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  1. #46
    Post Fiend
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    No you were not.

    Here let me repost your response to again for your addled brain.

    Sadam was a threat only to his own people, but we don't attack every dictator now do we?

    wrong!( The wrong part was your answer).

    The Center for Public Integrity asserted President Bush's administration made a total of 935 false statements between 2001 and 2003 about Iraq's alleged threat to the United States.

    So yea, your wrong.

    about Iran I think you missed that they are a DEMOCRATIC country
    seriously you call Iran a democratic nation?

    I'm done debating with you, you are evil, plain and simple if you state that
    Yea, just like the US is a democratic nation. You need some Political Geography help it appears. I think along with millions of others here in the US and abroad that Bush is evil. Should somebody invade/ bomb us? The Netherlands maybe?

    You have used no arguments based on facts. Just your own convoluted ideas. Not any facts.

  2. #47
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    that centre has people like Moore affiliated with them, ergo those statistics mean nothing

    Iran is not a democratic nation, those elections in Iran are a mockery.

    oh and about that socalled friendly Iran as you say it is, do you seriously believe the burning of american flags is a sign of affection?
    how retarded are you?

    You have used no arguments based on facts.
    and that swirvin birds is a lie

    truth is you haven't used a single argument whatsoever

    you are liar and foolish enough to believe your own fallacies plain and simple and that swirvin birds is the real truth.

    You can say that you are veteran, but as soon as I see you utter those lies, I seriously doubt that you are a veteran, afterall it can be just another lie. It sounds like Moore saying he was a member of the NRA, totally not believable.

    You have 0 credibility and 0 integrity swirvin bids.

    Now as for Bush, I don't like that guy either. I think he is incompent on a vast number of areas and one of the most corrupt presidents the U.S. has seen in a long time. However saying that McCain is anything like him is simply not true, no matter how often Obama would make us seem to think that. McCain has flown in Vietnam, where as Bush has stayed at home. That tells you a great deal about how different those two are. Just because he is a republican doesn't make him Bush.

    You lack integrity swirvin birds and I think the reason is that you are a bitter and agry man tired of life. Whatever is wrong with your life now, Obama's quackery might sound believable to you, but isn't going to make it better, McCain on the other hand offers at least that hope.
    Last edited by freemehul; 16-09-2008 at 18:00.
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  3. #48
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    Do yourself a favor Freemehul. Go look-up Iranian Democracy. Yea they are a democracy whether or not you believe it does not matter. To say that they are not is a pure and simple lie. Here in the US we had allegations of voting machine fraud. Does that mean the US is not a democracy either?

    Dude, I'm done with you. I have posted links to and have not lied one time. If that is all you can come up with and not even debate then I have no time for you.

    Now you question my status as a veteran... You want me to send you my DD214? Charlie Company 316th Signal Battalion 1st Cavalry Division out of Ft. Hood Texas.

    I think he is incompent on a vast number of areas and one of the most corrupt presidents the U.S. has seen in a long time. However saying that McCain is anything like him is simply not true, no matter how often Obama would make us seem to think that. McCain has flown in Vietnam, where as Bush has stayed at home. That tells you a great deal about how different those two are. Just because he is a republican doesn't make him Bush.
    Now go look-up McCains voting record. 90+% of the time he voted WITH BUSH. Again you spout lies. Just because 1 flown in Vietnam and the other stayed home in the national guard has absolutely NOTHING to do with running the country. Once again, go check whom the American War Veterans are supporting. Not that hard to do. Apparently for you it is though. McCain has voted down EVERY veterans benefit packages.

    You have 0 credibility and 0 integrity swirvin bids
    And you do? You haven't given me anything except for your own opinion.

    You lack integrity swirvin birds and I think the reason is that you are a bitter and agry man tired of life. Whatever is wrong with your life now, Obama's quackery might sound believable to you, but isn't going to make it better, McCain on the other hand offers at least that hope.
    Once AGAIN tell me a lie that I have told? You can't can you. I CAN come-up with all the lies the Republican/McCain campaign has been spouting. Even Carl Rove has admitted as much.

