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Thread: Thread Ideas

  1. #91
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    I don't like any post RotJ except the ones without Jedi in it. Or limited.

    Thousands? I thought there were tens or hundreds of thousands. ^_-

    regardless, I don't like the job he did on the casting of the movies (besides ewan mcgregor and liam neeson. Abercrombie boy wasn't bad... but meh.). I hated the gionosan thing, and the naboo thing with jarjar, didn't like the federation guys (driods? what a cop out. I like fleshier and more menacy kind of menaces.). But the story wasn't BAD. the original ones are my canon. Everything else is just filler for me.

    I'm up for a SW thread I think. As long as the forcers don't go overboard or become too powerful, or get too numerous.

    If there are, I'll just have to make people who - because of the force affecting them, but not having jedi influence - use the darker side and expand their powers through it. Because the balance is in effect. it would be equally good and bad forcers to start. the imbalance begins when one gets power over the other, obviously, and monopolizes one 'side' to the force.

    note; i'm not telling you how to run your thread. ;) just my personal views.

    also, I dont' look at luke as a good or bad character. rather much like qui'gon, mace, etc. a grey jedi.

  2. #92
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    All the Jedi weren't purged in Order 66, but all of the council members and most of the Knights of measurable skill were. Still others turned to the Dark Side to be later redeemed by Luke (case in point, Mara Jade). Order 66 was meant to kill them all, but many were able to overpower/avoid the clones and went into hiding like Yoda. I think Lucas was braindead when he wrote Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto's deaths, though. They were both masters of the use of the Force and woudl have easliy felt the danger before the first shot was even fired. A handful of clones should have been no problem for either of them.

    Anyway, they're still dead in LK's thread... and I think I'm going to adapt my character Valuri for his thread. Valuri is supposed to be a Courasant-native human at the rank of Knight. Also LK, when you put up the character sheet, we should probably use the Kngiht of the Old Republic class system to better identify our character's abilities (Guardian, Sentinel, Consular), even though those designations are not official, it saves a lot of explaination.

    Edit: (ren and i posted at the same time >.<) Luke is definately a "gray jedi". If you've read any of the books, his internal struggle is constant within himself, yet all the newer jedi and Leia's children see him as this beacon of light. The Yuuzhon Vong War (New Jedi Order series) shows a lot of that. However, I think Windu was very much a light Jedi. His place on the council is evident of that. His wanting to kill Palpatine was justified, but Anakin had to get all righteous all the sudden (prick) and cut off his arm.
    Last edited by Shari Tana; 24-10-2008 at 06:47.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  3. #93
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    Well the point of my question was just to ask about Forcers in LKs universe, I didn't plan to start up a storm of discussion. Still, now that we've raised the topic I might as well chatter away until LK gets the rest of that thread up (hint hint ;) )

    Luke's constant self doubt over how he should lead the New Jedi Order got them all into a lot of trouble numerous times, if I remember right. He swings back and forth between methodologies as he finds himself needing to adapt to a changing galaxy so yes, Grey Jedi seems like a good designation for him. I was kind of disappointed that the Potentium philosophy (There is no "light side" and "dark side", there is just the Force and the motive of the wielder) ended up being emphatically stated - repeatedly and I think possibly at least once by Lucas himself - as being a corrupt philosophy that leads to the Dark Side because in my opinion that would have made for a kickass New Jedi Order.

    I think the NJO as a novel series fell to pieces after the first few books.. I've heard its got its ups and downs the rest of the way through but I'm not sure I want to spend the money to find out. I jumped instead to Star Wars Legacy, a comic series set quite distant from any era. Now that is a nifty series and the Imperial Knights are absolutely awesome (go look them up on Wookiepedia if you're curious).

    As an actor, the one constant and consistent problem I had with the Prequel Trilogy was that Hayden Christiansen did an abymsal, unconvincing and thoroughly wooden performance of Anakin. We should have seen a brave, strong, noble Knight become corrupted by his fears and become a terrifying Sith Lord. What we got was a whinging brat. It's hard to believe Obi-Wan didn't just repeatedly smack him upside the head and tell him to grow up. Then again, looking at the dialogue he had to work with...

    Ewan McGregor was the highlight of it all though.

  4. #94
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    You know, to be honest I don't see why everyone hates Hayden in Anakin's role. I think he did a really good job. I took the 'whining' in stride, as I didn't really see it that way, but you have to think he did have to work with what he was scripted to do *shrugs* Besides, Lucas apparently liked it (hence Hayden being in them) lol
    edit: Plus, you gotta remember Luke was whiny in the original trilogy lol

    Anyways, as far as the balance in the Force goes, I will unveil more of that later. Suffice to say that the handful of Force users that will be the core of the story do not matter much.
    Shari Tana - Remember that Valuri (depending on how you adapt him) will be in his fifties at this point (18+ for becoming a Knight, 30+ years later for the RotJ movie, 8 years later for the thread).

