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Thread: the faith of Barack Obama

  1. #1
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    the faith of Barack Obama

    I just found another reason why i don't like Barack Obama.

    I'm an atheist myself, but I have little quarrels with mere secular people. What I don't like however is extreme, or fundamentalist faiths.

    Barack Obama is adherent to the United Church of Christ, as faiths go, this one isn't exactly moderate, unlike the one of McCain, who is a Baptist.

    United Church of Christ is a merger between Evangelicals and Dutch and German Orthodox Calvinists, neither of which are moderate to begin with.

    If I were to predict how Obama is like in office, I'd compare him to this President Bush. A man not wanting to pull a plug on a dead woman, causing suffering and humiliation to her husband. A man who stopped funding AIDS awareness groups (who did a very good job in China btw and probably saved millions of lives). A man who met with the Pope, in the hope of saving the Catholic Church from further court actions, a church which till this day has done little those priests who destroyed the lives thousands of innocent children. A man who has caused the worst public relations nightmare in the war in Iraq, by giving people like Osama Bin Laden all the grounds they need to turn the war in a faith thing, even though its not the case and far from the truth.

    If you want change, well Obama certainly isn't going to give you change.
    I'd pick McCain if you're looking for change.
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  2. #2
    Forum Fanatic martian's Avatar
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    imo it's really hard to know if he's going to give change or not or what exactly he would do (or try to do) as president. He says a lot of (recycled) broad and sweeping statements and I notice a lot of recycled speeches from JFK and others.
    With know specifics it's really hard to know what the guy is really about. I would have trouble voting for someone like that.
    At least with McCain we know what he stands for and what he's about.
    Dont get me wrong: Obama (if elected) could be the greatest president ever. On the other hand he could be a huge disaster. And my problem with him is that there is *nothing* to give us any indication which it would be.

  3. #3


    From my extensive research on both Liberal and Conservative websites I wonder if any politician has any great faith truly. I do think McCain may be more concerned about the people and the country itself than Obama.

    My Opinion is:

    He scares the living daylights out of anyone with a brain. Ck it out:
    --His tax hikes - which will hit ALL of us.
    MCCAIN (no changes)
    Single making 30K - tax $4,500
    Single making 50K - tax $12,500
    Single making 75K - tax $18,750
    Married making 60K- tax $9,000
    Married making 75K - tax $18,750
    Married making 125K - tax $31,250

    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
    Single making 30K - tax $8,400
    Single making 50K - tax $14,000
    Single making 75K - tax $23,250
    Married making 60K - tax $16,800
    Married making 75K - tax $21,000
    Married making 125K - tax $38,750
    He can say he is not raising taxes on the lower and middle classes but it isn't true -

    --His Capital Gains tax hike - which will drive many major U.S. corporations out of the U.S. and lose all those jobs and those job benefits driving us into a deep depression. Do you realize that when Ireland recently dropped there Capital Gains tax from 38% to 12% they rapidly became the fastest growing economy in the World?
    --His policy on the Iraq War, national security etc - will we ever be safe?
    --His policy on National Health Care - Look at Canada - People DIE up there while waiting for a referral to the surgeon - good example of National Health Care and they flood across the border for medical care and filling prescriptions.
    --His policy on No drilling, no oil shale recovery (which would create jobs - but since he doesn't give zip abt U.S. Citizens - won't matter) And the price of gas - Democrats do not think that the price of gas at 10.00 per gallon would be an emergency to the American people.. You like walking? Or are you a millionaire?
    --His policy for amnesty to the illegal aliens who are costing us PER DAY as much as the Iraq War. They are ruining our quality of health care, driving up health care and insurance costs and causing crime stats to spiral up.
    --And then what abt his campaign finance scandle: He has taken thousands and some report millions from Hamas (that is a terrorist group in case you aren't aware). See Atlas Shrugs blog for details. Will he even be allowed to run after violating the foreign donations laws??

    AND what is Hillary's surprise for the Convention? Did you know they are going to take role call votes for EACH - Hillary and Obama? Super-delegates could take him out of the running for office altogether. Of course, they would burn Denver to the ground but it is possible.

    For decades, this oil crunch has been coming and THE Pols ALL knew it. But rather than getting serious about drilling or building new refineries, refining nuclear energy (other countries have - we are the ONLY ones that do not use nuclear power Enthusiastically of the Industrialized nations), or getting serious about alternative fuels..

    NO the politicians -all of them- have sat on their keester and worried about the spotted Owl and Bill Clinton's cigar. They worry About OUR Moral Issues that should be up to the conscience of the individuals.. while they play and are allowed to Do Whatever they like from molesting children to drunken or drugged behavior.. and far beyond my imagination I'm sure!

    They have turned into a body of little Rulers - they want to tell us how to live, when and what to eat, force us to exercise and let them make All our decisions. Just for "OUR" own good, you know. It is not do as I do - It is do what I TELL YOU TO DO..