  4. #49
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    Now go look-up McCains voting record. 90+% of the time he voted WITH BUSH.
    that's a non sequitur, again it doesn't say a thing

    have not lied one time.
    and that's another lie

    Once AGAIN tell me a lie that I have told?
    look back

    You want me to send you my DD214? Charlie Company 316th Signal Battalion 1st Cavalry Division out of Ft. Hood Texas.
    if you did, it would be just another antiquatem, again it says nothing

    And you do?
    other then a short retort no
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  5. #50
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    that's a non sequitur, again it doesn't say a thing
    K dude, whatever. Tell me how McCain is going to be different than bush? Show me his voting record that shows how much different from Bush. You've got nothing to back your statement up with. 90+% voting with Bush backs mine up.

    have not lied one time.

    and that's another lie
    Then point out my lie. Otherwise STFU.

    You want me to send you my DD214? Charlie Company 316th Signal Battalion 1st Cavalry Division out of Ft. Hood Texas.

    if you did, it would be just another antiquatem, again it says nothing
    Yes it does. It says your accusations are false.

  6. #51
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    K dude, whatever.
    you didn't get that did you? my gawd you are indeed ignorant

    Yes it does. It says your accusations are false.
    it is an antiquatem, so saying that is not, which you just did, is yet another lie

    I've kind of lost count how often you lied now and anytime you say that I didn't show, that you lied only adds another lie to your long list of lies.
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  7. #52
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    @ Swirvin' Birds

    Forget about arguing with freemehul and let him have his delusions. I gave up on him he just calls everyone that doesn't agree with him a lier.

  8. #53
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    he just calls everyone that doesn't agree with him a lier.
    I only call people that lie, a liar. There are people I don't agree with that i haven't called a liar.

    So that proofs you wrong.
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  9. #54
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by freemehul View Post
    I only call people that lie, a liar. There are people I don't agree with that i haven't called a liar.

    So that proofs you wrong.
    Whatever dude. Your are so full of it you cannot hear yourself anymore. Bye bye have fun.

  10. #55
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    whatever troll
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  11. #56
    Post Fiend
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    Freemehul. Read the definition of a antiquitatem.

    Argumentum ad antiquitatem, or appeal to tradition, is a fallacy used to judge an act based entirely on its what was an accepted part of tradition at the time, and not the actual implications thereof. It is often very effective, because it can be cleverly disguised as inference of context. It is, however, an abject fallacy, since traditions have often included witch burnings and human sacrifices - and they are clearly not defendable on mere "context".

    Please tell me how that has anything to do with my military service? Your trying to use a big word when you don't even know the definition.

    And you need some help with no sequitur apparently. Here you go on that one...

    /nɒnˈsɛkwɪtər/) is Latin for "it does not follow". It is most often used to indicate something which does not follow logically, such as a stated conclusion that is not supported by the facts. Non sequitur may refer to:

    * Non sequitur (logic), a logical fallacy
    * Non sequitur (humor), a comment that has no relation to the preceding comment or to an ongoing discussion or topic
    * Non Sequitur (comic strip), a comic strip by Wiley Miller
    * "Non Sequitur" (Star Trek: Voyager), an episode of Star Trek: Voyager

    I have given you many facts to follow-up on if you would actually do a little research yourself. And yes it does have to do with the ongoing discussion. And tell me how voting 90+% with Bush is a Non-Sequitur. We always use peoples voting records to get an idea of the policies they are going to follow.

    So stop trying to use big words that you obviously can't use properly and actually try a little debating.

    I've noticed 010101. He can't debate the issues. He just uses personal attack. Hmmm... now I see why he likes Republicans. lol.
    Last edited by Swirvin' Birds; 17-09-2008 at 02:08.

  12. #57
    Hm. Republicans. Ignorant. American.

    GLOBAL WARMING is real, here we study them. And science proof them.
    McCain is Bush' kagebunshin. Yes, he is. That's why McCain will be Bush all over again for 4 years. And then USA lost in debt to Saudi Arabia! Hooray!

    Beside, don't be ignorant. Or acting all-high and mighty. You are not a god!

    Are you?

    note: to freemehul
    Hail Muhammad!

  13. #58
    Post Fiend
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    if you want to vote for mccain, who is old and frail and has been hit by cancer multiple times, you must ask yourself. are you willing to let Palin take over the hot seat and screw up the world?

    obama/biden 08

  14. #59
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    Watch this pure moment of sweetness.

