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Thread: Do Not Vote Obama.

  1. #1
    Enthusiast Sully's Avatar
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    Do Not Vote Obama.

    How could anyone consider voting for someone as politically inept as Obama...The Senator has yet to produce an original thought. His voting record within the senate is frightening....VOTING PRESENT is not what he was elected to do. He became a senator of Illinois based upon the platform in which he ran...His platform did not include voting present as apposed creating change.

    Furthermore his plan of of further supporting the most corrupt group in the world(The United Nations) with Billions more of the US tax payer's dollars is laughable...Seriously look at what has been given to the United Nations over the last 15 years and compare that with aid that made it to the intended locations.

    And Finally the ideas that personally piss me off the most are the Democratic ideals that every American has the right to own a home...yes even those on welfare...The Democrats continue to try to pass legislation that will not provide housing for those on welfare but to buy them houses...It is one thing to provide Temporary relief for those on hard time but to buy them houses and on top of that to give them money to live on for life is STUPID....Welfare was intended to be a temporary relief for those who had fallen on hard times not a way of LIFE.

    So when the Election Rolls around remember to vote NOBAMA.
    Taking back the InternetClickME

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I like to post Catwalk's Avatar
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    Voting present? What kind of fish is that? Supporting the UN? Yeah, the guy must be a nutjob. The Democrats want to buy a home for all Americans? Source, please.
    For Master of Magic fans:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dylan Collins, CEO of OMAC
    You should ask as many people as you can to criticise what you plan on doing.

  4. #4
    Enthusiast Sully's Avatar
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    No they just what to allow for those on welfare to get financing for homes....which they are given housing vouchers for....meaning they are approved for home loans which are in turn paid for by the tax payers.

    As for a source go to any democratic run website and search for housing vouchers...DLC or DNC both list their platforms on the situation.
    Taking back the InternetClickME

  5. #5
    Enthusiast Sully's Avatar
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    The problem isnt that the democrats are trying to pass legislation to pay for housing for those on welfare but that they already did pass such legislation....Another serious issues is the adverse affects of the high Corporate taxes that democrats continue to try to raise while republicans are trying to lower them....As we can see from the current state of the economy the senate and House have done a great job of destroying jobs within the US so that they could create money for their ambitious welfare agenda.
    Taking back the InternetClickME

  6. #6
    Veteran Bluefaerydust's Avatar
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    nobama in o8

    i gotta ask why on earth would anyone even consider him :S it sickens me to think he might be our president

  7. #7
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    Furthermore his plan of of further supporting the most corrupt group in the world(The United Nations) with Billions more of the US tax payer's dollars is laughable

    Obama ftw! at least he doesnt have his head stuck six feet in the sand..

  8. #8
    Post Fiend Astares's Avatar
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    Can you people seriously consider voting for McCain? I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the Republicans to tell me ANYTHING specific. So far all i've heard from them are vauge statements. Now, I know it's a "political game" they're playing. Washington has been playing this same game for decades now. BS the voters with political sidestepping and double-talk to get out of answering any question that can be held against them. You may not agree with everything Obama says, but at least the man is willing to say it. Now McCain is trying to shift the focus away from the economy. Are you freaking nuts? What could be more important at this moment in time than the economy? Housing? Can't buy a house without money. Education? Can't build schools without a stable economy. The environment? That's going to fix itself. Under continued Republican control this country is heading back to the days of living in log cabins and heating with wood. Riding a horse and farming because you A) don't have gas B) couldn't afford it if you did C) couldn't afford the car even if you could get the gas.

    McCain had it easy in the primaries, everyone else gave up early. He never had to go through the prolonged mud-slinging Barak had to endure from Hilary. Now he's trying to play dirty, but most of it we've already heard. His entire campaign strategy seems to be based on showing why Obama is wrong for the job, with not much effort put into telling us why he's RIGHT for the job. Tired of all that mumbo jumbo, i'm interested in someone with balls.

    Oh, on a side note. Taxes will go up regardless of who wins the election. If you think otherwise you're a moron. How else are we going to have any hope of getting out of this hole we're sinking into? Barak has a much better economic plan than McCain, and I wish him well getting through the political red tape required to do anything harder than requisition paperclips.

