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Thread: Please help me with Elf A/M build

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sage might end up being better as you can get increased rune production from sciences as well as achieving higher mod wpa/tpa
    I think I will end up with either a sage or artisan personality.
    How would the sage build differ from what I currently have?

    By the sounds of it your looking to be A/m, rather than A/M. If you wanted M you'd be using FB/Tornadoes if you didnt have MS, in which case Arti would work but you'd need 20% towers to perform. It could be done but you'll be losing some military buildings.
    FB and timed spells are what I usually employ.
    I think I agree with you about the A/m bit, since I would prefer to be a more capable attacker than mage, not the other way around.

    If your running TD and Mystic, wouldnt you be better suited to being T/M at the minute also? Drop the TG for some forts and more towers and your there.
    That strategy was test to see if I could manage A/M/t as an elf.
    It didn't work that well and resulted in me being more an a/M/T which wasn't hugely effective with my playing style.
    I might try T/M if there is an availability in the kd.

    Thanks for the advice, cheers.

  2. #17
    Post Fiend
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    Aug 2008
    If your running Artisan you run Homes and Banks to fix your economy or Stables and (Dungeons). Them he saves on Farms, Guilds and Towers. He's actually saving around ten to fifteen percent buildings. Try to fit banks within your build to get the extra cash

  3. #18
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cjt207 View Post
    I think I will end up with either a sage or artisan personality.
    How would the sage build differ from what I currently have?
    If your build is still:
    Farms: 7%
    Banks: 15%
    Training Grounds: 16%
    Towers: 15%
    Thieves' Dens: 15%

    2.5 tpa, 3.5 wpa & 65% DR

    And you were going Sage A/m, I'd drop the TD for some forts and towers. Also drops the homes until later into the age when you are drafted and have some pop science. The rest can stay similar. You'll achieve higher tpa/wpa into the age so later in you can swap to T/M if you wanted to, or a/T/M if strong enough, by dropping the TG for TD/forts. Put science into income, then channeling, food, BE, housing. If you are swapping to T/M get some thievery. You'll want science on the 3rd setting at least, so pump income science heavily so you can afford to do it.

    If you wanted to go A/M right away as Artisan, I would drop the TD to get towers to 20%, up guilds to 15%. Lower homes some for some stables to keep your A strong. Put any science into income, food, channelling, BE, then housing, but keep it on the 2nd setting at most until you have built up your miltary.

    I personally prefer Forts over TG, but that is preference. If your actively attacking TG is probably better for you but if you do start leaning towards ops more than attacks definitely get some Forts. When your turtled with elites home they will make a big difference and if you can be unbreakable in war you can sit back and just op them to bits, hitting only suiciders.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    I am an elf/artisan a/m.

    I am currently 3k+ acres, with 2.0 TPA and a current wpa of 1.6(I'm recooping from war).
    -- sci is 10%+ income, 6% tools, and housing, 50% food, channeling and crime. War is 9.3.
    -- I use def specs, then an almost 2:1 leet: off spec ratio. In war I only train off and def specs.

    --my build:
    homes 20%
    farms 5%+
    TG's 11%+
    forts 13%+
    guilds 11%+
    towers 11%+
    wt's 16%
    Libs 6% (enough for a 10% boost to all sciences)

    I'm trying to eliminate banks from my mix. There are only 4%+ left. My income is: Daily Income: 84,790gc.

    I am strong enough mage to get drought, greed, pitfalls on all in my range in war. I am a medium strength attacker, but can pack a punch if attacking anyom. In war, my peasant base is strong enough to be chained, and they usually give up after 3-4 attacks.

  5. #20
    Needs to get out more VT2's Avatar
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    Greed, pitfalls, and drought don't make you A/M.
    Catwalk's crusade for legalized cheating was a stunning success, with ghettos and low-tiered teams everywhere losing their wells of knowledge to better kingdoms in the process.

    Step one: replace everything that works.
    Step two: blame the predictable epic fail on outside forces.
    Step three: keep the community informed that no progress has been made since the last update.
    Step four: thank you for your patience.

  6. #21
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
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    I think he meant A/m, but even then I wouldnt except much with 1.6 wpa. Either those WT came in after some AW or he's taken quite a bit of land, in which case he's not a bad Attacker at least!

