense against TMs. If you're an attacker, and you have 3 tpa and 15% watchtowers - you're not going to be an easy thievery target. If you've got 3 wpa, then smaller Mages wont be able to cast those annoying as hell Meteor Showers on you 24/7. Providing yourself with defense against TMs as an attacker allows you to be much more prosperous.

    Oh - and I wouldn't recommend a newbie using a FAERY. They're - in my opinion - hard to use. Especially if this is one of your first ages.


    As for Kingdoms, often you'll join Utopia and find yourself in a misserably tiny - relatively inactive KD and you'll be all discouraged and want to defect right away. Well... that could be the answer, or you could try to clean things up. The secret to all Kingdoms being succesful is activity. That's just blatantly obvious yes - but you must have an active Kingdom if you're going to go anywhere.

    For Kings... make sure you keep your Kingdom active. Keep them involved, make the forums a happening place where they want to interact with one another - where the provs want to help eachother out. Keep them into the game! And for those that aren't, kick them out of the KD by force leaving a vacant space and a chance for someone else to prosper in your KD.

    Just because you join a poor Kingdom, doesn't mean that you can't fix things up so that in an age or two you're a highly competative Kingdom. And hell, who knows, it could be tons of fun!

    Remember that along with activity, strategy and organization is key for Kingdoms. When we go to war (my Kingdom) it's just awesome to find those LARGE Kingdoms that are just completely unorganized. Even if they're seemingly so much stronger then you, if you run a tight strategy, and a have an organized attack plan, you can pick them appart and force them to surrender quickly while the unorganized Kingdom just fumbles about - everyone doing their own thing.


    I guess I've rambled on enough huh?

    One more thing - as stated above in just about EVERY POST ever in this thread.

    NO RAMBOW STRATS. You pick a playing type, and stick to it. You CAN NOT build a little bit of everything and ever expect to excel and be good at anything. Some of the advice and strats posted here are real nice... use them. Ask the crusty old vets in your Kingdom for advice. Get help! Learn how to play Utopia. And make sure you've read that little guide through and through before you even try to sign up!
    The Circus Midget
    Member Aug 21st 2:24 AM
    I put this in here mainly because it want to post it in my kingdom t the start of next age. It relates to attackers using thieves, hope you can find it useful too.

    Ok this mainly applies to newbie players in waring kingdoms:

    Are you an attacker with very few thieves? If so you are probably giving yourself a huge diasadvantage. I would recommend, as a guide, that you keep around 5% of your population as thieves in your military (which is about 2 for every acre you own ie 2tpa), combined with 10% or more watchtowers. Let me explain why.

    The first and most obvious reason is defence. How often have you logged in to see miles long lists of ops done against you? There are riots incited, horses and peasants stolen, troops killed in the night and forts burned. Not to mention everyone in the opposing kingdom probably now knows your province better than you do. Oh yeah, and at the bottom of the list is a message that reads "Forces from Annoying Git (#,#) came through and ravaged our lands killing everything bla bla bla..."

    This kind of thing really inhibits your own chances of being successful in the war, you have less troops, less peasants, less money, less runes and on and on. And dont forget the damage to your happiness. But with 10% or more (more is better, i usually have 12-15%) WT's and 2tpa, most of this thing will be avoided.

    The next point concerns happiness. The best thing about this is that ultimatly, keeping 5% of thieves in your population doesnt decrease your amount of military. Thats right, in fact in most cases it will allow you to Increase the size of your offensive and defensive forces.
    This is because by having a large and active thievery division, you will be able to increase your happiness by up to 2 levels (1 to get rid of the bad thieves message, and again to gain the good thieves message).
    Increasing your happiness by 2 levels increases your population size by 6%. After the thieves you have recruited, this leaves you an extra 1% to play with. So training the thieves has not reduced your military strength one bit!
    But there's more to it than that, you will also have an extra 6% military bonus. Yep, strange though it sounds, the path to a strong military lies through training not more swordsmen, but more thieves.

    The other great advantage is that you now have the power of thievery at your side. You will only be able to use them against other attackers, and probably only the one's who dont know the same secrets you do, but the advantage is huge. You can collect exact information on their forts, their elites left at home and their war sciences, maximising your own attack efficiency. And do you know how easy it is to burn about 4% worth of forts prior to an attack? It is one of the easiest ops. Experiment and see what ops work best for you. You can steal your oppponents horses and gold and use it to attack them (by buying mercenaries).

    Think about this yourself and see that it works, or if you can't just give it a shot and see how much better you perform. The most difficult part will probably be finding the easy targets in the opposing kingdom to do your ops on. But ask the real t/m's of your kingdom who the easy provinces are and i am sure they will help you out.

    Don't forget also that thievery is fun to do and will increase your enjoyment of the game (although i reckon being a halfling-rogue thief only is boring, better to be an attacker with small thief ability ;) )

    Have fun!
    Blood Raven
    Member Aug 25th 8:32 AM
    hmmm...and you guys expect anyone to actually read this thread in full (i know i will, but the true newbies?)

    I will see what i can learn from the "guides" you guys created...meanwhile i may advertise my own "guide" as well here...

    Blood Raven,
    Head investigator of the Happiness Formulae and indicators

    Creator of the Tips and Tricks Guide to Utopia

    The Tips and Tricks Guide celebrates it's one year existance on the web! See how you can promote this guide, see the promotion inside this guide!
    New Member Sep 21st 3:00 PM
    I have devised a spreadsheet that finds the optimal number of homes to build, and lets people compare banks with training grounds.

