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Thread: Oil keeps dropping...

  1. #16
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin' Birds View Post
    How many times have those other industries been under investigation for price gouging? Your in the minority if you don't think there is price manipulation going on.

    Yep. Price gouging. Thanks for making my point. :)
    Well is it a bad thing if prices are being manipulated? If so who should intervene? I just read that some banker in the US made $1.7 billion in 1 day speculating with fannie mae and freddy mac stocks or bonds. Not sure how he did it. But is that any worst? Earning million/billions while other people get kicked out of there because they have a mortgage the bank talked them in taking. The banks knew they would be backed up by the US government so they willingly made very risky loans to people they knew that could not really afford it.

  2. #17
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    Yep, and we should have never bailed them out. Again, under the Republicans. It's government looking out for Big Business.

    And Yes it is a bad thing. The *people* get screwed. And THAT is supposed to be whom our government is working for.

    Do I think the Democrats are going to change this overnight? No. But I see Barak O'Bama as a start in the right direction. McCain is in bed now with the Republican Party and is no Maverick. He use to be but not anymore sadly. The Republican Party is the party of 'Old money' and that will not change.

  3. #18
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    Your in the minority if you don't think there is price manipulation going on.

    Well, OPEC itself ensures that. I still dont see anything wrong with covering future costs with todays sales. Everyone does that one way or another and either way the customer has to pay. Not paying for that would mean paying for instability and that would prob. end up costing you more.

    Thanks for making my point
    Which has "nothing" to do with the price at the gas station.

  4. #19
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    Well is it a bad thing if prices are being manipulated?

    If so who should intervene?
    the State <3

  5. #20
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    The problem I have is that many of us support capitalism until it starts to cost us money. We want a small government that doesn't intervene with the market until banks that to go bankrupt. I am not saying that I like high prices I am saying that we should accept the consequences of a capitalistic market. We let the big companies get rich and powerful, they produce crap quality goods that we buy in abundance for as long as we can afford and even beyond that. But when the **** we make ourself hits the fan we look towards the government to take action.

    But RAKIdaRHINO what should the goverment do?

  6. #21
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    The problem I have is that many of us support capitalism until it starts to cost us money.
    Price manipulation has no place in a capitalistic system. Perhaps thats why?
    Im not really pro-capitalism though since in my opinion the capitalistic system is based on "ideals" as utopic as the communist one.

    But RAKIdaRHINO what should the goverment do?

    The Gov. should regulate the market to prevent such false-play from happening. It should also regulate information flow and aid the consumer to make good choices on the market.
    more things aswell ofc, but in short.

  7. #22
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    Which has "nothing" to do with the price at the gas station.
    Yes it does. Price manipulation does effect gas prices at the pump.

  8. #23
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    Yeah, thats why i said nothing. What i ment was that OPEC fixing the prices doesnt change that the gas prices will go up when oil price goes up..

    anyway tired of chewing the same food over and over..
    no need to keep it going.

  9. #24
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    I just get worked-up over a few subjects is all. I may not know everything but I know when I'm getting screwed. :)

  10. #25
    Forum Addict Dolgil's Avatar
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    The Republican party has three major backers, the religious right, small business, and financial types.

    Ever since Slick Willie rented out the Lincoln bedroom, Big Business has strong ties to both parties. Big Business likes big government. Freezes out the smaller competition.

    Don't confuse the government bail out of banks as helping big business. The stock holders of those companies will not see much of anything back on their investment. And management? Time to dust off that resume. Btw, would you hire somebody that just lost a few billion dollars in a quarter?
    Dolgil Rosethorn
    If it's broke, fix it.
    If it's not, don't.
    If you do not like the results, change your methods.
    Quit making the same old mistakes. Make new ones.

  11. #26
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    You forgot big business, big oil and the private military contractors. :)

  12. #27
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    Hate to break it to you but big oil and military contractors will always be in with the government no matter whos elected.They have no party affiliation.Same with all governments.
    Greed and Politics go hand in hand.

    Most gas stations now dont set their prices themselves. If you know a manager of 1 ask them who sets it and who do they call for it.If you have a local Walmart near that sells gas they will have the number on speed dial.They cant compete with Walmart who doesnt care if they make a profit on gas.So most other stations have to roll with that price also to compete.

  13. #28
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    Hate to break it to you but big oil and military contractors will always be in with the government no matter whos elected.They have no party affiliation.Same with all governments.
    Greed and Politics go hand in hand.
    Then please go see who's campaign the big oil and military contractors are sending money to. Again not that hard to research for yourself. I shouldn't have to do it for you.

    Some politicians are more greedy than others.

  14. #29
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    Actually that depends on who you listen to doesnt it. Both camps will say the same thing and even the News media is the same way.Fox will say one thing and someone else the exact opposite.
    What you need to research instead of trying to play party lines BS is that this isnt new. Its been going on for years and will continue no matter if Obama ,McCain or anyone else gets in office.Policiians say what the sheep they lead want to hear and hope a few on the fence agree also.

    Even worse they dont run much since Congress makes almost all dicisions and they go hand in hand with the same people.Why do you think these people support the presidents. They have all thru congress.All politicians are greedy and make every cent they can. If you dont believe that your foolish.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAKIdaRHINO View Post
    The Gov. should regulate the market to prevent such false-play from happening. It should also regulate information flow and aid the consumer to make good choices on the market.
    more things aswell ofc, but in short.
    So you want cheap oil basically? Well maybe I over simplify things, but I just get annoyed the people in the US are whining that they have to pay a few $ more at the gas pump. Gas is still rather cheap in the US and people still drive hummers ford 350 etc. So first get some fuel economic cars/trucks the get decents gas prices $5.50 a gallon. Then we will talk.

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