  15. #60
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    Joining in

    I would like to join this debate with your permission. i only ask not to be attacked and critisized.
    first ill introduce myself, im an israeli who served during the second lebanon war and served as a commander later on. Im currently looking for a better place to live than Israel because i believe that Israel is not a safe place to bring up my children and got fed up with the government's corruption that only gets worse with every passing year.

    The first issue I would like to talk about is what I believe is the most pressing issue the world is faced with today, and that is not the american economy. we, as western nations dont understand who we are dealing with. Our common enemies do not share our culture, we are facing muslim extremists these are the same people who blow up buses with women and children and hijack planes and crash them into towers and into the pentagon, willing to kill themselves along with hundreds more innocent people who never did anything wrong.
    I believe that this threat is the biggest threat we are facing today as a free world, an evil power that wants to take the world 1300 years back to a great Islamic empire, and to do it by force if necessary .
    I'm not saying going into Iraq was necessaraly the right thing to do.. but the situation we are facing with today is not wether to go into Iraq, but what to do now that we are there. Iraq was a decision made by the bush administration, I thought everyone knew by now, to try to reduce our dependancy on foreign oil by forcing Iraq to by an ally in inforcing a new gorvernment and having american oil companies established in the region in the process.
    Now I do believe some of the evils of the world lie withing Afghanistan and northern Pakistan with taliban and al-quaeda which is a very big terrorist organization that collects money, some of it given to certain countries by the US government to train and recruit its army of martyrs and fuel its Jihad, a holy Islamic war, against the people who dont follow Islam. and what we dont understand is that by taking troops out of Iraq the Islamic front will see it as a victory over America and a victory over the weakening western world. which in turn will only fuel the war against it, and this isnt something we need.
    And what happens once we get Osama? is the holy war going to stop? we still have the biggest and most powerful Islamic extremist Achmadinejad the Leader of the Republic of Iran, who openly calls to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and has long arms such as hizbollah (God's army) working under him, being fully supported with weapons and fully trained.
    so this is why I think we should pay more attention to whats going on in the world.
    I watched an interview with a europian jewish holocaust survivor a couple of years ago and he was asked, whats the biggest lesson you learned from the holocaust, his answer was. If someone tells you he's going to exterminate you, believe him", and that is why we cannot allow Islamic militant regime's to keep on ruling the Islamic world, and this is why why we cannot allow a religious mad Islamic fantasist to rule one of the most powerful arab countries of the world, and that is why we cannot allow Iran to develop Neuclear weapons.

    For the economy. I dont think any of the candidates shows a very good solution to the economy. Obama has the Idea of cutting tax for 95% of middle class families, this is good, I dont think it is good that rich people have so many loop holes in the tax system and almost the entire tax system relies upon the middle class who face an economic crisis of their on at the end of each month. but on the other hand I dont think that the increase of 800 billion dollars in spending will help the economy. America already owes china over a trillion dollars in debt, this is a horrible situation especially because china is becoming an economic superpower that is threatening the future of american economical stability.
    On the other hand, Mccain, I dont think cutting taxes for businesses and thus creating more businesses who want to invest in the united states and thus creating mroe jobs for americans will help, because the current loop holes in the american business tax system allows businesses to not have to invest their money inside America and thus not helping the economy at all. and also adding taxes on healthcare as Mccain suggested will only add problems and not solve them.

    Now I dont think Palin is the perfect candidate for vice president, its true that it was a desperate move done by Mccain in order to sweep votes to his favor, but when people talk again and again about what sarah palin has done in the past and how she was only a mayor and a governor and how you cant 'learn on the job' when it comes to being vice president, they forget about Obama, Obama hasnt even been Mayor. He has no expereince in this kind of management. Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review after finishing Harvard law school. He procticed as a civil rights attorney and from there got to the Illinois senate. He was teacher in Chicago Law School.
    Obama also has no experience and president is not a 'learn on the job' either.

    Now, I again ask as I did before. Please dont attack me and dont twist my words. I would like to debate and not have a mindless battle of who doesnt know what he's talking about, giving quates about specific words iv'e used and how they dont fit. please respond about the whole Idea and the message im trying to pass through here.

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