    The spreadsheet is available via this link:

    [You need to have a UT account to download it]

    Member Oct 15th 3:37 AM
    Noob retal vs. random guide

    How to tell if grab is a retal or random grab agasint your kingdom

    When you see the grab against us in the paper, make a note of the island and kigndom number. format will be something like, XX:YY where XX is the kingdom number and YY is the island number.

    Now open up yesterdays paper. Search through the WHOLE paper for the same XX:YY numbers that the province that hit us has. Now search through todays paper.
    If you found the number anywhere within yesterdays or todays paper only 1 time, and it has this symbol by the newspaper entry(
    Then it is a RETAL and we should NOT GRAB them back. (though i dont see anything wrong with a little TM work over.... )

    If you find the XX:YY number more then one time, well now it gets a bit tricky, so pay attention!

    Count how many times, (in BOTH papers), you find the icon (
    by the newspaper entry xx:yy. Let this number = A for attacks we did against them.
    Lets say we find it 3 times, so A=3

    Now count how many times you find the (
    icon by the XX:YY numbers newspaper entry. Let this number = D for attacks We Defended against.
    Lets say we find this icon 2 times in the paper next to the XX:YY number. So D=2

    Now use the following formula.
    3(attacks we made)-2(attacks against us)=R
    If R is a positive number then they are doing a retal, cast droughts, steal his food or whatever, but find a DIFFERENT kingdom to grab.

    If R is a negative number, then muckem up!

    If R=0 and A or D was = to 0 then muckem up!

    if R=0 and A or D was not equal to 0 then just TM thier butt but look in another kingdom for a grab!
    Member Nov 19th 7:07 AM
    i dunno if someones alrdy posted something like this, but ill post it anyway, heres my spell combo handbook...

    Humans: When dealing with humans, the best way to take them out is to ween off their peasants. This is because they have -5% Max Population. Their peasants will already be low. Work on hurting the peasantry through fireballs and kidnapping.

    Elves: It is unfortunate that the elven race is the most well-rounded of them all. Because of this, it is best to do peasant and military-angled attacks, since they have no real weakness to exploit.

    Dwarves: The number one weakness of the dwarves is their food consumption. A starving population is a rioting one. This will make their military less effective. Hit their food supply with droughts and vermin, as well as robbing the granaries and casting explosions to stop aid shipments. It will keep them down.

    Orcs: This race is the most ideal for attacking, and so it is best to hit their military. Do nightstrikes and do anything to hamper their military. Try starving the population as well, although it won't be as effective as it is with the dwarves.

    Faeries: This race is highly effective as far as being a mage and thief. Because of this, it is best to hit them with Expose Thieves, Assassinate Wizards, and Lightning. This will hamper their efforts. Also hit their peasantry, since their birthrates are -35%. They'll be slower to come back.

    Halflings: They are the most dangerous of all races when it comes to thievery. Try to hurt their thieves by exposing them. Also commence Night Strikes to hurt their elites; people commonly pump them when they are Halflings due to the low value/double production of elites from armouries. Be sure to hit their peasants.

    Avians: The avians are incredibly risky, and should always be treated with utmost care. Hurt their military; they're quick in attacking, and can pump elites faster than any other race.

    Undead: The undead are not affected by food attacks, and so it is hard to drag their happiness level down. Hurt their peasants to the point of rioting so that their military won't be as servicable.

    Peasant-Killing: When doing peasant-killing, FIREBALL and KIDNAPPING should be done en masse (Although Fireball is more effective). These will drain the peasants, and make the province more prone to rioting. It would be best to add a routine INCITE RIOTS to hamper population regrowth and EXPLOSIONS to stop the aid shipment of soldiers to repopulate the peasantry when released.

    Starving: To starve an opponent, use the ROB THE GRANARIES op to drain their food supply until it is just about depleted, and then cast DROUGHT, VERMIN, and EXPLOSIONS. The drought and vermin, when combined, can make food almost impossible to regrow. Explosions prevent aid shipments from fully replanting their food. It is also handy to use INCITE RIOTS routinely to hamper farm production. Very handy on dwarves.

    Military-Killing: The best way to take out the military of an enemy is using NIGHT STRIKE en masse. This will take out their military. Handy spells to mix with this thief op are METEOR SHOWERS and NIGHTMARE (although Nightmare can drain your rune supply).

    Wizard-Assassinating: If an enemy wizard has got you down, the best way to hurt them is to use the ASSASSINATE WIZARD op en masse. Also try to use LIGHTNING to drain their rune supply.

    Pitfalls: Pitfalls on targets the attackers will take on create larger enemy losses on their behalf. This hinders the enemy greatly.
    Expose Thieves: Incredibly useful to use against any enemy thief, it causes their thief guild to be less effective.
    Tornados: Although not the most effective of spells, it can help bring the enemy down a bit, since they can become a huge nuisance.

    Patron Dec 3rd 5:55 AM
    Meluh, you rock dude, but the offical URL is
    its a better link to have in your favroits incase i move ISP again or my Domain changes heh.
    Smoke Jaguar
    New Member Jan 8th 8:32 AM
    It's not exactly a manual for play, but rather for becoming a valuable member of the kingdom.

    Following is something I wrote on August 26, 2003 and published first to my alliance, then to my kingdom, and now here. It has been lightly edited to adjust for the drastic changes that came with this age. Its function is to help inexperienced players get past the barriers they run into as they learn the game.

    I deliberately avoided specifics, as specific help is too varied between ages, races, and individual players to be of use to anyone. This is designed not to tell them what to do, but how to learn.

    So, without further ado, I sumbit for your criticism...