    The characters I'd like for this would be in their twenties at the oldest. We're going for young Jedi that have been gathered together and trained. Most of the older Knights and such are still in hiding. I'll talk more about that in my next post in the thread (which will be ooc totally)

    As for the Potentium, I love that philosophy and it makes a tons of sense. That is all
    Last edited by LordKain; 24-10-2008 at 13:57.

  5. #95
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Oh, I realize that LK. By adapt, I mean take him from my story and put him in yours, not that he existed during the Clone Wars. I was planning on making him about 25, but 20 works okay too, I guess. In my story he's about 30. I just wanted to use his character, not his background.

    As far as the books go, NJO is my favorite series. Mainly because they're not primarily about Luke. In my opinion they are mostly about Jaina and Anakin. Jacen would be the whiney brat of that series, though. Funny how all the whiney bratty types end up with Darth tacked on to thier name.... I suppose emo = Sith.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  6. #96
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    Alright, I just wanted to throw it out there ^^ 25 can be doable, I suppose, just the younger the better.

    Yeah, NJO was pretty kick ass. I haven't read any others, but I am gonna start the Thrawn trilogy asap. Jacen did suck balls, too, whiny little biatch :/
    LOL I almost threw in two huge spoilers. Luckily, I caught myself XD

  7. #97
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    So let's get moving on the thread then! ;)

  8. #98
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    Hahahahahaha, I wish ProtossAssassin was around. Then both he and I could be mercenaries and do what he did in one of his roleplaying games. Basically Protoss Assassin took a lot of money and screwed the other players (whom were Dark Jedis >8D.)

  9. #99
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    God I feel like such a poohead :/
    I'm working on the next post, been feeling lazy and procrastinate lately -.-

    GI - I played a Ewok merc in the actual SW RPG. He was a crazy little farker that was addicted to drugs and was a badass fighter. He was a clepto *cough*theif*cough* as well. Him and my buddies chara (another Ewok, this one a computer whiz, he was experimented on by the Empire and had data jacks and crap lol) stole an Imperial Dropship filled with weapons, crates of thermal detonators, grenades of all sorts, armor, several AT-PTs, and a FREAKIING AT-ST LOL

    Good times, good times
    Last edited by LordKain; 27-10-2008 at 16:33.

  10. #100
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    NZ - final destination!
    I didn't get past the first 50 pages of NJO. I just didn't like it. The Vong didn't do it for me.

    I liked what little I remember of the Thrawn series. Dark Force Rising was a good one. I liked Timothy Zahn's ideas for the most part. Though the writers did basically do fanfic, Lucas gave the yea or neigh on it overall for what they could do. That's why Mara Jade ended up with Luke romantically instead of someone else. Lucas forbade it except for Mara. *shrug*

  11. #101
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    Timothy Zahn was one of the writers in the NJO series, Ren. Mabey if you read the first chapter, it would rub off a little? :P

    *poke @ Kain*
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  12. #102
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    Timothy Zahn didn't write for the NJO - how I wish he had. He did write the Hand of Thrawn Duology (Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future) though, which I believe was the last of the pre-NJO EU novels chronologically.

    Where are you Kain? I'm getting Star Wars deprived!

  13. #103
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    btw, anyone read about the 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' MMORPG?

    Looks pretty sweet...

  14. #104
    Post Fiend Shari Tana's Avatar
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    It really all depends on how it's delivered. WoW is king for a reason, and let me tell you, that's one tough nut to crack. Age of Conan failed, Warhammer Online failed, Star Wars Galaxies failed... I could go on. Mostly, I would be concerned with the accuracy of the universe they create to the time period. Knights of the Old Republic was set some 4,000 years before A New Hope. If they go too far back, blaster weapons and lightsaber technology will be in its infancy. While it would be rather interesting to play a Star Wars game with vibroblades and slug weapons, it wouldn't feel like one. On the other hand, if they are too close to Phantom Menace, they have to be sure players are experienceing the Galactic Republic in its prime. Jedi would be revered and honored. Sith would be much more than just a master, apprentice, and a handful of adepts.

    The game can be awesome if they do it right, and make the decisions players make affect the Republic's attitude towards them. For instance, if a player wanted to be a Sith, he would need to be awarded by having dark side allies and powers, but also punished by being a kill-on-sight target for Republic soldier and Jedi, player or NPC.

    I'll probably end up playing it for at least two months, just like I did Age of Conan. If it holds togethers, and I get the oppertunity to make a Mandalorian supercommando... I'll probably stick to it.
    "I am the brightest light, for I am darkness. I know everything, for I know nothing. I am a container, brimming with emotion, for I am empty."
    --Bebedora, Arc the Lad

    "Intelligence is the key, and she is locked out." - Josh Sneed, in reference to his ex.

  15. #105
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    Sorry all, I'm still working on it. I've been buys at work, and at home I just feel too blah to think about it :/ It sucks majorly

    Just a small thing. "Sith would be much more than just a master, apprentice, and a handful of adepts." <-- What exactly did you mean by that?

    About the game, I dunno, haven't heard of it. I actually bought Galaxies with all the expansions for like 30bux over a year ago, but have never tried it lol
    I don't even remember where it is atm O.O haha

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