    I truly believe that all politicians AND all the Judges - both Dem and Repub have lost touch with us - the people they represent. They are nearly all millionaires or multi-millionaires - They don't get it. We can't afford to give up 1/4 of our incomes for filling our tank, we can't afford $5-6 gallon for milk. They are so rich and have been so rich for so long they just don't know WHOM they are representing anymore.

    I think every single sitting politician including the judges should all be voted OUT of office and others put in.

    Also These judges that want to make up their own rules instead of trying to interpret the Constitution should all be run out of town on a Rail. Why do you think we got to be a 200 yr old country? HEY! Could it have been by following the wisdom of our Constitution AND BY THE GRACE OF GOD, the bravery of our citizens, and asking what we can do for our country rather than what our country can do for us?

    You bet, there have been stumbles and misdeeds, downright chicanery and there has also been heroism and self-sacrifice and we have made it because of our Rule of Law.

    I do think voting for McCain is the only sensible alternative this time around. Obama scares me and so many economic magazines and other creditable people have predicted a major stock market crash followed by a major deep depression if he is elected.. so I will vote for McCain.

    Sorry I get carried away. It is difficult for me to understand how anyone can be 'for' the socialist move that Obama represents. He talks about Hope and Change a lot - but the changes he is planning on making are not very hopeful.

    With that said, it is more important to get the Senate and House voted in with more conservatives and New people that maybe are not already corrupted and can use some common sense instead of who is paying them to vote for what.

  4. #4
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    Your 2nd sentence said enough ,Now you dont like Obama enough said. Your long anti religious rant on your personal views about how you think he will do or act or how President Bush acts in your view is a bit extreme.Your against religion ,we got that part.
    Most say McCain will be just like Bush.

    Both will say whatever it takes or promise what ever you want to hear to get into office.They learned that from running for congress.

    Old saying: A Dumb thief goes to jail. A smart thief goes into politics.

    Figured you would be listed as FreeOMAC now.

  5. #5
    Post Fiend
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    **** that noise. Why is O'Bama almost doubling the tax of those barely scraping by?

  6. #6
    Forum Fanatic martian's Avatar
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    Honorbound: do you have a source for this? I'm not disputing your argument here but it seems a little extreme.

  7. #7
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    OBAMA: I not only have pledged not to raise their taxes, I've been the first candidate in this race to specifically say I would cut their taxes. We are going to offset the payroll tax, the most regressive of our taxes, so that families who are middle-income individuals making $75,000 a year or less, that they would get a tax break so that families would see up to $1,000 worth of relief.


    People need to check out this site:
    Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho'n d'thainig sibh

  8. #8
    Post Fiend
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    If you want change, well Obama certainly isn't going to give you change.
    I'd pick McCain if you're looking for change.
    What? MCCain voted with bush aprox 94% of the time. Actually do a little fact checking before posting or voting. Thanks.

    While you are at it take a min to look-up John McCains spiritual leaders. They include names like Rev. John Hagee, Jerry Falwell and Rod Parsley.

    At least with McCain we know what he stands for and what he's about.
    Again? What? Tell me what he stands for please. Then go check out the many many flip-flops the man has made over the years.

    Not even going to go there with Honorbound... give me sources. Otherwise it's made-up.

    I do think voting for McCain is the only sensible alternative this time around. Obama scares me and so many economic magazines and other creditable people have predicted a major stock market crash followed by a major deep depression if he is elected.. so I will vote for McCain.
    Love this one. Where are these economic mags? Who are these 'other creditable people'?
    Do yourself a favor, do independent fact checking and don't believe everything you read/hear. Typical Republican tactics, tell dumb America a lie and they will believe it to be true.

    20 out of 28 years the Republicans have held the white house... think about that for a min.

  9. #9
    Forum Fanatic martian's Avatar
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    I believe it was goebles who said: "if you repeate a lie often enough it becomes truth"
    ++cheap shot

    Based on what I can gather the democrats haven't really had it together since the '72 presidential election.

    Eventually though you can't continue to fool everyone. The truth catches up with you.

  10. #10
    Moderator for:
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    martian ....

    "Based on what I can gather the democrats haven't really had it together since the '72 presidential election."

    Didja happen to miss the 1990's ?

  11. #11
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    Didja happen to miss the 1990's ?
    I think he wants to forget it
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  12. #12
    Post Fiend
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    sand dune, desert
    obama is not going back to pre-bush tax cuts. actually take the time to read his plans before posting interweb republican BS.

    and as for the goebbels comment he said, "tell a lie, tell it big, tell it often..." karl rove echoed that sentiment when he said, "if you tell a lie 5 times then it becomes truth."

    why would you possibly follow the lead of the ignorant flemish retard, freemehul? do some critical thinking, use non-partisan websites, don't get lost in the incestuous sea of modern media. and most importantly...grow up.

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