    Smokey's Twelve-Step Program to Growth and Self-Sufficience


    1) ASK FOR HELP. It seems simple, but as with any 12-step program, you have to start with admitting you have a problem. Here, the problem is that you are having trouble getting your province beyond a certain point. These forums are here for a reason. If you don't know how to do something, ask the kingdom. I'll stress this throughout this list.

    2) FIX YOUR BUILDING STRATEGY. A bad build strat cripples a province, and nothing can completely overcome it except changing strategies. This is where the more experienced kingdom members can help you out a great deal, if you'll let them.

    3) GO ON THE DEFENSIVE. Don't worry about being able to attack until you've caught up. Boost your defenses to the minimum recommended by your kingdommates. Strive to always maintain at least that minimum. If you are a mage, your WPA should be higher, but that would be addressed in your building strat with more guilds.

    4) STOP ASKING FOR AID. This may seem counterproductive, but so long as you're depending on aid, you're not going to grow very much. If you have a negative trade balance, work to bring it up to zero. You can ask for help doing this in the aid forum...people with positive balances can accept your aid to even things out, and provinces larger than twice your size can send you resources without impacting TB so that you won't be taking a loss for sending out the aid.

    5) EXPLORE. Once you have your defenses in place and no longer need aid (but not before!), start exploring 50-100 acres per day. Make sure you can defend those acres BEFORE you explore them, ie when you go to explore 100 acre, make sure you train enough military for 5000 defense points, and 200 thieves. If you can't defend the new land, don't explore it until you've drafted more soldiers and have enough money to train them. I like to stay one step ahead...when I'm at 1100 acres, I have enough defense for 1200, and train more defense whenever I explore. Grow your land into your defense, rather than growing your defense into your land.

    6) SELF SPELLS are your friends. Cast them on yourself if at all possible. Don't be afraid to ask for them in the aid forum. If you're exploring heavily, Love & Peace and Patriotism make the difference in whether you can defend your land.

    7) NEVER NEGLECT YOUR SCIENCES. Population and alchemy are must-haves, and most startegies I put together assume that you have food sciences in excess of +25% as well.

    8 ) ELITES ARE CRUCIAL in boosting your networth. One major criteria experienced people use in selecting targets is networth per acre. Low NWPA means you're a softer target, and will get hit more. Elites raise your networth without adding land, hence your NWPA goes up.

    9) GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. Once your province is completely self-sufficient, it's time to start thinking offense. If you're an attacker, training offensive specialists and probably more elites. If you're a thief, training lots of thieves is in order. Mages wouldn't do much, unless they need more towers for rune production.

    10) LEARN TO CHOOSE YOUR TARGETS. Lots of people never really figure out how to effectively pick targets. This leads to a lot of failed attacks, and is useless to you, and the kingdom as a whole. Use CB, SoM, SoS, and Survey (either your own, or intel from others) to identify targets which you can attack. Download and familiarize yourself with Utopia Angel (, as it makes attack planning substantially easier, and automatically formats any intel you might gather for posting in the forums. If you need help with this program, feel free to ask.

    11) PARTICIPATE IN WAR. Once the kingdom goes hostile with another kingdom, DO NOT attack outside the kingdom. You only invite interference, and do nothing to help the kingdom. Check the forums BEFORE you take hostile actions so that you are up to date on the situation. If you have problems, communicate. As you should have gotten your trabe balance out of negative a long time ago, if you need some aid, ask for it.

    12) COMMUNICATE. This goes beyond asking for help, and really beyond this forum. If you want to really succeed here, take some time to chat with your kingdommates. Get to know a few of the people who log on at the same time as you. Send them e-mail, talk on IRC, exchange IM addresses. The more you communicate and get to know each other, the better you'll work as a team.
    Member Feb 7th 1:02 AM
    Theorem, you really don't handle certain races any different than another, except for not bothering to starve undeads.

    The best combo will always be either tornados, or fireball/storms if you have less runes/wpa, along with all the other duration spells, and NS,riots, perhaps some AW.

    As for libraries, it's much more efficient to be continuously growing with libs than to stop and library/unis pump. If you don't want to adapt from last age, go ahead...
    New Member Feb 20th 5:38 AM
    scince pump .... just stole from human since
    Member Mar 11th 9:13 AM
    1) Create a province, read the guide a couple times through and analyze it.

    2) Have a goal. There's a good chance your starting kingdom ain't exactly top notch so a good goal for first age is to have a province that is able to grow, withstand wars and perhaps a province which can also get honor. Note that you can achieve this whether you play a T/M or an attacker.

    3) Learn the formulas, the math and the angel.

    4) Analyze your kingdom using the rankings.

    5) Depending on your analysis, ask advice from your kingdom.

    6) Learn about the basic terms used in Utopia.

    7) Finally, think and analyze everything and understand which is important in the game. Concerning province management for example one of the most important things is maximum population.
    New Member Mar 23rd 4:47 PM
    Also Theo, faeries dont have the -35 birthrates anymore. A lot has changed, I see many people havent bothered to catch up...
    New Member Apr 9th 6:15 AM

    New Member May 19th 2:59 PM

    The guy who posted...

    At all times you should have 10% Libraries and even better if you devote a portion of your time to "Science Pumping."

    ...was probably referring to UNIVERSITIES, not Libraries, is my guess. Just a typo..?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    New Member Jun 7th 4:23 PM
    omg... ignore the last poster.

    Forget your life as you know it. A life is weakness. Utopia is strength. Memorize that. Repeat it a few times every hour (whenever you have spare time before the hours turns).

