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Thread: Powell endorses Obama for president!

  1. #1
    Postaholic allonons's Avatar
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    Powell endorses Obama for president!

    ya baby!

  2. #2
    Forum Addict RAKIdaRHINO's Avatar
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    OmG ItS a BlAcK ConSpirACy! O_____________O
    (admins, take a deep breath and taste the sarcasm)

  3. #3
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    figures he'll go with anything that offers him income and a job
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  4. #4
    Post Fiend
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    figures he'll go with anything that offers him income and a job
    Shows how ill-informed and biased you are.

  5. #5
    Veteran Bluefaerydust's Avatar
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    well this isnt news at all --
    he was originally going to be at the democratic convention when obama was nominated

    and of course he is backing obama - he has no other choice really - for many reasons...

  6. #6
    Post Fiend
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    and of course he is backing obama - he has no other choice really - for many reasons...
    List them please. We can all easily find why he CHOSE to support Obama. But obviously you have information the rest of us don't... please share.

  7. #7
    Veteran Bluefaerydust's Avatar
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    Start first of all by looking at the way that George W Bush treated Powell. When Powell declared that he was republican, it was because of his respect for Bush Sr. Unfortunately that was the OLD republicans - they were much more moderate and their actions frequently matched their rhetoric... Now, Powell is working with a far right conservative NEW republican party whose rhetoric has NOTHING to do with their actions. this disappointment in the outcome of his time with the new republicans is reason #1 Although McCain is not conservative enough for many republicans - Powell surely has an unpleasant taste in his mouth after his reign in the Bush administration. Perhaps he is trying to distance himself from any ties to Bush and the new republicans. What better way than to run to Obama? Reason 2

    Currently it seems as if there is little doubt that Obama will be the next president. Here is the opportunity for Powell to find himself another cushy job with Obama - perhaps the same job as before? Reason 3

    Additionally, it's hard for me not to see Powell's endorsement of Obama as a way to clear his conscience for the role he played in selling the Iraq war, which Obama opposed from the beginning. Reason 4

    Powell is the same guy that gave us the speech about Iraq and WMDs. Powell needed to restore his good name which was tarnished by his part in Bush's rush into the war in Iraq, a war that Powell knew would be a messy affair. He is playing the role of the true American statesman, and he knows what he needs to do to be the American hero again. This time he's taking a public stand for what the majority of American sees is right. He has to do something to clear his name after being the only person besides Bush who could have stopped the Iraq war. Reason 5

    Now add to that the Powell is the product of the civil rights movement himself - how can he not back up the first black president? Reason 6 True Powell suggested that race was NOT the primary factor motivating his support of Obama - but how can it not have some bearing on his choice? (However, this assertion remains to be seen in the court of public opinion) At the very least it is a reaction against the so-called racism from the republican campaign. Reason 7

    BTW Conspicuous from Powell's endorsement was his failure to mention any of Obama’s demonstrated professional and executive accomplishments. (Possibly because there is little or nothing to mention other than Obama's shady connections and community organizer work) Instead, he chose to point out negative subjective things about the the republicans. That same ultra-conservative group that helped to bring him down. Was this a little revenge? or evening of the scales? Reason 8

    oh yeah and another point...
    If Barack Obama really believed what he says about Iraq, he wouldn't give Colin Powell the time of day, let alone allow Powell and his views to tarnish him. It just makes one wonder exactly what does Barack Obama really believe, and what is he saying simply because he thinks it will help him get to the White House? Seems to me I remember the democrats remarking after Powell’s UN address; “The man has no credibility left.” Now his “credibility" has returned… magically Guess that this proves the democrat’s scruples are of no higher principle than those of the outgoing administration. Can you believe the “change candiate” who is so critical of anything Bush is possibly going to work with a former Bush cabinet member? Dont you think it makes more sense for Obama to get as far away from anyone associated with Bush as possible?

  8. #8
    Member RAW POWER's Avatar
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    I used to have so much respect for Powell. After he sold the war in Iraq and the extent of the exageration came to light I thought alot less of Powell. Even though he felt played by the Bush administration I do not believe this is warranted. Howe can he be a republican and now align himself with the most liberal ticket this country has seen?

    It is apparent that the only reason Obama is using this sponsorship is to gain more swing votes. I do not see it would be possible for them to see eye to eye on the issues.

    And yes, it is a guaranteed position in the white house.

  9. #9
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    Shows how ill-informed and biased you are.
    on the contrary, it shows how dumb and naive you are
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    or maybe its because obama is actually better suited for the job

  11. #11
    Veteran Bluefaerydust's Avatar
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    thats unlikely since even his running mate is dogging him!