  7. #22
    Forum Addict Toadi's Avatar
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    Drought, Greed and Piftalls are attacker spells. You do not need a high WPA to pull these on a regular basis. A/M should be used for the most difficult spells only, not for the easy ones.

    The 11% Training Grounds / 13% Forts does not make any sense. Unless you are running more defense than offense, which also does not make any sense anyways.

    But well, with 20% Homes and the worst personality, you cannot do much.

  8. #23
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    In my Opinion running 2.5 tpa is to much for you especialy if you plan to run 3.5 wpa. Keep in mind that Elves get clearsight, you could get by with 1 tpa and clearsight on, not saying that that would be better then 2.5 raw tpa but keep in mind that every 1 tpa=6opa or 5dpa gone, and thats not factoring military bonuses.

    In my opinion try your strat out in Genesis since its not as tough and co-ordinated as WoL.

  9. #24
    Post Fiend
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    Two quick questions:

    Do homes make it easier to over-pop a province during a chain?

    Ditto for high pop science, does that increase the ease of over-pop?

  10. #25
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
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    Not really, because your losing the same % of homes as the % of any other buildings so your max pop will go down by the same % as your acres do. Running high hosps make it easier to overpop.

    Homes make your more vulnerable to over pop via greater arson if they are targetted though, although Artisan will protect you somewhat from that.

  11. #26
    Sir Postalot
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    Aug 2008
    but if you go art for the building protection from GA, then, well, you're probably up against some rather poor kd's

    NS >>>> GA

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by waheed View Post
    im assuming u r using elites for offense and no off specs

    for defense elite and def specs are the same value so it wont make a difference

    at 29 ppa and 60% draft with 1.4 tpa, it gives 16 military troops per acre (not including thief). if u put 8 on offense and 8 on defense, thats 8 x 5 x 1.2 (assume 120% DME, pretty safe assumption with 200% pay, 7% forts and MP casted) = 48 mod tpa. for offense, its ((8 x 6) + 5) x 1.35 (8% stables give 5 horses per acre, or 5 raw opa per acre. 135% OME is a pretty standard assumption if u keep 18% TG, 200% pay and have honor bonus even if u dont include generals) = 71.55 mod opa

    of course those # are ideal, in reality u r not gonna face an opponent with ur province nice and shiny like that. but the same can be said for all other races as well

    as for the 29 pop per acre, a province has 25 raw pop per acre. with 20% homes its 26.6 pop per acre. lord gives 2%. assume 7% housing sci, thats 26.6 x 1.02 x 1.07 = 29.03. if u have baron honor u'll have 29.6 pop per acre
    My question is WHEN does switch from 100% to 200% Wage Rate? I've only been back to the game for 1 week now and I'm 800 Acres so there is still time to up the Pay?
    I play DE/Shepherd and train troops to 4:4:1:1 Off:Def:Elite:Thief ratio for NW considerations. I'm trying to keep my NW low for I seem to get better land returns attacking higher NW (not verified thou). Goals are to have 45 mod Dpa and 65 Opa and 3 Tpa and 1.5 Wpa.

    Actual Build:

    7.1 Homes
    4.5 Farms (--->4)
    17 Banks
    13.6 TG (--->14)
    10.3 Rax
    4.3 Forts (--->5)
    6.3 GS
    12.8 Guilds
    .1 Towers (to send Rune Aid)
    2.6 TD
    7.1 Stables
    1.2 Dungeons

    What have I done wrong? Please advise on build and training.
    Thank you,

  13. #28
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NW is somewhat over-rated, its not the be all and end all of your prov, you should run elites, simply so you can run less troops on defense, and more on offense
    but as a DE, you are going to need more than 45DPA....
    55-60 mod D in elites, rest in o-specs should be a good mix, this will mean you can send out an extra 2-3 elites when need be and it gives you more defense when army home =)

    i dont see the need for 200% PR, 150-160 is normally fine (gives ~105.5-106%ME)

  14. #29
    Post Fiend
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    Oct 2008
    Talazar: Wage rate is fairly quick to react. Going from 100 to 200% wage will raise your military efficiency by ~7.6% (i believe, might be off a little) over the course of 24 hours or so. Also run all or mostly elite defense, and less banks during war.

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