    And if you try a more optimistic approach... remember this: It can't even *rain* all the time. Everything is flawed!
    New Member Jun 7th 7:09 PM
    Mr. reichman could I please see our n00b strat.. Btw I don't mind if you use words like "s" and end with hit ;)


    New Member Jun 9th 8:19 AM
    In Battlefields, here are the success factors

    1) Have no ethic
    2) Join an alliance and gang bang everybody
    3) Play mulitple provinces (even though this is cheating) and brag about it to your KD mates
    4) Bottom feed

    This may sound a bit bitter and jaded but this has been my experience in Utopia. I have never cheated or joined an alliance but you will not prosper unless you do.
    New Member Jun 11th 11:27 AM
    How exactly does kidnappings actually work? I head that the guy your op'ing loses twice what you gain. Whats up?
    New Member Jun 13th 12:33 AM
    Many of the notes my kd uses in their Newbie Help thread have come from this thread (Either by the monarch or by way of another member of the kd). I thought we'd post a couple that we came up with independently that may or may not agree with the other posters.

    Ender's Path to a Build Strat (it's not one size fits all, but you really need justification for not meeting these minimums):
    10% Guilds
    10% Towers
    10% Watchtowers
    10% Libraries, 5% Banks (Undead)
    10% Farms, +5% Watchtowers (Orcs)
    10% Farms, 5% Banks (all others)
    15% Thieves Dens, +5% Watchtowers (Rogue)
    +5% Guilds, +10% Towers, +5% Watchtowers (Mystics)
    20% Barracks (all others)

    This leaves 35% of your buildings to build as you choose based upon advice and/or circumstances.

    It wasn't followed to the leter by all provinces, but it seemed to help out the new provinces once they understood the concept of a build strat.

    Recovery formulae.... Meteor Showers or fireballs = hospitals & love and peace.

    Nightmares or Nightstrikes = Patriotism

    Burnt forts = speedbuild

    Pop bigger than max pop = explore and Paradise. Only release enough troops to soldiers to cover exploration costs. Do NOT release military or thieves to peasants, you'll need them once the land rolls in.

    Military over draft % (which equals 0 soldiers), but pop less than max pop = fireball formula... L&P combined with kidnappings to bring in more peasants.

    Many new players tend to freak out the firt time they are hit (either by attacks or t/m ops)... the quick fix lets them apply a bandaid while they calmly ask how to prevent the attack in the future.
    New Member Jul 20th 8:38 PM
    where is a good place to start reading?
    New Member Aug 13th 4:01 PM
    Its all depands on your race/personality =)
    Member Aug 31st 6:40 PM
    How to Find a War Target:

    1. Look at your kingdom. Pay attention to the following things: NW/A, number and distribution of attackers, distribution of overall provinces, and networth.

    2. When evaluating a target kingdom, they should have some or all of the following:
    - A lower NW/A than your kingdom. Preferably this should not take the form of one landfat farm, although those can be helpful as well if they're large enough.
    - Fewer attackers than you have. More attackers = more grabs = more land = win war.
    - Slightly smaller attackers than you have... small enough to be in range, but not large enough to be able to hit you. If they have one or two extremely large attackers (read: twice everyone else's size), this is also a plus.
    - The distribution of attackers, and of overall provinces, should be approximately equal to your own kingdom. For example, if I'm in a kingdom with attackers of 500, 600, and 900 acres, a kingdom with attackers of 1000, 400, and 400 acres is a bad choice, as is a kingdom with 3 attackers at 750 acres.
    - The target kingdom should be the same NW or slightly less. Too much less and they won't fight you. This can be mitigated if they're quite a bit more landfat.

    3. Realize that the enemy monarch, when deciding whether to fight back, is going through a parallel decision process. If it's overwhelmingly in your favor, they WILL run from you. If you're looking for a quick hostile-rape, this is the way to go. If you actually want a war, make it very slightly in your advantage.
    New Member Sep 4th 1:58 AM
    Newbies, first time playing the game is never easy. I started first off by myself and my buildings were never concentrated. It was because my friend helped me and later I vissted several sites and devised my own strategy.

    Main thing is, have fun and meet friends from all over the world. Keep on trying.

    Utopia is special, rarely text-based games are popular and Utopia is one of them!
    New Member Sep 7th 9:26 PM
    well i think you guys are being way to complex.

    there is a manual for newbs-IT'S CALLED THE UTOPIAN GUIDE. learn it like it's the bible and your in sunday school. the more you understand of it the better you will be. i always help my newbs (i'm usually king) but i hate questions that are easily answered in the guide. here's some usefull stuff i think will help newbs that no one has covered.

    1) your first time play as an elf rogue. this will let you play around well with spells, theivery, and attacking. so next age you can play around the quality you liked most cause you experienced a little of everything

    2)everyone swears in utopia they have the best strat, was the biggest this or that last age, and has been king more times than there's been ages in utopia. there's a right way to build and a wrong way- YOUR WAY AND EVERYONE ESLES LOL.

    3)sometimes its better to avoid advice all together. it's a proven fact that people learn better through there own mistakes. i can "tell" you everyone should maintain atleast 60 dpa but, if you get away all age with 30dpa (highly unlikely) you'll learn REALLY QUICKLY when you get hit 3x in a row and lose 1/3 your total land. btw i see it happen every dang age!

    3)enjoy it, it's just a game! more than likely there's always gonna be bigger fish out there to gobble you up! it's nice to be #1 but more than likely-it's not gonna happen your 1st, 2nd, 3rd age. i took great pride when i made it to the top 50-happend 2 ages ago and havn't even came close since.

    4)your kingdom mates are your allies and if your lucky like me some you will even call some friends-THAT'S WHAT UTOPIA IS ALL ABOUT. well that and retaling a guy for 400 acres, fireballing 8k pessents, or causing total havoc on someone who messed with your friend mwa ha ha!