  12. #12
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    thats just ur opinion, whereas powell, a republican, speaking out in public about his support for obama is a fact

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
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    on the contrary, it shows how dumb and naive you are
    That coming from you makes me laugh...

    thats unlikely since even his running mate is dogging him!
    More Republican BS. Quit using partial snippets from a speach. It really dumbs you down. Here's more on what he said since you can't seem to get your own info except from the McCain campaign.

    At a fund-raiser Sunday night in Seattle, Biden said, "Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy," according to press accounts.

    Kennedy authorized the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba three months after his inauguration in 1961, then faced the Cuban missile crisis the following year.

    “The world is looking," Biden continued. "We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he’s gonna have to make some really tough - I don’t know what the decision’s gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it’s gonna happen. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate. And he’s gonna need help."

    In similar remarks at another fund-raising event Sunday night, Biden quickly added that those who test Obama will quickly find out he has "a spine of steel."

    There's even more there but I figure you need to read on and look the info up yourself instead of relying on the McCain campaign for your info.

    All Presidents have been tested with one crisis or another early in their presidencies. A fact you don't seem to grasp.

    Start first of all by looking at the way that George W Bush treated Powell. When Powell declared that he was republican, it was because of his respect for Bush Sr. Unfortunately that was the OLD republicans
    You know this how? Your so close to Powell that he told you this? Your making it up to suit your needs.

    Powell surely has an unpleasant taste in his mouth after his reign in the Bush administration. Perhaps he is trying to distance himself from any ties to Bush and the new republicans.
    Powell has already said why. Making stuff up to suit your needs.

    Currently it seems as if there is little doubt that Obama will be the next president. Here is the opportunity for Powell to find himself another cushy job with Obama - perhaps the same job as before?
    Do you think Powell really needs a job? LMAO. Again making stuff up to suit your need.

    Additionally, it's hard for me not to see Powell's endorsement of Obama as a way to clear his conscience for the role he played in selling the Iraq war, which Obama opposed from the beginning.
    He already told you why. More making up stuff... what is it with you all having to make stuff up? He already told you why.

    Powell is the same guy that gave us the speech about Iraq and WMDs. Powell needed to restore his good name which was tarnished by his part in Bush's rush into the war in Iraq, a war that Powell knew would be a messy affair. He is playing the role of the true American statesman, and he knows what he needs to do to be the American hero again. This time he's taking a public stand for what the majority of American sees is right. He has to do something to clear his name after being the only person besides Bush who could have stopped the Iraq war.
    Yep and he already addressed that didn't he. More making stuff up... my god how sad.

    Now add to that the Powell is the product of the civil rights movement himself - how can he not back up the first black president?
    And like Powell said. He would have endorsed the guy over a year ago. He gave you his reasons. But you just don't want to believe his reasoning because it doesn't suit your purpose.

    BTW Conspicuous from Powell's endorsement was his failure to mention any of Obama’s demonstrated professional and executive accomplishments. (Possibly because there is little or nothing to mention other than Obama's shady connections and community organizer work) Instead, he chose to point out negative subjective things about the the republicans. That same ultra-conservative group that helped to bring him down. Was this a little revenge? or evening of the scales?
    He gave a bunch of reasons. You just choose not to believe him because he is not endorsing your candidate.

    You did not give 1 single reason other than your own biased opinion. Have you even read what Powell said in all of this? Do you know Powell is not the only Republican that now supports Obama? Probably not as you wont get that info from Rush Limbaugh.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    So why do you want to take the chance at he sure thing Biden promises will happen?

    Look, I am fairly reserved to the fact that Obama is going to win, that still doesn't change my vote, but I welcome it. When you have all lost your jobs because he raised taxes on your employers, thus making them have to cut costs (LABOR COSTS), which means jobs lost, I will whistle all the way to your door with your civil warrant.

    Then a month later my buddy in the brown uniform will come to see you and kick you out of your house.

    So by all means, GO OBAMA! I can't wait for all the money I'm going to get when none of you have any.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    theres a difference between pleasing a group and pleasing a nation. i have no doubt that obama will make the united states richer and stronger as a nation compare to mccain, of course certain groups might have to suffer temporarily as a consequence

    im not trying to convince u to vote for obama or anything, theres nothing wrong with voting against someone whos policy will cause ur personal loss, but obama's policies will please more ppl in the country, thats why more ppl will vote for him. as for the ppl who might loose something, if u think on behalf of the nation as a whole u might change ur mind

    unfortunately tho most ppl who vote do not have full knowledge to what policies can do in the long term, they usually either base their votes on what they think of the candidate as a person or any small immediate benefit one party can do for them (i dont mean anyone in particular, i mean in general). thats why in canada the conservatives were still able to win, unfortunately... ppl did not understand the liberal's policy and only listened to harper's propaganda, while the liberals did not have the money to fully advertise their plans. its a sad day for canada :(

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