  9. #9
    Enthusiast Sully's Avatar
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    I personally dont mind my taxes raising...depending on the reasoning. Employment is out there I didnt join the Army to protect the right of the unemployed to stay unemployed. I joined the army to protect the Ideals of our Capitalist....NOT SOCIALIST government. The fact that the top 10% of wage earners in this nation pay 90% of the taxes is disgusting. I am Not Rich, I am not Elitist, but I do believe that every Adult in this nation should at the very least try to support themselves...I Understand that Some are unable but if the welfare system were to truly be investigated how many leaches do you think you would find?

    You ask about the economy i ask you to look at things that have caused this...

    How is it that people that have never even paid taxes can some how collect Social Security? And i am not talking about Senior Citizen i am speaking of the young.

    Welfare is a true beast...It was set up to support people on a temporary basis not support families for generations...Call me callus but this is reality. People graduating High School just to jump onto the welfare system...we soon after set them up with housing vouchers(originally intended to cover rent) And now they are qualifying for home loans....Their Payments for there houses covered by the Housing vouchers....And you dont see a flawed system?

    If you want McCain's stance check his voting history he is loyal to putting an end to the free ride system....

    Taking back the InternetClickME

  10. #10
    Post Fiend Astares's Avatar
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    I've checked McCain out, and he seems to change his mind mid-sentence based on whatever his advisors tell him. He's like a shock victim, retreating to whatever keeps him safe. His viewpoints don't break away from that either, as they change depending on what new information he's told. You'll see, starting 1 minute ago, in the debate. :)

  11. #11
    Post Fiend Astares's Avatar
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    And I was right.

    Referring to Obama as "that one" shows how condescending he is, and avoiding shaking hands? What, he doesn't want any of the black to rub off or something? Give me a break.

  12. #12
    Post Fiend
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    I joined the army to protect the Ideals of our Capitalist....NOT SOCIALIST government.
    I joined the Army for love of country. So I guess your against the bail-outs? Corporate welfare and socialism?

    The fact that the top 10% of wage earners in this nation pay 90% of the taxes is disgusting.
    It's Wealth Distribution that is disgusting. the top 20% of wage earners hold about 85% of all private wealth. The rest, 80% of the country holds about 16% of all private wealth.

    if the welfare system were to truly be investigated how many leaches do you think you would find?
    How many years have the republicans held office? Has this been taken care of? I agree with you. They need to weed these people out.

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
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    And Finally the ideas that personally piss me off the most are the Democratic ideals that every American has the right to own a home...
    That was your George Bush REPUBLICAN buddy there...

  14. #14
    Forum Addict
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    How can anyone consider to vote for Bush2? Mccain is Bush2, he will do what Bush did. In other words, f**k up usa.

    Did you know that statistics show that usa's economy ALWAYS run better during democrat governments?
    ABS vs Rangers

  15. #15
    Forum Addict
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sully View Post
    I personally dont mind my taxes raising...depending on the reasoning. Employment is out there I didnt join the Army to protect the right of the unemployed to stay unemployed. I joined the army to protect the Ideals of our Capitalist....NOT SOCIALIST government. The fact that the top 10% of wage earners in this nation pay 90% of the taxes is disgusting. I am Not Rich, I am not Elitist, but I do believe that every Adult in this nation should at the very least try to support themselves...I Understand that Some are unable but if the welfare system were to truly be investigated how many leaches do you think you would find?

    You ask about the economy i ask you to look at things that have caused this...

    How is it that people that have never even paid taxes can some how collect Social Security? And i am not talking about Senior Citizen i am speaking of the young.

    Welfare is a true beast...It was set up to support people on a temporary basis not support families for generations...Call me callus but this is reality. People graduating High School just to jump onto the welfare system...we soon after set them up with housing vouchers(originally intended to cover rent) And now they are qualifying for home loans....Their Payments for there houses covered by the Housing vouchers....And you dont see a flawed system?

    If you want McCain's stance check his voting history he is loyal to putting an end to the free ride system....


    No offense to you whatsoever, but you should try to live in for example Norway for 1 year, and get to know what kind of system we run over here. Just for your own sake, for reflection. It never hurts to know how others do it. :) Then you might find you have another view on your own system, or you will find you still agree with it.
    ABS vs Rangers

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