    5)have fun! don't get discouraged

    Member Sep 27th 9:49 PM
    by reading these posts i found nothing worth reading im amazed at everybody tryin to figure out what to do in the new age...
    New Member Oct 23rd 4:55 AM
    Most of it was worth reading and useful.
    Member Nov 27th 6:44 PM
    1) Listen to advice from members of your kingdom

    2) Read through the Utopian Guide

    3) Have a look at strategies posted in the temple (

    4) Use common sense when attacking, don't go for opponents 60% your size.

    5) Download Utopia Angel (

    Ask questions, no matter how stupid.
    New Member Jan 2nd 6:04 AM
    whats a multi purpose build strat and whats a good starting build strat for dwarf/merc?
    New Member Jan 2nd 2:24 PM
    Someone said they hate the "newbie" questions that are easily answered in the utopia guide....ok well I for one have never played a game like this before in my life and I am 38, so Im not stupid, and there is so much info in the guide that I have tried following it along and I have implemented the things that I can remember and I have kept a seperate window open with just the guide in it...the only problem I had starting out was knowing that the roles that I chose, elf/sage, used more of one thing than the other....a basic guide is what I think utopia is but with so much info there it is kinda thank you to all of you out there that do "not" hate those "newbie" questions and appreciate that we are trying to learn and get it straight so that we are not a burden to our kd.....
    Thomas Pain 1776
    New Member Feb 16th 1:42 PM
    Read the guide till you know it like the back of you're hand,download and use angel, and ask lots of questions and you'll do fine.
    Member Mar 3rd 3:45 AM
    Check for the answers to your questions :)
    New Member Mar 29th 11:51 AM
    who said to build no more then 10 types of buildings is complitly wrong! an attaker should have just 6 types includin dongeons or he will waist his percents!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    Patron Mar 29th 2:17 PM
    coss, then explain how i can be pretty successful as attacker with 10-11 different buildings?
    New Member Mar 30th 9:15 PM
    i agree
    Patron Apr 4th 3:04 PM
    In a few hours I will have played my first age.
    I think I have restructured my build strat 8/10 times, and learned a lot making the misstakes.
    I had the luck to get good advice and get the freedom to play with the advice.

    I ended as Dwarf-War Hero on ~3400K and ~535KNW.
    Take time to play, every age will get better then.
    I hope :-)
    New Member Apr 4th 5:42 PM
    First age result:

    The Province of Hglandet (12:8)
    [ Angel v1.64 Beta 2]

    Server: WoL/BF (Age 27)
    Utopian Date: January 18th, YR13
    RL Date: April 4th, 2005 (23:00 GMT)

    Ruler Name: The Humble Sir drawp
    Personality & Race: The Shepherd, Dwarf
    Land: 4,270 Acres
    Money: 392,102gc (156,316gc daily income)
    Food: 191,493 bushels
    Runes: 6,814 runes
    Population: 132,167 citizens (30.95 per Acre)
    Peasants: 43,421 (129% Building Efficiency)
    Trade Balance: -207,525gc (0% tax rate)
    Networth: 699,510 (163.82 per Acre)
    Thieves+Wizards+Science Networth: 68,332gc

    Military Effectiveness: 129.1% off. / 112.4% def.
    Soldiers: 21 (64.6% estimated draft rate)
    Warriors: 21,913 (141,448 offense)
    Axemen: 48,967 (275,195 defense)
    Berserkers: 10,791 (69,656 offense / 60,645 defense)
    War-Horses: 23,175 (up to 23,175 additional offense)
    Prisoners: 1,400 (4,200 offense)

    Total Modified Offense: 246,473 (57.72 per Acre)
    Practical (50% elites): 211,648 (49.57 per Acre)
    Total Modified Defense: 335,864 (78.66 per Acre)
    Practical (50% elites): 305,544 (71.56 per Acre)

    Thieves: 3,644 (0.85 per Acre / 100% Stealth)
    Wizards: 3,410 (0.80 per Acre / 57% Mana)

    Crystal-Ball on your province will show:
    Max. Possible Thieves/Wizards: 13,666 (3.20 / Acre)
    Estimated Thieves Number: 5,466 (1.28 per Acre)
    Estimated Wizards Number: 2,050 (0.48 per Acre)

    Buildings: 2,350gc to build, 1,418gc to raze
    Away bonus: 217,105gc (12h) / 651,315gc (20h)
    Patron Apr 4th 7:18 PM
    you're swedish, danish or norwegian and tried to call your prov höglandet or høglandet

    and if that's your first age I'd say you have potential :D
    Death is Coming
    New Member Apr 28th 1:52 PM
    I am not sure if its about the site, but as soon as I acces: my antivirus flips out with all kind of trojan warnings.
    New Member May 10th 5:01 PM
    having Left utopia because it started to suck...IE the strat forms were dead, no one wanted to help teach newbies or work out straits.
    UT was dead, mehul seemed to listen to the newbies in B&S but not the threads with 100 posts in support etc. IT is good to see stuff like this again.

    General Omar
    Member Jun 8th 10:27 AM
    lol..grand Star Wars fan? i read that character in a book of X-wing.
    New Member Jul 3rd 4:51 PM
    Can you tell me how to start as a Orc/Warrior. What I need to be an effective warrior?

    Thank You,

    New Member Jul 23rd 7:34 AM
    Hmmm...Can someone help me to choose what building to build? I'm focused on the Thieve's life style... I'm a halfing rogue, if someone can help me choose the buildings give me newbie tips etc please do I would be glad to hear all of them ... I currently have 185 acres of land (185 buildings :P).
    If someone can help me please post it !

    Thks in advance,
    Member Aug 7th 1:02 PM
    8% farms
    15% banks
    15% training grounds
    10% guilds
    8% towers
    15% forts
    5% taverns
    schools for buying science (in beginning mills instead of them)
    10% Thieve's dens
    No buildings more than 25%

    Well, I don't know how to play only thief. I play TA and am quite succesful. But this would be another manual.
    Member Aug 15th 11:30 PM
    What I want to know is which of all these buildings is the most profitable. It seems a lot of them are unnecessary - yes, it's nice to be able to catch thieves, or hold prisoners, but it won't MAKE ME MONEY. It seems that's what the common denominator is in this game, that which is able to take care of all your needs in-game, the gold coin.

    In Earth you can produce this or that and sell it on the ever-fluctuating public market. I see there is no market here - everyone has to make their own food, their own military, there is no inflation, no engineered market buyouts, no speculative price difference. Just raw production. It's interesting, it keeps people from being uber-specialized.

    See, there, you can produce technology and sell it. Or produce oil and sell it. Or use technological expertise to reduce internal military prices, then take your private military market and trade on it against the public military market for profit. But everything comes down to the dollar, here the gc, so we figure things in terms of profit per building per turn. I suppose here that would be profit per building per utopian day, or hour.

    I don't know anything here, so I'm just seeking advice, but this is what I've found out.

    Aside from Farms, Guilds, Towers, and whatever else you may need at the moment to cover any needs, your basic need is money. That means the only buildings I should focus on are the ones that will make me money and the ones that will save me money. I should build the ones that will save me more money than they would make were those acres built up with something else.

    To build buildings, you need land. To get land, you need soldiers. To get soldiers, you need a draft. It just so happens that getting soldiers also gets you the military you need to protect your land.

    In the little time I've been playing Utopia I discovered that a good draft is EXPENSIVE!

    Banks. You need banks. Nothing else makes money. Apparently this game revolves around banks. A good province should have a ton of them. Every other building should either serve a specific, unavoidable need, or improve your ability to make money.

    So I'm looking at science and the draft, or Schools, Libraries, and Taverns. Mills are also useful, but in short, they don't save you enough money to be worth their expenditure in acres. Better to just eat the cost and use the land for Banks. I was dumb and didn't write this calculation down when I did it. Though it was cursory, it told me enough. Profit per building per hour was like $38 for a Mill (As an Elf, which throws things off a bit I know), but $55 for a Bank. However rough the figuring, the difference is great enough to convince me to tear down my Mills.

    This Pimp tool isn't so bad.

    Obviously science is worth it in the long run, but the only science I'd invest in is Alchemy, maybe Tools. How to get it?
    I don't already have it. So in my case it's worth it to tear down some buildings (while exploring) to get the free acres to build schools. This is because:

    (Rough bank profit per hour) = 55 gc ...

    55 gc * 24 hours * acres to be taken up by schools = savings necessary in order for schools to be worth it.

    The savings necessary is only a measure of your commitment to using those schools to their full potential - i.e., buying a hell of a lot of science as soon as you build them. As a Sage my cost difference from zero Schools to full effectiveness at 35% is about 47 - 12 gc per point of science. Without a personality modifier I believe it's 78 - 25. Punch in a few numbers and it's easy to see that buying a good chunk of science everyday will save you more with Schools than you lose in productivity by not having those acres built as Banks.

    But Libraries seem to be more effective still. I'd like some comments on this, please. It looks like 3 points per Library per hour will save you 47*3=141 gc as a Sage, or 78*3=234 gc without a personality modifier. It seems hard to believe that Libraries could be so much more effective than Schools, but in the long run they are. Build enough Libraries to keep your Alchemy and Tools maxed out, but beyond that they're only of peripheral value.

    So next time I play, I'll play a Dwarf Merchant with enough Libraries to maintain maxed out Alchemy and Tools, the rest of my variable acres being occupied by Banks and enough Taverns to make my draft dirt cheap, and I'll draft and grow like a nut.

    Please feel free to play with Pimp and offer alternatives!

    Thanks and best of luck!
    Member Aug 19th 4:24 PM
    Yes you got right, IN A POINT.

    I'm a Elf Merchant, soo I think it's more profitable to store up on 5mil, make 50% schools, use, destroy them to my normal strat and go on.
    Tho Libraries are nice to keep, I'd rather have Schools to pump and Libraries to keep them high.

    You got most, right, and I love Earth too, great games they are BOTH :)
    Member Aug 20th 12:21 AM
    You sure libraries, built plenty and early, aren't more effective in building technology to match your growth, not to mention easier on your budget?
    Swearin Baron
    Member Aug 28th 9:50 PM
    If you are a heavy attacker, I wouldn't even bother with libraries or schools ever. Just do learn attacks on humans when you're out of war. Libraries during wartime are a bad use of land. Actually, in general they are a bad use of land as a full time strat. The occasional pump might be ok depending on how your kingdom operates.
    New Member Aug 31st 6:12 AM
    This is my manual
    the fist 2 type of building you must buil is the BANK and Forts coz the BANK will give you money for you to become stonger, the more money you have the batter. Forts just to keep you defend stong so the ather attacker will not come and take you land....
    Oh ya one morething i forgot, that is the FARM build about 10% it if you are not undead, People have to eat...Coz undead no need food....
    Then are the GUILD, coz GUILD train wiz to keep you land form getting spelled by Wiz and they are the only way you can get Wiz, all people must have them..
    If you won to be mage you mostly will build more of them ..........
    TOWER give run for you to cast some sellspell also must have....
    If you won to be a mage you also must have much more tower build.....

    Ok that the main build everybody must build then come to some building some of you may not build

    Barracks: only attacker build them, coz the need to keep they attack hight, if you are non_attaker type player don build them
    Note: some attacker build ton of them like me :D

    Armouries: most attacker build coz it keep the training of you troop down, if you got ton of troop to train you can build to keep the cost down.

    Homes: If you like buid them they will give you some extra Population...
    Note: Elf build most of the homes coz they have -5% population

    Mills: If you won to go exporing build them coz they keep the coz of exporing down, and build new building cheep....
    Note: when you become bigger the cost of exporing an new land also become highter...

    Training Grounds: Now most player building them coz they keep the military upkeep down, so you can have more cash to do ather thing
    Note: when you become big you mostly will fine it very usefull......
    Thieves' Den: Only theivery buid them coz they make you theivery more powerful.. and it reduce the loss of you theivery when you do theivery op to some one....Theif build more of them
    Watchtowers: If you like build them they will keep ather people theivery fall..... not much to say
    Taverns: Not very usefull unless you are plaining to do hight drafting all time, and use Mercenary in attack.. not very good building to buld..

    Schools: Most player build them during sci pump time and i notsure about keeping it as an tool to lower sic cost. cost you will have to buid tom of them to make them useful

    Libraries: something like schools, i think in ther begining of and age you can build them coz at that time schools are not so effetive...
    up to you.......
    Stables : one more buiding that attacker only build them coz it only add offend to you troop that can do offend action
    Dungeons: also only attacker build them coz they will hold some war Prisoners,
    it like and extra income and attack power for attacker
    Hospitals: Ammm...... it speed up you population grow to max... and have a change to cure Plague
    not much use.....unless you are going to war with a hold KD full of Undead then you would consider to build them .......or you won a faster population grow to max.......

    That all about building .....

    If won to be an attaker you mostly will build
    Training Grounds
    Note:now some attacker do not build them i think is best you build them.
    this building

    for mage
    Note: the Guilds must be hight coz you need you wiz to speel People and the Towers.... abit creepy coz now it seem like the tower you build to more rune you loss....not so sure but you can keep arount 20% of them.. it up to you......
    Watchtowers> build them if you like.......

    for Theivery
    Thieves' Den
    Note: the Thivers' Den is very inportan building for theivery ....all theif must have them......

    for exporer
    not sure never play as exporer before.... sorry ..

    one last thing all race must build farm ......
    if you play an undead race you don need to build them

    Alchemy: not much to say if won to have more income buid them
    Tools: very important coz it make all you building more power full and it make you stonger
    Housing: also very important coz it give you more population, with it you can have more troop, more defend and soso...
    Food: it will help you get more food, if you are shot in food ...... build or not it up to you ...
    Military : reduce the loss of troop in attack and defend .... if you won build them ........ not much to say
    Crime & Deceit : very importan if you play it make you theivery more powerful
    Channelling: it make you wiz more powerful and it also will make you tower produce more rune.....

    Play at you own risk........ have fun guy... and welcome to utopia...
    Holp you enjoy the game....

    New Member Sep 14th 7:56 AM
    My manual is to big to post here,
    but it's specially made by me for new players.

    You can find the guide at:
    Under the link Utopia
    New Member Sep 17th 8:56 AM
    As said earlier, Rainbowing is the worst

    The best players have huge percentages of several buildings

    T/M's can do with about 5 buildings, I know I did (Farms, Banks, Guilds, Towers, Forts)

    Attackers need around 8-9 different building types.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    New Member Sep 21st 2:12 PM
    Instead of building forts and banks you can build training grounds to reduce your military expenses so you can afford to pay your army at 200% pay rate.
    New Member Oct 15th 4:36 PM
    8-10 different buildings... i run 6 just fine... but yes few still can do the successful rainbow... its a dieing art...last time i did my rainbow was 2 ages ago left at around 400k nw. if i reemmber correctly... but i started in year 8
    drow dromedary
    Member Oct 19th 4:48 AM
    Thieves dont need banks, and not many towers either. Attackers dont need banks. They need training grounds. A heavy attacker might need a very small number of banks as well as masses of TGs. Use the banks/TGs calculator under "Power Tools" in Angel's main menu.

    Rainbow builds in the extreme are bad, but try to find a strat that only builds 15% or less of anything if you want to get the most out of your land. (Barracks might be an exception, if it helps you fit one more attack into your day. But it probably won't.) However, the more building types you have the more sophisticated your economy becomes. That's the whole point, but it makes it harder. So a new player should start with a strat that involves a simple and standard set of buildings for that role, and work their way up with each new account.

    for build strats.

    I like to fantasise that one day, when I'm finally good at this game, I will find a 'holy grail' strat with no building type above 10%.

    Patron Nov 14th 9:59 PM
    A split between banks and TGs were better than only one of them in the past few ages, has that changed this age?

    Also, 95% if the people posting strats at temple has absolutely no clue about what they are doing.
    Member Nov 18th 3:35 PM
    Blank..that was the same guide which was posted in my gen kd..were you in nine.twentyseven earlier on?

    New Member Dec 3rd 5:20 AM
    GREAT!! Does anyone mind if I pillage a lot of this info??

    I am trying to set up a 'Utopia n00b school', explaining all the basics with a n00b Q&A section. It seems all these guys ask the same Questions, so why not keep it all recorded??

    At the same time I am trying to encourage the fun/game aspect. It is a forum based members only site, but well in it's infancy. I'm hoping n00bs can just be directed there and find ALL the links, and all the reasons, and all the starting out basics.

    If peeps are interested in contributing, I will makes a contributors forum and arrange the info into the main site. Suggestion box already there!!
    New Member Dec 4th 11:48 PM
    Dont grow to 4x the size of your KDs average prov........Hey, Balrog. Waazzzup!
    New Member Jan 6th 12:10 AM
    Thursday, January 5th, 2006 at 10:12 PM PDT


    I love Utopia! I've been playing since about 2001. I have recently created a new website/tool to aid in playing Utopia.

    Utopia Tool Training Advisor is a web based gizmo that reveals how many of which military related units should be trained, and how much resources it will take to do so. The results are specifically calculated depending on each unique province's details. No downloads are necessary. Utopia Tool Training Advisor works with or without Utopia Angel. Utopia Training Advisor stores your input data into a cookie so you won't have to enter all the information every time. Utopia Tool is also a website for tools, guides, tutorials, help, links and any Utopia related resources. E-Mail me to participate in a link exchange. Thank you.


    IRC Server:
    IRC Channel: #UtopiaTool.Net
    New Member Feb 17th 10:29 PM
    Balrog, you mentioned Utopia Angel, but you forgot Utopiapimp. It's not a guide to the game of course, but it's a tool that's just as important as Angel. No kingdom should be without it.
    Medical Council
    New Member Feb 19th 1:56 PM
    I find it hard to get updated numbers for the following:

    number of unfilled jobs vs BE drop

    military size vs raw ME

    % success of spell vs WPA

    damage of Meteor Showers (peasant/troop ratio)

    magic shield protection %
    Inspire Army reduction %
    Builder's Boon build speed
    Fertile Lands % food increase

    army payrate vs ME

    Learn Attack (book gains)
    Conquest attack (army sent vs gains)

    any guides that gives those numbers?

    Member Apr 2nd 6:37 PM
    1. build 3 types of buildings, a. Banks, b. farms, c. libraries (population and money)

    2. rack it up

    3. spend it by bring draft rate to 67% and putting 1/3 of your population as defensive specialists, and the other 1/3 that isnt peasants as offense, wherever it will be most effective

    4. get to 2k acres and just sit and meditate for a long time, while you max out your sciences and maintain good population ratios

    5. go and kick someones ass
    Patron Apr 6th 4:04 PM
    keep your eyes open and BELIEVE!
    Member Apr 25th 9:57 AM
    Don't play this game. It is addictive. ;/
    Member May 10th 9:31 AM
    macon has the best idea sofar!! :)
    Captain Greenie
    New Member May 22nd 10:07 PM
    if only other people actually followed that...maybe you wouldn't have to be forced to turn crafty to survive...
    Member Aug 16th 4:23 AM

    contents should be okay, don't nag about the

    i have it in pdf format as well...which looks a little better but got the comment that is was less usable. :-)
    New Member Sep 28th 6:35 AM
    Finally it's up and running and updated :)

    The greatest new players guide outthere on the internet.

    Zeeppompjes New Players Guide (formally know as New Players Guide)

    Check it out at
    Patron May 17th 11:04 AM
    New location for the great New Players Guide

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    New Member Aug 1st 7:26 PM
    you know this game really comes to life when you begin the fight for the monarchy.
    theres nothing as fun as talking trash in the kd forum just to make yourself popular, and then one day when your ideas have found some roots in some guys heads you get the votes and you start planning for war and everyone wanne follow you there.
    i did it a few years ago. i cant really say we became a top kingdom but we made it to the TOP 5 island honor charts... we even got to somewhere on the lower half of the world honor chart.
    so my tip for the new people: go for the monarchy

    and you will be dying to login every day to see your bubbling forum and the crazy ppl there
    New Member Aug 12th 5:08 AM
    Here - this is a really good guide for starters
    New Member Nov 24th 4:07 PM
    I wrote this guide for starters last age... including lots of screenies and other pictures. It's a set of 2 guides, one for basic units explanation and some terms and abbreviations, and the other guide is about attacking, step by step, including angel installation and setup. Changes from last age to this one are not included but that's not a big issue.
    Member Jan 25th 4:20 AM
    the manuals posted within this thread are possibly the worst i have ever read

    New Member Mar 7th 2:45 PM
    Puppiez link ftw

    although it suggests war hero as a possibility for some personalities :p
    New Member Jun 26th 5:35 PM
    pplwhy dont you wanto test my calc? its working great!!!!!!!
    New Member Aug 9th 2:34 AM
    I created a website for new players, has some advanced pages like KD Strat etc...

    Check it out. Post your thoughts in the forums.

    Feel free to show your noobs ;)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    insane your first post here is good... but why from the 4th post on down, did you copy and paste everything from the old forums? Those posts in the old forums are YEARS old, much of it is totally irrevelant, not to mention it makes this thread so long that ppl wont even read it. Please delete them :) If ppl make new guides that can add them here.

  11. #11
    I like to post Catwalk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Århus, Denmark
    Lead Pipe beat me to it, sometimes less is more.
    For Master of Magic fans:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dylan Collins, CEO of OMAC
    You should ask as many people as you can to criticise what you plan on doing.

  12. #12
    Post Demon Hurlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Glorats was the best.

    that plus phrexia's target finder helped alot ....

    plus a very understandable monarch not accepting offers to kill me from her friends ;) hehehehehehehehehehehehheh

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Huntington, WV
    I agree with both of you, Lead Pipe and Catwalk.
    However, despite the outdated info, there is quite a bit useful info there worth saving.
    I'm just not sure how to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

    Because it isn't the hard concrete data that is really's the process of how to decide what is important.
    I'm not sure I can explain further, so I'll leave it like that for now.

    AND the less is more bit is why I have the first post before all the unsifted through data.

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